Liang Ren is not the Holy Mother, nor is it a bad person who likes to get involved in everything.

However, for Pokémon such a purely emotional creature, he still feels like it from the heart, otherwise he would not want to become a Pokémon trainer.

From Snivy’s eyes, I saw Liang Ren who was deeply sad and pleading. After Lucario felt that the other party was not at all lying, he finally decided to accompany Snivy on a trip.

“Pidgeot, Cloyster, you come back first.” Heavy rain fell outside the protective cover. Pidgeot and Cloyster were inconvenient to move. Liang Ren took the two pets back into the baby ball.


Seeing Liang Ren promised to help, Snivy did not express his gratitude, but rushed into the dark woods with a swish.

“Slowpoke, follow.” Seeing that Snivy was so anxious, Liang Ren estimated that the trouble he encountered was not small, and quickly let Slowpoke use Teleport to lead him and Lucario to catch up.


The rainstorm hua hua is underground, like thousands of needles and threads, and the Heaven and Earth are densely stitched together, and everything on the earth receives the rainstorm.的洗濯.

“wu wu ~”

The forest has a severe stroke.

“hong long long……”

“Thunder 嚓!!!”

With the wind, the darkness of the sky came from far and near. The roar of muffled thunder, followed by the sudden light of the sky, a terrifying thunderbolt flashed.

In such weather, let alone people, even Wild Pokémon dared not come out of the nest.

Looking at the forest where the wu wu sound was made in the violent wind, Liang Ren felt a little hairy in his heart, but Snivy was not afraid at all.

The strength is obviously very weak, but the speed is surprisingly fast in the mud of rainy night, which makes Liang Ren click one’s tongue in wonder in his heart.


The Brambles Col is not far from the Metasequoia forest where Liang Ren camped. Under Snivy’s full speed, Liang Ren and the others arrived at the Brambles Col.

Snivy did not stay, and regardless of whether Liang Ren was able to clear the thorns, it plunged directly into the chaotic forest of thorns.


There are nets of iron-toothed thorns in the mountains, and there is basically no way to enter people, but Slowpoke is not a problem in everything.

Psychic created a protective cover to protect Liang Ren and Lucario inside, and then continued to use Teleport to find the breath of Snivy followed along.

“This is…”

Soon, Liang Ren, who was chasing Snivy all the way, came to the deepest part of the Thorns Mountain Col, and he looked up.

Under a rock protruding like a roof, there is a huge nest built of hay, and in the nest there is a Venusaur lying motionless.

“si si ~”

Snivy who came to Venusaur’s side first arched Venusaur’s forelegs with his head. After seeing the other party still did not respond, he turned his head to Liang Ren They si si cried.

Snivy’s tone is full of anxiety and panic, and his eyes are full of pleading.

After following Snivy to the nest deep in the Bramble Mountain Col, Liang Ren probably understood what was going on when he saw the situation in front of him.

It seems that Venusaur has some problems with his body, and Snivy came to him for help. As for why Snivy knew him, Liang Ren was not surprised.

After all, it has been nearly a week since he came to Metasequoia Forest. The nearby Wild Pokémon knows that there are human trainers in Metasequoia Forest doing special training for Pokemon.

“Little Brat, don’t worry, I will take Venusaur to the Mauville City Pokémon Center for treatment right away.”

“Lucario, you come back first, Slowpoke, it’s up to you next. “

Seeing that Snivy was crying in a hurry, Liang Ren did not delay his time, first took Lucario back into the Poké Ball, and then directly directed Slowpoke to start the action.


Under the increase of Liang Ren’s fetters, Slowpoke directly exploded with all its power, Mental Force enveloped Liang Ren, Snivy and Venusaur, a Teleport directly Disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, one person and three pets had already arrived at the ferry.

“hong long long…”

A heavy rain, the Hoenn River’s water level skyrocketed, and the river is usually very turbulent. At this moment, the turbid waves are rolling, making the sound of hong long long flood discharge. .

The Hoenn River is very wide, and it teleports directly to the other side of the river. Even Slowpoke is somewhat powerless. Although Teleport is not possible, Confusion is not slow to support Flying.


The ferry was nearly ten minutes away, and Slowpoke reached the other side in less than two minutes, but at this time Liang Ren not at all cares about such details.

After crossing the Hoenn River, there is a place to stay on land, and Slowpoke can use Teleport to drive the road.

Five minutes later, one person and three pets rushed from the ferry to the entrance of Pokémon Center in East City.

It’s only past nine o’clock, and the Pokémon Center is still open. It is raining heavily outside, and the Pokémon Center is still bright and warm inside.

“Nurse Joy, there is a critically ill patient.” One person and three pets teleported directly into the hall. Liang Ren did not care about the rules of not making loud noises, and directly shouted to Joy at the service desk.

At half past nine in the evening, the nightlife in big cities has just begun. Even if it is such a heavy rain, it still cannot extinguish the enthusiasm in people’s hearts.

There were many people in the central hall of Pokémon, and Liang Ren’s voice immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“It’s Mumu Liang Ren……”

“What happened to him, why is he so worried.”

“… …”

Seeing Mumu Liang Ren entering the hall, the trainers who were chatting with eyes immediately lit up.

“The patient has fallen into a coma and needs urgent treatment immediately.”

“Blissey, hurry…”

After staying on Liang Ren for two seconds, Joy quickly turned his gaze to Venusaur held by Slowpoke Confusion.

Working at the Pokémon Center is not short. Joy simply scanned Venusaur, and he already had an idea in his mind.

Almost without hesitation, Joy immediately rang the emergency bell behind the counter.

Other people in the emergency room received the signal and began to prepare for treatment. Joy’s partner Blissey also ran over with the stretcher at this moment.


After putting Venusaur on the stretcher cart pushed by Blissey, there was no communication during the whole process. Joy and Blissey had already pushed the stretcher cart to the emergency room.


The door of the clinic was closed, and the syringe light on the door was lit up with a scary red light.

“si si ~”

Snivy twisted his body, wandering restlessly outside the door of the consulting room, eyes full of worry.

“Snivy, don’t worry too much. Mauville City is the first-tier city of Hoenn. The medical level of the Pokémon Center here is definitely Peak’s. Venusaur will be fine.”

Look. Snivy crawling back and forth outside the door of the consulting room, Liang Ren also said that he was comfortable.

When I went to the Brambles Col with Snivy before, the torrential rain was hidden and the sky was dark and dark.

At this moment, under the bright light, Liang Ren suddenly discovered that the Snivy in front of him looked like its final evolution: the monarch snake, without arms, legs or limbs.

“si si ~”

Although I don’t know if Snivy can understand what he said, after being comforted by Liang Ren, Snivy gradually is not as uneasy as at first.

“si si…”

Snivy turned his head and looked towards Liang Ren, a pair of clear eyes, but they were maroon like Liang Ren’s eyes.

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