“These two figures, we will refer to Mr. Liang Ren’s suggestions to improve them. When the game ends in the afternoon, you should be able to see the brand new figure models.”

” I also wish Mr. Liang Ren a smooth game in the afternoon, and all colleagues in the product department will cheer for you.”

After talking with Chief-In-Charge Julie of the product department, the time has passed. Coming to noon.

Because Liu Qing, Liu Hong, A Zhe… They came from Fortree City to cheer for his game.

Liang Ren did not agree to Julie’s lunch invitation. Instead, he sent a message to Liu Qing and the others in advance and made an appointment to have lunch together at noon.

“Thank you, Julie (Julie) for your support, I will definitely try my best to compete.” Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

Can the peripherals sell well? In addition to their high quality and good-looking, the most fundamental thing is to see what results he can achieve in this tournament.

If you are like the Sanyueren, who looks fierce and ugly, and loses four straight in the preliminary round and is the first to be eliminated.

Mauville City Stadium here even if at first agreed to customize the figure for him as a contestant, it is not certain whether anyone will buy it in the end.

Following this conference, there are many trainers, and there are also many spectators who bought tickets to watch the game, but most of them are older adults.

Liang Ren What they earn from this type of audience is only prestige and fame. For example, around the figure, it is mainly youngster to consume.

Young consumers tend to like those who are strong and good-looking.

Liang Ren just met the conditions. The two figure models “Cherubim” and “Boundary Evolution” that Julie discussed with Julie just now also met the conditions.

The objective conditions have been fully satisfied. Can you really make money with the Mega Evolution Special Invitational?

“It depends on how the game played this afternoon.” Holding Slowpoke and leaving Julie’s office.

Liang Ren waited at the’Pokémon Center’, and then invited Misty, Afei, Walter, Ivan, and Akai for lunch.

Meeting with Liu Qingliuhong siblings and Azhe and their friends from the bird trainer clan, a large group of people seemed very lively.

“Brother Liang Ren, congratulations on your successful promotion to the semi-finals. Please continue to cheer for the afternoon game.”

“Liang Ren Junior Brother, Fortree City is only two weeks away. , Your strength is getting stronger and stronger. I, Senior, is under a lot of pressure~ haha.”

“Do you know how hot you are now? Some time ago I played you against Winona Sister Gym. The video clip of the battle was sent to station B, and it became popular. Now it has more than six million views.”


“…”< /p>

The preliminary rounds of the three main venues all dropped to Veilstone at noon. The first group to qualify was Ivan and Visakas.

The second group qualified Misty and Tyranitar trainer Gaara, and the third group qualified except Liang Ren, another place was taken by Date.

Akai is very strong, but it is a pity that Date and him each lost one point. Date was three wins and one loss, and he qualified for second place in the group.

The game in the morning was very fierce. Both the live audience and the online audience enjoyed a visual feast of Mega evolution.

At the end of the preliminary round, the topic of the “Mega Evolution of the Strongest Mega Evolution” special invitational competition continues to rise continuously.

Because the 15 players in the preliminary round were divided into three groups and placed in the three main venues for the competition, the strength of the players in the same group was very good.

However, the question of who is stronger among different groups of players and who has a higher winning rate in the game has aroused heated discussions among the audience.

Among the six qualifying players, only Liang Ren and Misty advanced to the top of the group with a record of complete victories.

At the same time, because Liang Ren and Misty are both from Kanto Region, the Kanto Region has gained a lot of attention because of the discovery of the sea god Lugia in Vermilion Port.

This time because of Liang Ren and Misty’s dazzling performance in the Mega Evolution Tournament, Kanto unconsciously was also labeled as an outstanding person.

The number of tourists to Kanto, as well as the number of trainers from outside the Region who challenged the Indigo Plateau Conference, also has a sharp rise.

Liang Ren and Misty, who are living in a different place and giving their hometown a long face, have become household names in Kanto Region for a while.

The number of trainers who went to Cerulean Gym to challenge suddenly increased.

Celadon City Beicheng District No. 8 Feeding Street·Fengzhu intersection corner, Liang Ren and his family opened “Meile Melody Nursing and Health Care House.”

Originally because of the low rating of Mother Ryoko Feeding Home, the business was gradually deserted. Now because of Liang Ren’s fame, suddenly the business resumes as it was when the store opened.


After lunch, Liang Ren and the others took a short rest, then went to the’Pokémon Center’ to retrieve Pokémon and began to prepare for the afternoon game.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Sky Sun began to sway slightly to the west, and the semi-finals officially began.

Mauville City Stadium 9th floor.

In the morning, Zvqi Steven, Drake, Glacia, Sidney, Phoebe, Stadium leaders and other distinguished guests watched the Peak Stadium.

Different from the deserted morning, there are only dozens of people acting as spectators.

In the afternoon, this huge Stadium, which can accommodate 10w spectators, is full of people and seats.

Photos of the six players who have advanced to the semi-finals are also shown on the huge electronic wall Rollout.


“roar roar~Good afternoon, dear audience friends, this is the semi-final site of the “Mega Evolution: The Strongest Mega Evolution” Special Invitational.”

“After fierce elimination in the morning, the following 6 players will advance to the semi-finals when only the top two of the 15 players in the three groups can qualify for the qualifying.”

Group qualifying players:

“Data Shield——Ivan”

“The King of Strength——Visacas”

Group ② qualifying players:< /p>

“Sand Waterfall——————Aara”

“Storm Mermaid——Misty”

Qualified players in group ③:

“Cherubim-Mumu Liang Ren”

“Fire Giant-Date”

“This afternoon, six players will enter the Peak Stadium in front of us for six goals The contest of the three semi-finals.”

“Who can enter the finals of the top three, who can…”

While the event commentator at the venue was doing the opening remarks with passion, Liang Ren and the six players who advanced to the semifinals, all gathered in the waiting hall of Peak Stadium.

Except for Ivan and Misty who are acquaintances, Liang Ren is not familiar with the others.

Even if the fire giant Date, who was promoted from the No. 3 main venue like him, did not communicate much with each other.

Liang Ren, Misty, and Ivan are sitting together, and the other three are sitting separately.

It seemed a bit impolite to whisper to others in person, so the three chose to set up a group chat on their mobile phones to discuss.



Although before the preliminary match, during the intermission, you will also watch the other two venues through the live event channel The situation of the game, but because the time is short, something is missing.

If you are playing in the same venue, you know better.

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