Liang Ren didn’t leave at night. He sat outside the Venusaur ward in the center of Pokémon all night.

In the ward, Snivy’s choking and mute, mournful singing slowly turned into a steady breathing into deep sleep.

The grandfather and grandson cuddled with each other as usual, and both slept very peacefully, but this time, Venusaur did not wake up again.


The wind stopped and the rain stopped.

The morning sun pierced Xia Lan and shone into the clear and translucent windows in the center of Pokémon, projected on the white sheets of the ward.

Outside is the blue sky like limpid autumn water.

After being scrubbed by a torrential rain last night, Sky is so profound and vast that people can’t look away as long as they look up.

“wu wu…”

The early morning sun awakened Snivy from last night’s dream, and the old frog on the treatment table was gone.

Liang Ren paid the follow-up fee, and Venusaur was transferred by Joy to be cremated just before dawn.

Lose one’s head out of fear and came out of the ward. Seeing the urn in Liang Ren’s arms, Snivy’s tears were like an open faucet, oh la la flowing down.

“wu wu…”

Snivy retreated to the corner, curled up in despair and helplessly, crying in grief, and Liang Ren felt a little sore in his heart.

Like Venusaur said, Snivy is indeed a hard-working child. As its only relative, the death of Venusaur was a big blow to Snivy.

Comparing the heart to the heart, at this time, many words of comfort seemed pale and weak, and he handed Venusaur’s urn to Lucario.

“Hey~” Liang Ren sighed, squatting down, and holding the sad and helpless Snivy in his arms, his face full of love.

“The old frog walks peacefully.”


“From now on, you will follow me and I will take care of you.” Liang Ren Said softly.

Morning Sun shines into the corridor of the ward, shines on the teenager with short brown hair and white linen shirt, shines on the golden pattern of Snivy’s body in the arms of the teenager.

The breeze blew gently, causing the plain curtain fabric that had just been pulled up in the next ward to flutter slightly.

All things have spirits, human beings are no better than Pokémon Top Rank.

The longer you get along with Pokémon, the deeper Liang Ren’s experience becomes.

Pokemon cubs, like human children, are eager to grow up quickly and to be independent.

Pokemon also has a family relationship, not as many people think, just follow the animal’s reproductive instinct.

Pokemon has the same rich emotions as humans. Blood ties can create family affection, and no blood relationship can also produce family affection.

This is the case with Venusaur and Snivy. Liang Ren previously saw Stoutland and the fire-spotted cat in the Pokémon post in Alola Region.

And the story of Kangaskhan raising Pichu shared by a previous field photographer in the Kanto Pokemon forum are very good evidence.

In Liang Ren’s eyes, Snivy is not just a Pokémon, but also a little girl who has just lost a loved one.

Is a poor little girl with a rough and miserable life, abandoned by her parents, clansman, and abandoned by two trainers.

Venusaur entrusted Snivy to him before his death, Liang Ren did not reject him, he was willing to take care of this poor Little Brat.

Liang Ren looks kind, but in fact there is a sharp part of his character full of fighting spirit.

He admits that there is a pair of big hands weaving the fate of the world, but Liang Ren does not believe in fate.

In his opinion, the man who weaves the fate of the world is a poor craftsman with unqualified craftsmanship, and he is often confused.

Just like Sabrina used to help him fortune telling, in the future, he will suffer a big deal and die suddenly at a young age.

He doesn’t believe in fate, so Liang Ren is also working hard to improve his strength, intending to choke the throat of fate and control his own destiny.

Snivy has a rough and miserable life experience, as if from the moment he was born to this World, he was abandoned by the world.

“Since life always deceives each other with meanness and barrenness, since the world does not want to treat you tenderly——

From now on, all the warmth and happiness you want will be I will give it to you.”

The golden sun shining diagonally on the boy’s cheeks, and the maroon eyes are reflected more and more clear, gentle and hesitant.

Looking at Snivy who fell asleep after crying in his arms, Liang Ren secretly made a promise, which is his promise as a trainer.


After having breakfast at Pokémon Center, Liang Ren took Lucario to the Feeding Street to purchase some supplies.

Snivy has just experienced the grief of the death of a loved one, and it seems a little depressed overall.

Liang Ren is not at all using Poké Ball to formally conquer, but he holds Snivy wherever he goes.

He hopes that Little Brat can get out of grief as soon as possible, and then start a new life and integrate into his big family.

Find a shop on Feeding Street, customized some Grass Type Pokemon favorite foods for Snivy, and then bought some daily necessities.

Did not stay in Mauville City, Liang Ren returned to Metasequoia Forest Camp with a few Pokémons after he was busy.

“hu hu…”

It rained all night last night, the water level of Hoenn River skyrocketed, and the turbid waves made the rushing sound of hong long long.

In the Metasequoia forest next to it, rainwater flows along with the drainage ditches. After the sun slowly rises, Qiulin returns to its usual dryness.

The fallen leaves become flat after being wetted, and the edges of the leaves rise again under the gradual heating of the sun, and finally the entire fallen leaves are rolled.


“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, ready to start training.”

The death of Venusaur and the entry of Snivy are like a piece The huge stone was thrown into the lake. At first, the water splashed everywhere, but slowly it became a circle of ripples and calmed down.

Snivy’s entry into the team has had a big impact on Liang Ren and his (their) lives, not at all, with only a few minor changes.

Slowpoke’s exclusive position, which is Liang Ren’s warm embrace, is now occupied by Snivy.

Every morning, lunch, and dinner, I opened my mouth and a pair of tableware. Liang Ren needed to prepare an extra serving of food.

I went to Mauville City Stadium to play games during the day training and night. Riolu evolved into Lucario and his strength skyrocketed.

After Liang Ren spent two days helping it stabilize its realm, the trainers of Stadium in Mauville City surprisingly discovered that Liang Ren played more games.

He no longer came in the evening. Instead, he came to Mauville City Stadium to play games after lunch. He participated in no less than 20 games in a day.

This kind of high-intensity actual combat lasted for a week, without the distraction of other trivial matters, and the strength of a few Pokémon increased very quickly.

BiのCarving LV.45

Slowpoke LV.43

Cloyster LV.43

Lucario LV.27


Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have all found their own way. Training + actual combat are alternated each other, and their strength is steadily increasing at an incredible speed.

In the process of cultivating Pidgeot… they have accumulated experience, and Liang Ren is more familiar with Lucario training.

Lucario, who has a solid foundation in the early stage, is not easy to encounter bottleneck in the later stage, and breakthrough appears very easy.

Lucario’s strength advanced by leaps and bounds can be said to be the same every day, and the level has been raised from 24 to 27 in a week, making ALFY and Walter…they dropped their jaws by surprise.

And a week passed quietly, and the grief that Venusaur’s death brought to Snivy gradually faded with Liang Ren and his (them) company.

All the past is hidden in my heart, Snivy is also ready to hard-wire a new life.

And today, Liang Ren, who took Snivy back to the Brambles Col, to visit him, is also about to officially subdue Snivy.

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