In a group of advanced players, Ivan qualified for the second place in the group. The first place is the trainer who looks like a strongman and has the title of “Power King”: Visakas.

Vissacas’s Pokémon is a Heracross of the “worm + Fighting” Attribute.

Ivan’s Sceptile Attribute was restrained by the opponent. “Bug Buzz + Pin Missile” made Sceptile unable to fly a kite. In the end, Ivan lost.

“Fighting + Psychic”, ALFY’s Medicham Attribute was also restrained by the opponent’s Heracross. In the end, ALFY also lost to Visakas.

The only female trainer in the same group, “Phantom Dance Linglong”, A Li, Lopunny Mega evolved and added Fighting Type.

The dilemma during the confrontation with ALFY was staged again in the battle with Visakas. Lopunny was no better than the dedicated Fighting Pokémon, and Visakas won another match.

The fourth battle is against Sea Superman Curry, MegaSwampert, MegaHeracross, two tough guys who are good at strength.

Curry and Visakas are friends, and they often compete in private. In the end, the two still did not decide the outcome of the match, and the two sides drew a tie.

From Ivan’s expression, we can see that this robust man named Visakas is quite strong.

As for the second group, Misty made it to the top of the group with a total victory record. The strength of the trainer named Gaara cannot be underestimated, but at least he lost to Misty.

Ida was able to join Liang Ren before.

In the previous game, several sets of ultimate moves were prepared for him: “Dust Storm + Provocation”, “Smoke + Eruption”, and “Rock Slide + Eruption”.

But in the end they were all resolved by him one after another. In the end, Date’s Camerupt was eaten to death by the kite tactics, and the opponent’s strength Liang Ren was relatively clear.

The three teams exchanged their players’ information in the group chat discussion group. The commentator on the field has finished the opening remarks, and the semi-finals officially opened Veilstone.




Huge electronic display On the wall, six players were randomly drawn to match and eliminated in the semi-finals.

——Ida vs. Ai Luo——

Vissacas vs Mumu Liang Ren

——Ivan vsMisty ——

< p>The pictures of the six players on the big screen resemble shuffling playing cards. After being shuffled, they quickly overlapped and changed, and the draw result came out soon.

Liang Ren was assigned to the second group, and opponent was the player they discussed earlier, “The King of Power-Visacas”.

The first group is Date vs. Gaara. Didn’t expect Ivan and Misty were drawn into a group. It seems that one of the two familiar people will be eliminated.

“Let’s invite first group players: Fire giant Date and Gaara sand waterfall!!”


“Fire Giant…Fire Giant…”

“Sand waterfall…sand waterfall…”

Peak Stadium can accommodate 10w spectators. Compared with the game in the morning, it is half in the afternoon. The atmosphere of the finals was even more lively.

The two players also appeared on the stage amidst the cheers of the audience. The referee gave instructions and the two sides also released their Pokémon.

“Come out, Camerupt.”

“Tyranitar, get ready to fight.”



As soon as the Johto Region Quasi-Legendary Pokemon Tyranitar appeared, this giant beast, which was covered in gray green hard sandstone armor and looked like a two-legged dinosaur, raised his head and roared.

The terrifying aura belonging to the desert tyrant was released, the “Sand” feature was activated, and a sandstorm suddenly blew up on the court.

Camerupt on the other side, not to be outdone, once lived in the Hoenn Phantom Desert and Chimney Volcano. At the same time, it has a Ground Type and is not affected by sandstorms.

The referee gave an order, and the battle between the two giant beasts also started. The dust gathered in the sky and yellow clouds, and the Volcano camel stomped and roared.

“Magnitude, Earthquake, Fissure”, less than one minute from the start of the game, the tidy Stadium has been destroyed and shattered to pieces.

Rock Slide and Rock Throw slammed on the field with a deafening roar.

Both are huge slow-moving Pokémons. Unlike Liang Ren Pidgeot’s kite tactics, the two giant beasts almost blasted each other with massive attacks.

The scene was very shocking, especially after the evolution of the two Pokémon Megas, the game has become a fever.

“Sunny Day” increased the Fire Element attack, Camerupt’s hump on his back seemed like a real Volcano explosion. The lava was gurgling, Volcanic Ash was rising, and chunks of fire rock smashed down.

On the opposite side, Tyranitar is not to be outdone. After the evolution of Mega, the appearance becomes more domineering. After the second enhancement, the “sand” feature has turned into the innate talent field of the desert tyrant.

The roaring wind and the yellow sand all over the sky are simply the reappearance of meteorological disasters and dust storms in nature.

Ignoring the fire and Rock hitting him, MegaTyranitar stood motionless in the yellow sand, opening his mouth one after another Hyper Beam and rushing towards Camerupt almost without money.

The games we usually see, such as Hyper Beam, Earthquake, and Eruption, are all used as trump cards.

At this moment, there are two Pokémons on the field. They don’t care about the consumption of physical strength. What kind of Ability damage is high and the formidable power is big.

Anyway, the opponent doesn’t dodge or hide, it’s up to whoever falls first.

This is a natural disaster-level battle. Both Pokémon have left an indelible impression on the audience, but Tyranitar, the desert tyrant, is even better.

Camerupt fell to the ground tired, while Tyranitar, the giant beast, was still standing on the court.



At the end of the game, the cheers of the audience not only did not diminish, but became more and more agitated.

After entering the semi-finals, the players did not fear their feet. Instead, in order to advance to the top three finals at night, everyone used their best.

Next is the second game, which is the battle between the power king Visakas and Cherubim Liang Ren who also advanced to the semi-finals in the first place.

The former wins Ippei three times in the morning, and the latter wins four straight in the morning. In the mind of the audience, these two players have a higher evaluation than Date and Airo.

So for the contest between the two, I was full of expectations.

“Boom Ka——”

“Boom Ka——”

The lifting round platform supported two players on the stage.

Over two meters tall, he is burly and strong like a big lifter in a sports competition. The king of power Visacas has the same figure as Iron Pagoda, full of oppression force.

On the other side, Liang Ren is the opposite. The young man, who is less than 1.7 meters tall, is sunny and handsome, and the whole is as beautiful as the warm sun in spring.

But no matter who it was, the appearance of the two players caused a wave of fanatic cheers from the audience outside the stadium.

“The King of Power…The King of Power…”

“The King of Power…The King of Power…”

“Cherubim ……Cherubim ……”

“Cherubim ……Cherubim ……”

Under the focus of the venue lighting lens, every subtle expression of Liang Ren and Visakas at the moment is magnified and presented to the audience Pay attention.

The 10w spectator’s ultra-Conference field, and the Pokémon Alliance Conference’s field is also just this. The enthusiastic cheers of the spectators not at all made Liang Ren shy.

He is no longer a novice who first entered the Stadium to play games, and he still needs to stay at the entrance of the entrance to relieve tension before going on the field.

At the intersection of Fengzhu Street in the North City of Celadon City at the moment, it is in the breeding shop called “Meile Meile”.

The TV that often broadcasts Pokémon fashion shows to pass the time to waiting customers. At this moment, it is the live broadcast of the Stadium in Mauville City.





At this moment, there are many customers in the small shop, but everyone is silent and silent, only the cheers from the TV can be heard.

The owner who was still busy just now, that is, the couple, is also sitting in front of the TV with the customers.

Everyone’s eyes were wide open and they looked at the live broadcast of the match on TV with extremely excited expressions.

Under the close-up shot, the robust man imposing manner of the Iron Pagoda on the field is amazing, making everyone watching the live match in the store become nervous.

The camera turns to the handsome boy.

Jun Lang’s confident face was clearly presented in front of everyone, facing the powerful opponent, there was no unnerve on the boy’s face.

Looking at the boy’s performance, everyone in the store watching the game was full of admiration. The couple surrounded by the boy, their faces were full of pride and pride when they saw the boy appear on TV.

Because this young man on TV, this talented trainer who is well-known in Hoenn and Kanto Region, is his (her) son.

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