
Venusaur had just passed away before, and Liang Ren was afraid that Snivy would be hurt by the scene.

When Snivy asked to go back to the Thorns Col, Liang Ren not at all agreed and kept it with him.

One week later, seeing Snivy gradually getting out of grief, Liang Ren agreed to take it back to the Thorns Col.

The weather today is very good, it is a sun shone brightly sunny day, people’s mood has become very open and bright.

After lunch, I cleaned up and walked out through the forest holding Snivy.

The eyes suddenly lit up, and the dazzling sunlight shone on the bare Rock and the slightly yellow grass.


On the grassy beach in the distance, a few Beautifly circled two wild flowers that hadn’t faded, vying to stick out the mouthparts like thin tubes. Eat nectar.


A gust of wind blew gently, and a rustling sound was also made in the thick and long grass.

I don’t know if it is Zigzagoon or Linone, Shroomish… these Pokemon make noises.

All things Su in spring, paraquat in autumn.

Plants become withered in this season, but the vitality of nature is not at all weakened, and the wild Pokémon moving everywhere makes autumn also look very vibrant.

Bring Snivy to the northeast, where is the location of Thorns Col, Snivy’s former home.

The Thorns Col is not far from the Metasequoia forest, even if Liang Ren walks with Snivy in his arms, it will be there in ten minutes.

The owner here has passed away. Without the vegetation energy of Venusaur within the body, the iron-toothed thorns in the cols have also shown their decline.

The thorns and vines of Moazure now have a touch of yellow, as if they are also about to wither and die.

“si si ~”

Snivy, who had stayed quietly in Liang Ren’s arms, suddenly became emotional when looking at the Thorns Col.

Leaping out of Liang Ren’s arms, Snivy was astonishingly fast, and with a’swish’, he slipped into the thorny col and disappeared.

“Ah duo——(͒˶´⚇`˵)͒”

I saw Snivy leave Liang Ren’s arms, while using Slowpoke by Psychic Levitate, elated to Liang Ren He arched his arms to find a comfortable position.

“You guy~ take me in.” Liang Ren rubbed Slowpoke’s head fondly and laughed blankly.

“Ya Duo——٩(๑^o^๑)۶”

With a wave of Slowpoke’s claws in his arms, the iron-toothed thorns blocking the road in front separate to the two sides and let go Come one way.

Going deep into the col, Snivy was weeping.

“wu wu…”

Lying in the hay nest, the bits and pieces that used to get along with the old frog, suddenly rise in the mind.

Remembering that the old frog had left him forever, Snivy’s tears flowed again disappointingly.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)”

Seeing Snivy crying, Slowpoke consciously left Liang Ren’s arms, and his expression was also full of worry.

I feel very sympathetic to Snivy, Slowpoke, Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Lucario who have a poor life experience.

After a week of getting along, although Liang Ren has not officially accepted Snivy, several of them have recognized Snivy as their companions.

“Although the old frog has passed away, he certainly doesn’t want you to be so sad.”

Liang Ren bent down and hugged Snivy, softly soothing.



“Zengtian, what are you going to do?” Going to the north forest and cutting down a few small trees, Rintaro, who was going to be dragged back to the orchard to support the Berry Tree,

Seeing the angry black robust man in the distance walking towards the north mountain col, he couldn’t help but greeted him curiously.

“What are you doing?” It’s okay not to ask, but Masuda’s anger surges when he asks.

“The damn Pokemon in the Bramble Mountain Col, not only bit the green muko I just picked yesterday and put it in the warehouse for delivery tomorrow.”

“Also. The Berry Tree, which I took a lot of work to graft to alive at the beginning of the year, was also broken. Today I will teach them a lesson.”

After that, Masuda led the five Mightyena to the north side of the Col. Go.

“Don’t mess around, Masuda. The Thorns Col is the residence of the forest god. If you do so, you will anger the forest god.”

I heard what Masuda is going to do Regarding the matter, Rin Taro could understand his feelings, but he still admonished him.

“Bah~ the thorns in the col have withered recently. This has never happened in the past years.”

“It must be the damn group of Pokemon in the col who wreak havoc everywhere. The forest god felt disgusted, and then left here.”

Not only did Rintaro’s words fail to dispel Masuda’s thoughts, they made the black robust man even more angry.



“Snivy, be my partner, the road ahead, whether it is bumpy or smooth, let us go together. “

Soothing Snivy’s emotions, Liang Ren squatted down to put it on the ground, took out a Poké Ball that was already prepared in his pocket, and said solemnly and sincerely.

“si si ~” Snivy’s eyes were facing each other, and his eyes were red again, just after he stopped tears.

This sentence, it imagined how many days and nights, and finally heard it again.

“Knock~” Without any hesitation, Snivy’s Bounce’s tail lifted off the ground, and the blade tail was pressed on the Poké Ball’s middle switch. His body suddenly turned into a red light and was collected into the Poké Ball.


After the Poké Ball shook lightly in Liang Ren’s hand, he directly uttered a successful hum.

“Snivy, please advise me more in the future.” Looking at the pink Poké Ball in his hand, Liang Ren’s eyes were full of tenderness.

Friend Ball is specially prepared by Liang Ren for Snivy. Friend Ball is a symbol of the bond between the trainer and Pokémon.

This special Poké Ball can always remind Liang Ren to remember his promise to Snivy, and don’t let Snivy be harmed in the future.

“Du~” Feeling Liang Ren’s sincere heart, Friend Ball shook, this is Snivy’s response to him.

【Snivy 】♀

Level: 13


Character: Inferiority complex, tenacious

Features: Overgrow, (singing against the tune)

Stamina: 75【C】Blue

Attack: 42【D】Green

Defense: 50【D】

Special Attack: 43【D】

Special Defense: 50【D】

Speed: 80【C】Blue

Comprehensive: 340< /p>


I used Poké Ball to formally conquer Snivy. Liang Ren’s system Attribute panel also has Snivy data information.

As Liang Ren expected, Snivy Level is not high, only Level 13.

Inferiority complex but tenacious character, Liang Ren has clearly felt this week’s getting along, and he was not surprised by this.

However, Liang Ren was very happy to see that Snivy has an Implicit Characteristic that is against the tune. He has the cheat to improve the innate talent.

But Implicit Characteristic this thing, even if the later innate talent is promoted, there will be no if there is no. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

With Implicit Characteristic, it can also be seen that Snivy’s innate talent is not bad, as can be seen from its race (individual) value.

Material attack, physical defense, special attack, and special defense are lower than normal Snivy, but the gap is not very large.

As for Snivy in terms of physical strength and speed, the innate talent data can be said to be quite amazing.

Normal Snivy’s Species Strength is 45, and Liang Ren’s Snivy has an individual value of 75.

The normal Snivy Speed ​​Stat is 63, but his Snivy speed individual value is as high as 80.

You must know that this is still the initial data of the First Rank segment. In the future, it will evolve into the ivy snake and the monarch snake. The speed will be amazing. Liang Ren is looking forward to this.

But when he turned his eyes to the Ability item under the Attribute panel, Liang Ren was stunned.


Ability :

Petrochemical work (Genetic · not awakened)

Bubble’s aria (Genetic · not awakened) )


“Don’t you know how to learn Ability? How can there be two Ability in the Snivy Ability pool.”

“In addition, Petrochemical Gong, Bubble’s aria, what the hell is that, can Snivy learn these two abilities?” A bunch of question marks appeared on Liang Ren’s head.

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