“There are quite a few Flying Type Pokémons I have played against. Your Pidgeot is the fastest I have ever seen, but that’s all.”

Gaara lifts the head to come to Liang Ren far away Facing each other, his face was full of confident smiles.

“Now your Pidgeot is tracked by the Invisible Rock, and the Double Team that interferes with the line of sight has no effect on Tyranitar.”

“There is no Double Team to cover, now your Pidgeot only needs When you land and use Roost, you will be attacked by Tyranitar. As long as you get closer, Tyranitar will be aware of it.”

Here, Gaara grinned with a bright smile, but his tone of contentment was unabashed. .

“Now, let me see how you kite my Tyranitar–“

In order to let the audience hear the commands of the players on the field, the Stadium is equipped with human voice collection and amplification equipment .

Gaara’s voice is not too loud, but at this moment, under the effect of the loudspeaker, it reaches the ears of every audience in the venue.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren’s tactics were completely understood by Gaara. I am afraid this game will be lost.”

“Yes, the previous few battles, If Pidgeot were not relying on the Double Team to cover, the battle would be impossible to win. Now that the Double Team has been cracked, it will be difficult for Liang Ren.”

“It’s too difficult. The Double Team was blocked. Imagine like playing Aggron before, sneaking down and using Roost to recover physical strength, and then fighting the opponent for a long time is impossible.”



Liang Ren entered the finals with a winning streak and received a lot of attention, whether it was the contestants who despised him before, or the trainer who watched the game.

Liang Ren and Pidgeot’s winning streak secrets, the method of cracking the kite tactics without solution… are flooded with major trainers’ Tieba forums.

Brain ideas and brainstorming.

Liang Ren’s battle ideas and tactics have long been thoroughly studied by others, just like Airo said at the moment.

Pidgeot does not have the advantage to play Tyranitar Attribute. There is no way to use Roost to switch Attribute to reduce the damage, and Tyranitar will clearly perceive the offensive trajectory when rushing forward.

Under these conditions, although Pidgeot’s speed has not been reduced, the so-called incomprehensible kite tactics now become like dancing on the tip of a knife.

The fault tolerance rate is extremely low, and you will fall into the land of eternal damnation if you are not careful.

Looking at the frowning young man on the field, Gaara said in a silent call, whether it is the live 10w audience or other people watching the game behind the computer and mobile phone.

One by one, he became worried about Liang Ren’s situation.

Compared with Gaara, who is older and has a somewhat non-mainstream makeup, the audience expects Liang Ren to perform miracles again.

But judging from the current situation, I ask myself that I am not optimistic about Liang Ren.

However, when the audience was influenced by Gaara’s words, they felt that Liang Ren’s odds of winning became very small.

On the big screen and close-up of the camera, Liang Ren grinned with a big smile.

“The fundamental core of kite tactics is speed. When did it become Double Team, which interferes with Ability.”

“You just sealed Pidgeot’s Ability without reducing it. Pidgeot’s speed, thinking that this would break Pidgeot’s kite tactics, would it be taken for granted.”

At both ends of the field, the players of both sides are looking at each other, at first there is a strong medicinal smell that is contained. After Liang Ren took the initiative to answer the call, it became intense again.

“Oh~then I can just wait and see.” Gaara didn’t care, he asked himself that he had analyzed Liang Ren’s tactics thoroughly, and he had the chance to win this game.

“The eagle does not fold its wings for Hurricane, Pidgeot, let the other party see your full strength, Mega evolves!!!”

Liang Ren didn’t say anything more, he just used it Action answered.

“Tyranitar, use sandstorms.” Looking at Pidgeot in the sky wrapped by the light of evolution, Gaara is not indifferent.


With outstretched arms roaring, the wind and sand on the field have become more astonishing as the sandstorm increases, as if a group of demons are screaming in the wind and sand .

Sand particles made the competition field rougher, and the dust filled the sky, turning into a terrifying yellow cloud covering the entire stadium.

At this moment, Pidgeot in Sky has also completed the Mega evolution, with a giant wing, which has a feeling of covering the sky and the sun.


“Pidgeot, Double Team + Wings of Steel.” The young man’s eyes on the field were piercing. This time he did not conduct Pidgeot silently, but generously. Shouted instructions.

“shua~ shua~ shua~ shua…”

Seeing that Liang Ren even let Pidgeot use Double Team, the audience at the venue suddenly showed expressions of surprise and consternation.

However, neither of them paid attention to the audience’s reaction at the moment, because after Pidgeot used Double Team, they had already charged Tyranitar.

“Courageous.” After Gaara sneered, he gave Tyranitar an offensive command with a big wave: “Tyranitar, use the sharp stone to shoot me.”

” Roar…”

The gray green giant beast standing in the yellow sand, along with the angry roar, blocks of gravel and rock bullets moved towards Pidgeot like Hurricane rain.

Pidgeot’s speed skyrocketed after Mega evolved, and the number of Double Teams more than doubled.

Because of the increase in strength, the Double Team has become more solid. After the crowded birds rushed into the yellow sand, they did not immediately collapse.

Gaara felt a little surprised by this.

However, the invisible rock surrounds MegaPidgeot like a shadow. In Tyranitar’s perception, Pidgeot’s real body has nowhere to hide.



After Tyranitar is surrounded by the real body of MegaPidgeot, it has not turned around yet, brightly painted with silver gloss With a whole pair of wings, Dual Wingbeat is like a knife.

Pidgeot used Spark to speed up and dive, passing by like a gust of wind, Steel Wings struck Tyranitar’s body fiercely.

“What’s the matter, Tyranitar is injured.”

“How is it possible.”


“… ……”

Tyranitar’s painful growl came out, Gaara and the off-site audience could not help but be taken aback.

After being marked by the invisible rock, facing Tyranitar’s gravel rocks, there were a lot of bullets. How come it was not Pidgeot that was hit in the end, but Tyranitar was injured.

“Pidgeot, continue to attack.” On the field, Liang Ren continued to give Pidgeot instructions.





Tyranitar is bulky and heavy, Although it can perceive the real body of Pidgeot in Double Team, Pidgeot swiftly circled around it, and Tyranitar’s eyes couldn’t keep up with Pidgeot’s movements.

Every time after being circumvented by Pidgeot, it hasn’t turned around yet, and Pidgeot’s steel wings have hit it with a bang.

This game has once again entered the rhythm of Liang Ren.

“Tyranitar, use “Rock Throw + Stone Edge” double attack. Yelled Gaara.

The familiar situation was once again presented to Gaara. Before, I saw other players being played around by Pidgeot.

When I was an outsider and a bystander. Gaara thinks he can see clearly.

Now that he is in the game personally, he realizes that it is really not easy to play against the boy opposite.

Like Liang Ren said, although the invisible rock is marked with Pidgeot, the speed of Pidgeot is not at all affected, and the kite tactics can still be used.

Tyranitar has no hard control. It is clear that Tyranitar only It takes a single attack to hit the opponent, and you can hit tons of damage.

It is obviously such a simple thing. At this moment, he seems to be in the game, but it is as difficult as the sky, because the opposite Pidgeot is too It’s fast and so flexible that he can’t hit it at all.

Moreover, he thinks that the Double Team that was cracked by the Invisible Rock is still unaffected at this moment.

Tyranitar’s spirit can perceive Pidgeot. The real body exists, but its eyes can’t lock On Pidgeot’s real body from the flurry of dancing birds.

Even if it can barely Lock On, Tyranitar’s attacks are unimaginable by the opponent. Dodging tricky angles.

The most important point is that Gaara discovered that Liang Ren let Pidgeot use Double Team simply not to confuse Tyranitar.

Pidgeot used Double Team to interfere. The sight of his trainer affects his perception and judgment of the situation on the field, and thus affects his cooperation with Tyranitar.

The speed of the rolling, the cooperation of rolling.





Looking at the black Pidgeot birds, Gaara for a moment Cold hands and feet, a drop of cold sweat slipped off his forehead.

He was isolated, he was completely excluded from the game by the opponent.

This game is no longer for him to direct Tyranitar Fighting, but Liang Ren and Pidgeot teamed up to fight Tyranitar, and he was just a bystander, watching Tyranitar’s injury a little bit worse.

No, the bystanders are all nice, he has completely become one Disruptors have become the existence that drags Tyranitar’s hind legs.

A flock of crushed birds enveloped the stadium, even Tyranitar at fi The sandstorms blown by rst are now washed away by Pidgeot.

Gaara couldn’t see the situation on the court, and he couldn’t even detect where Pidgeot was.

Continuously commanded Tyranitar’s offensive, but Tyranitar was unable to resist under the Pidgeot offensive.

Force yourself to calm down and stop recklessly commanding Tyranitar to attack. After calming down for a long time, Gaara started to cheer for Tyranitar again. Tyranitar is free to play this battle.

“Tyranitar, calm down and perceive Pidgeot’s flying trajectory.”


“Tyranitar, aim and attack again, don’t waste energy.”



“Tyranitar, use Rock to block yourself for defense.”


Outsiders and onlookers always have sharp eyes Looking at Gaara who was unable to intervene in the battle below, the audience knew clearly that Gaara had lost this game.

The same large-sized Pokémon, Aggron of Akai has some cream of the crop’s physical defenses, pulling Liang Ren into a battle of attrition.

Tyranitar Attribute has the advantage, and the invisible rock label makes it impossible for Liang Ren to use Roost.

But Tyranitar defensive power is not as good as Aggron, and Pidgeot’s Steel Wings can also do enough damage.

Pidgeot’s kite tactical fault tolerance rate has been Minimize, and the situation is severe and no mistakes can occur. From the perspective of Pidgeot and Tyranitar, this game will not evolve into a war of attrition.

The sweat from training normally casts and irrigates the splendor of the game.

In this battle with extremely low fault tolerance for Pidgeot, Gaara simply failed to wait for Pidgeot to make a mistake and reveal a weak spot.






“roar! !”

Steel Wings, Steel Wings, or Steel Wings, Sucker Punch after being rounded around in turn, MegaTyranitar eventually fell.


“Pidgeot won!!!


” Pidgeot ……Pidgeot ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”< /p>

Seeing the giant beast of Gray Green crashing down, before the referee announces the result of the game, the audience outside the court has burst into cheers with feverish expression.

Liang Ren won, he Won again, he won all the way from the preliminary round to the finals, Pidgeot’s speed is too incomprehensible.

When the speed reaches the extreme, it can really be unscrupulous!!!

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