“si si ~”

Four eyes met, Snivy politely thanked Liang Ren.

In such a big night, faced with the help of a strange Pokemon like it, the young man in front of him was willing to brave the rain to help him.

Snivy looked at the boy in front of him with gratitude.

However, the words are unreasonable, so one person and one Pokemon just stare at each other.

But soon, Snivy, who was exposed to the bright light, gradually became awkward.

It has been peeping at the youth training in front of him for nearly a week, but it was the first time the other party saw it.

It has a physical disability, and it has an indelible low self-esteem in its bones. It tries to hide its disability, but it is completely exposed to the boy at this moment.

Previously, Snivy, who had been annoyed by the unfair destiny, knew that he was really afraid of the fearless Snivy.

It is not afraid of the cold eyes of other human beings, but it is afraid that the young man in front of him will look at it with disgust.

Snivy, however, is careless.

After waiting for a long time, it can be 100% sure that the other party has discovered its physical disability, but the boy in front of him looks at it not at all.

When rushing to the Thorns Col, Snivy’s speed was really amazing to Liang Ren.

From the perspective of breath, the Snivy Level in front of me is definitely not more than 10, but I am afraid that the speed of the Snivy Snake of Level 20 can’t match it.

Hoenn Region’s water, soil and climate are completely different from Unova Region. There is a Wild Snivy here, but there is a Snivy in the Thorns Col.

Contact this Snivy again without limbs, Liang Ren already has the answer in his mind, this Snivy is probably Pokemon abandoned by the trainer.

But in Liang Ren’s view.

Regardless of whether Snivy’s trainer disliked it for being physically disabled, or for some other reason, Snivy was finally abandoned, in Liang Ren’s view, it was a very stupid behavior.

The limbs of hands and feet have too much influence on Snivy’s battle strength not at all, and when Snivy evolves to the final form, the limbs of hands and feet will also degenerate and disappear.

For a crawling creature like a snake, hands, feet, and limbs are originally redundant.

According to Liang Ren, Snivy’s disability is not only a bad thing, but a good thing.

I learned in advance to move and fight without hands or feet. In the future, it will evolve into a monarch snake. Its battle strength is definitely stronger than other monarch snakes that evolved from a sound-limbed Snivy.

In addition, Snivy’s speed innate talent should not be low. In addition, Snivy, as the Unova Region Grass Type Royal Three, has two evolutionary possibilities.

If the trainer is willing to train well, Liang Ren is sure that the future achievements of this Snivy will never be too low.

“It’s just that Snivy didn’t expect Snivy to be abandoned. I have to say that its trainer is really lacking insight.” Liang Ren shook the head exclaimed.

However, after sighing, Liang Ren’s mind suddenly became alive.

Pokémon, with high innate talent and cultivation value, has infinite Captivate power for trainers, and he is currently lacking a grass master.

“Let’s see if there is a chance later.”

Liang Ren temporarily pressed the idea of ​​subduing Snivy to the bottom of his heart. Right now, Venusaur is receiving treatment in the emergency room. Some are out of season.

In addition, Liang Ren does not want to beg for retribution.

As a Pokémon abandoned by human trainers, Snivy will no longer trust humans, Liang Ren is also uncertain, so this matter can only be discussed later.

“Snivy, don’t worry, Nurse Joy will definitely heal your friend.”

“Snivy, have you had dinner? Would you like something to eat.”


Help people to the end, accompanies Buddha all the way to the west.

After accompanying Snivy to send Venusaur to the Pokémon Center, Liang Ren not at all left like this, instead sitting on a bench in the corridor outside the office with Snivy.

Seeing Snivy frequently looking towards the consulting room, Liang Ren said comforted from time to time.

“si si ~” Snivy shook the head, still staring at the door of the consulting room.


Venusaur’s situation is not optimistic. It has been sent to the emergency room for nearly an hour, and the door of the clinic has not been opened yet, even Liang Ren is worried at this moment.


After waiting for another 20 minutes, the door of the emergency room finally opened, but Joy, who came out of the clinic, didn’t have a smile on his face.

“Nurse Joy, how is Venusaur?” Liang Ren hurried up to ask.

During the more than an hour waiting outside the clinic, under Liang Ren’s question and Slowpoke’s translation, he already knew the story of Snivy.

I am born with a disability and cannot learn Ability.

Abandoned by his parents at birth, squeezed out by his family, abandoned by two trainers before and after, from the remote Unova to the unfamiliar continent of Hoenn.

When I first came to Mauville City some time ago and ate at the Pokémon Center restaurant, he heard two trainers mention this physically disabled Snivy.

After playing the game in the city Stadium, Liang Ren also met the trainer named Sakai Forrest who abandoned Snivy.

For Snivy, whose life experience is bumpy and has suffered many misfortunes, Liang Ren feels very sorry.

Pokémon and Pokémon trainers are peers, and they are equal.

The trainer can abandon Pokémon, and Pokémon also has examples of abandoning the trainer.

But in fact, the incidents of Pokémon defections are very few, far less than the number of trainers who abandoned Pokémon.

In this seemingly equal relationship, the trainer is always the one who takes the initiative, while Pokémon is the weaker and passive.

Pokémon trainer is a profession that is obsessed with the pursuit of strength.

Liang Ren can’t guarantee that if he hadn’t improved the cheat of the innate talent, he would not leave this Pokémon in the cold when his Pokémon innate talent was too bad and unworthy.

In order not to face this kind of moral dilemma one day, Liang Ren has always been very cautious in conquering Pokémon.

“Venusaur is in very bad condition. It is not at all sick, but it is too old.”

“After more than an hour of first aid, Venusaur has recovered Consciousness, but it just barely hangs with the vitality medicinal liquid, it may persist but tonight, please prepare for the funeral.”

Joy, with a tired face, left after saying this. Soon, Venusaur was transferred to a dedicated cabin.

“si si ~”

Snivy couldn’t understand what Joy said. Seeing Liang Ren’s expression suddenly became worried, Snivy was also a little panicked, crawling around at his feet Tweet continuously to him si si.

“Hey~ I will take you to see Venusaur.” Liang Ren did not answer it directly.

Snivy has a miserable life experience, and Venusaur can be said to be his only relative now.

Liang Ren couldn’t imagine what would happen to Little Brat if he directly told Snivy what Joy had just said.

“si si ~”

I didn’t realize that Liang Ren was deliberately changing the subject. I heard that I could go to Venusaur, and the anxiety in Snivy’s eyes eased slightly.

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