Liang Ren didn’t delay either, and brought the impatient Snivy directly to Venusaur’s ward.

In the translucent cabin, Venusaur is lying on a treatment table with various treatment instruments on his body.

“si si ~”

As soon as he entered the cabin, Snivy whizzed out and jumped onto the treatment table and rubbed his head against Venusaur’s cheek.

“Da na~”

This time, Snivy got Venusaur’s response, and under the yellow and dim style on his back, two Vine Whip lightly soothed Snivy.

Venusaur lifted his eyelids laboriously, his cloudy eyes filled with kindness.

Liang Ren holding Slowpoke wittyly did not disturb the peace, Lucario stood beside Liang Ren and did not speak.

Liang Ren already knows Venusaur’s physical condition from Joy, Slowpoke and Lucario, and he can use Psychic and Aura to perceive it by himself.

When I came here just now, the sky was dim and heavy rain was falling again. Liang Ren not at all saw Venusaur clearly.

But at this moment, this Venusaur is really too old.

The body is loose and full of folds, and the bright styles on the back have faded because of age, which can be said to be withered.

The green leaves of the brown palm tree below the style column are also full of insect worm eyes, showing the withered yellow.

Venusaur is too old. Even if the body does not have any disease, its life has come to an end.

“Da na da na…”

Venusaur knew his own situation. He was buried in the loess with only one head left outside. It is a miracle that Venusaur can persist until now.

It has long been bearish on life and death, and now, the only thing that can’t let it go is Snivy, this little girl who is regarded as his granddaughter.

Venusaur gently stroked Snivy’s head, and Venusaur spoke. Although Liang Ren could not understand what it said, he could still guess that it was an explanation.

“Little girl, I will not be able to take care of you from now on, and I will have to go down on your own in the future.”

Venusaur drooped his eyelids, said dyingly, with a tone of voice. It seems very calm, but the nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes become more and more intense.

“No, old frog, you will be fine, hasn’t Joy healed you?” Snivy, who had just calmed down, suddenly became excited again when he heard Venusaur’s words.

“Little girl, I have lived long enough. Whether it is a human or our Pokemon, from the moment of birth, death is destined to come someday in the future.”

< p>“I’m content to live till now, but Old Guy, the only thing I can’t worry about is you girl~”

“If I die, what should you do if you are alone.” Look With tears shining Snivy, Venusaur’s muddy eyes also had water.

“No…no, old frog, you won’t die. You promised that I will always be with me and witness with my own eyes that one day I will evolve into a monarch snake.”

“wu wu…in this world, I only have old frog and you are a relative. I don’t want you to die, and I don’t want you to leave me.”


Snivy’s suppressed emotions finally broke, worries turned into fear, and fear turned into tears.

The miserable life experience has created its inferiority complex. Whether it is in the Pokemon world or following a human trainer, it just wants to gain a love and recognition.

Go around, from Pokemon world to human world, and from human world back to Pokemon world.

Hoenn, who lives in an unfamiliar place, encountered an old frog in the darkest days of his life. This Venusaur who really cares about it and is willing to treat it as his relatives.

It is the old frog’s last nostalgia for the world, and the old frog is also the only support for its miserable life.

If the old frog dies, Snivy doesn’t know if there is anything else that can keep it alive. The dreams they once had have long since faded away.

“Okay girl, there is no permanent banquet in the world, your life is still long, old frog, I can only accompany you for a short journey after all.”

“At my last At this moment, I don’t want to watch you cry, or I will be sad for the old frog.” Venusaur looked at Snivy with kindness in his eyes.

“Woo~I don’t cry.” With his head resting on Venusaur’s jaw, Snivy’s tears couldn’t stop streaming.

“Silly girl, spring goes and autumn comes, and sometimes the vegetation wilts, we are born from nature, and finally return to the embrace of nature, so don’t be sad.”

“Old Frog Although I will pass away from now on, I will always guard you.” Life came to an end, Venusaur was reluctant to let it go, but it couldn’t help it.

“Really?” Snivy stopped tears slightly and asked, looking up at Venusaur.

“Of course it’s true.”

“Girl~When the spring rains green the earth, I will come to the world with the budding seeds, the dew on the tip of the leaf is mine Eyes.”

“When I know I am singing on the top of the oak tree branches, I am a wild flower blooming in the wild. I will let the wind send my breath to your side.”

“When the autumn wind blows down the leaves, I will attach to Saffron’s ginkgo biloba, and whirl around on your head.”

“As for winter, you know the old Frog, I have the habit of sleeping late, and I won’t come to see you in winter.”

The cane stroked Snivy, and Venusaur said calmly, as if Snivy had always been pestering him to tell stories.

“Girl, old frog, I promised to stay with you and I will do it.” Venusaur had a kind smile on his face.

“Hmm~” Snivy nodded choked.

“What a silly girl.” Venusaur gently stroked Snivy’s head with Vine Whip.

After waiting for a while, Venusaur turned his head to look at Liang Ren after seeing Snivy’s mood calm down a little bit.

“Girl, you go out first, I want to say a few words to him.” Venusaur used Vine Whip to lift Snivy to the ground and pushed.

“si si ~” Snivy glanced at Liang Ren, twisted his body obediently, and left the Venusaur ward.

At this moment, there are dying Venusaur left in the entire ward, as well as Liang Ren, Slowpoke and Lucario.

“Da Na…Human teenager, although I don’t know what your name is, but this time I really thank you.”

On the treatment stage, Venusaur moved with difficulty Squatted and said.

“It’s useless to be polite. When encountering this kind of thing, I think no matter who it is will not stand idly by.” With Slowpoke there, the communication can be easily accessible.

“These days, there are not many kind humans like you.” For Liang Ren’s words, Venusaur shook the head.

“Old Guy, I guess I will stick to it tonight. It stands to reason that I should be content after living such a long time, but this little girl outside the door is the only thing I can’t worry about.”

“Human teenager, although I know that making such a request seems a bit abrupt, but… after I die, please help me take care of Snivy.”

“This is also a very hard life The child.” Venusaur looked towards Liang Ren’s gaze, with a hint of pleading.

“This Little Brat is tenacious and works very hard. Until now’s dream is to become a powerhouse and gain recognition from others.”

“Although it has a physical disability, and I don’t know why Can’t learn Ability, but it’s innate talent is still very good.”

“Let Snivy follow you, I don’t ask you to invest resources to cultivate it vigorously, just ask you to bring it with you. Okay.”

“I won’t let you help in vain. This Miracle Seed was produced by me from earlier years. I am willing to use it as a reward. I only ask you to take care of Snivy for me. “

Vine Whip retracted under the brown palm Leafage piece, Venusaur took out a fig-like seed, but the whole was a circle larger than the fig.

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