Falling fire in July and giving clothes in September.

Summer goes to the autumn solstice, and the weather begins to gradually cool down. Whether in the morning or at night, in the wild grass beach or on the Hoenn River, white fog begins to appear.

At this moment, Mauville City on the west bank of the Hoenn River is brightly lit.

The city Stadium 9th floor Peak Stadium, because of the appearance of the Flying Type Pokémon.

Normally, the dome, which is closed like a flower bud most of the time, blooms quietly in the night like an epiphany.

The tournament of “Mega Evolution of the Strongest Mega Evolution” has come to the climax part, bursts of enthusiastic cheers spread into the night sky, causing the sky full of stars to blink their eyes frequently.

There are people dancing in the shining world, and there are also groups of creatures in Struggle in the bleak corner.

East bank of Hoenn River, Xiangyou Village.

Berry planting is the economic source of Xiangyou Village.

In the former small village, because of the huge demand in Mauville City where trainers gathered, the economy of Xiangyou Village developed rapidly.

The villagers recruit workers and trainers to open up wasteland, and then enclose the land to build the Berry Plantation.

The rapid economic growth of Xiangyou Village has greatly promoted employment, and has also made a significant contribution to Mauville City GDP. However, everything seems to be thriving behind.

The living space of Region Wild Pokémon in the plains of the middle and lower reaches of the Hoenn River has been shrinking. The lives of Wild Pokémon who have lived in this region for generations have become increasingly difficult.

The farmer hired a trainer to open up wasteland by violence and drive away Wild Pokémon.

After the plantation was established, Wild Pokémon came to the plantation to destroy and steal Berry. It happened every moment.

Living together in one world and one planet, human beings and Pokémon have great conflicts due to their interests.

Not everyone is a member of the Pokémon Friendship Association, and not everyone is a Pokémon protector. The contradiction has never disappeared.

At this moment, the Northwest of Fragrant Pomelo Village is close to the outskirts of the village. There is a plantation planting Charti Berry and Fragrant Pomelo, which was established just two years ago.

The plantation has been established for many years. Usually the owner only needs to domesticate one or two Mightyena to be competent for security work.

In this new plantation, which has only been established for more than a year, the owner has placed 5 Mightyena and 10 Beedrill as the patrol security of the plantation.

Wild Pokémon is not stupid. Normal has been to this tightly secured plantation once, and will not come again next time.

However, in this tightly secured plantation, there is a habitual thief everyday all who will come on time.

At night, the farmer returned to the small wood house outside the fruit forest to rest, and Beedrill, who had been patrolling for a day, had returned to the nest in the middle of the fruit forest.

The Mightyenas went back to the kennel after a full meal, but they seemed to be lying on the ground with their eyes closed and resting, but the five Mightyenas still kept their ears erected alertly.

Night is the time when Wild Pokémon is very active, and it is also the time when Mightyena works hardest.

After a short break, they will go to work again, patrolling and guarding all night long.

At this moment, outside the fence on the north side of the plantation, a shadow of Black got into the orchard.

“si si ~”

The clouds were blown away by the high-altitude wind, revealing the moon’s shining face.

Under Moonlight, what entered the orchard was a small snake with a mostly green body. From the lower jaw and abdomen to the end of the tail, the front of the body was light yellow cream.

Green has a tender yellow stripe on its back, and yellow calyx leaves like small wings on the side of the neck, which look like beautiful lily ornaments from the back.

Green little snake looked up at the bright moon, a pair of maroon snake pupils were bright, clear and melancholy.

If there is a trainer from Unova Region here, you will definitely be able to recognize that this green little snake is exactly Unova Region Grass Type Royal Sanjia: Snivy.

But if you look closely, you will find the difference is that a normal Snivy has arms, legs and limbs.

The Snivy in front of me is like its final form, the monarch snake, with a long and winding torso, not at all long arms and legs.

It turned out to be a disabled Snivy.

“si si ~”

Snake vomits, perceiving the fragrance of Berry in the air, and soon a pair of maroon snake eyes look towards a grapefruit tree in the east.


This Snivy with a physical disability twisted his snake body, as if he had practiced the lightness of flying on the grass to the Fullfillment Realm world, with a whistle Flew out.

The speed is amazing! ! !

Even the farmer of the Heavenly Gang was watching this Thief’s moon. At this moment, he opened his mouth in surprise. It didn’t even see the movement of this Snivy.

The absence of limbs not only does not affect Snivy’s movement speed, but makes it move faster.

God is fair, one drink and one peck, there is a day.

“shua shua ~”

Swish a few meters away from the branch of the Berry Tree, Snivy’s tail shua shua flexibly flicked.

“peng peng”

The Flint at the end of the tail is as sharp as the one strengthened by the Ability “Leaf Blade”. The branches of the Berry Tree have several mature grapefruits, Direct peng peng landing.


“Bzz Bzz~”

The sound of the orchard is not at all hidden from the security in the orchard.

The grapefruit hit the ground, and from the fruit forest came the Bzz Bzz sound of Beedrill flapping its wings, and the vicious barking of Mightyena.

However, when 5 Mightyena and 10 Beedrill arrived, Thief who stole grapefruit had already disappeared without a trace.

Under the Berry Tree, there is only a shallow hole made by two grapefruits on the Ground that was watered and wet in the afternoon.


Not far to the northwest of the orchard, there is a mountain pit left by the excavation of stones before construction. There are too many stones here and the soil is not suitable for Berry Tree planting, so it is for the villagers of this mountain col not at all what ideas.

With densely packed iron-toothed thorns growing in the col, people have no way to enter, and no one wants to come over this area.

But for many Wild Pokémon, this thorny col is their nest.

A Venusaur and a Snivy are peeling grapefruits in a nest made of hay in the deepest part of the Brambles Col.

The grapefruit pulp is sweet and full of moisture, sweet and glutinous with a little sour taste, and the taste is very good. Snivy’s eyes are narrowed into meniscus after eating.

Unova Region is not at all fragrant pomelo fruits in the wild. This is the delicacy it tastes only after coming to Hoenn. It likes to eat fragrant pomelos very much.

Snivy has tasted the bitterness when immature, the sourness and sweetness when just ripening, and the sweetness and sourness when ripening.

The white grapefruit flowers, the broad and flexible grapefruit leaves, the essential oils on the grapefruit peel…

The fresh and concentrating taste makes this fragile, humble and sad soul ahead In the days when Lu could not see the depression of light and despair, he was relieved and comforted.

Venusaur grandfather has very rich life experience. It said that after the grapefruit is ripe, the flesh does not have a hint of sourness, and it is all sweet.

There is an impossible sweet Berry in this world, Snivy doesn’t believe it.

He has visited that many Berry plantation in Fragrant Pomelo Village. He has tasted all Berry. Only the fully ripe grapefruit Snivy has never been eaten.

There are in the orchard. Every day when I visit it, I see grapefruits that are completely ripe, but Snivy avoids picking them every time.

“I don’t like si si ~ too sweet Berry, grapefruit is still delicious with a little sour taste.”

Venusaur and Snivy one old and thorny mountain col. One young will nest all around, without any traces of man-made, but it is rare that there is no thorn Growth.

The hay in the nest is warm and dry, as opposed to the cold and sharp thorn bushes outside, like two worlds.

“Dana~little girl, you have never tasted the real sweetness. When you have eaten really ripe grapefruit one day, you will like that taste.”

In the hay nest, Venusaur of Senile used Vine Whip to take the grapefruit pulp that Snivy handed to him with his tail.

While chewing slowly, while looking at Snivy who is peeling grapefruit by his side, the muddy but wise eyes are full of kindness.

“si si ~ I don’t like sweet food, I like sour and bitter food.” Snivy lowered his head, whispered.

Under the bright moonlight, one old and one young, two Grass Type Pokémon of different races, enjoy this rare peaceful time.

“Da na~”

The old frog slowly raised his head to look up at the sky full of moon, and his eyes on the world that once hurt it and made it extremely hateful, but now let It is so nostalgic and reluctant.

The vitality in the body has been fading. The iron-toothed thorns in this mountain col have suddenly grown out of one day five years ago.

Not at all what kind of soil in the col, suddenly growing so many iron-toothed thorns is regarded as a strange thing by the people of Xiangyou Village.

After that, some troublesome people even set a fire in the col, trying to burn the thorns in the col.

After a big fire, the iron-tooth thorns in the col were indeed burned out, but in less than a week, the iron-tooth thorns grew again, even denser than before.

The villagers felt that this was the residence of the forest god, and no one dared to cut down and set fire afterwards.

But there is no forest god here, there are only two sad souls healing each other.

The iron-toothed thorns are the condensation of the anger and resentment of the earth. Those who cultivate this land will not be recognized by the God of Agriculture, and this thorny blood will grow.

The desolation of the land is a Punishment to the peasants, and the prevention of thorns is hostility to outsiders.

“Da Na~ One day the iron-toothed thorns will wither and disappear, and the old frog will die. But girl, what can you do if you are alone in the future!!!”

< p>The autumn wind blew the moon, but under the bright moon, Venusaur’s body became heavier.

—Mauville City · City Stadium —

Liang Ren does not have many Pokémons, but he will make an all-out effort to cultivate them.

Unlike some trainers, they talked about chasing the dream of a trainer when they captured Pokémon, but a championship in a tournament can’t give Pokémon.

After traveling in a Region, the name changes and the mood is changed, and the new Region starts again. It turned out that I promised to bring Pokémon, who is pursuing the dream of the trainer.

In the end, I was left in the Laboratory to look at the yard. Youth is indeed very suitable for the elderly.

Liang Ren can’t do this kind of perfidious scumbag behavior. He opponent is responsible for every Pokémon and strives to cultivate them into a unique existence.

Whether it is facing Ampharos or Tyranitar, or other opponents that are not dominant, Pidgeot can have a battle.

Liang Ren never thought about being different, becoming an inverse Attribute master and being sought after, he just felt that.

His Pokémon is so combative and excited to appear on the field, but because he is not dominant, he will be replaced.

This is too disappointing and it hurts Pokémon’s heart too much, so he made an all-out effort breed Pokémon alone.

After debuting, no matter how difficult the opponent is, Liang Ren and his Pokémon can confidently say: “This one, I can show it!!”

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