“Hey, Liang Ren, here!!” Holding Snivy into the waiting hall of the 1st main venue, Liang Ren heard someone calling him.

“You two came here quite early.” Seeing A Fei and A Kai, Liang Ren also smiled and said hello.

“Please brother, it’s almost seven o’clock, you are too late.”

“Also, Liang Ren, you have won nine consecutive victories, and you won tonight. I’ll be successfully promoted to the second star.” A Fei asked when he thought of something.

“Well~ tonight is the tenth qualifying match in Mauville City. If you win, you can advance.” Liang Ren nodded replied.

“You already have a professional three-star level, and a two-star promotion is not difficult for you.”

Hold your arms around your chest and sit next to A Fei. Kai indifferently said.

After the last Mega Evolution Invitational, the relationship between this cold and proud young man and Liang Ren became very good.

“That’s not what I said. Even if it’s just a one-star professional trainer who can win nine consecutive victories, the strength cannot be underestimated.”

“And just contacted Stadium. I said that for tonight’s promotion match, I specially arranged an opponent with a strength of more than one star and reached the level of three stars.”

I remembered the message sent to him by Stadium just now, saying When the other trainer named him by name and challenged him, Liang Ren couldn’t help but look forward to it.

“Oh, a trainer with a true level of three-star?” A Fei and A Kai looked at each other, and both could see the doubt in each other’s eyes.

They have been playing games at Stadium in Mauville City for a long time, and they are quite familiar with the trainers in this circle.

At present, he has won nine consecutive victories, with only one star, but the real level of the trainer has reached three stars. They only think about it as Liang Ren.

Suddenly such an expert popped up right now, so obviously it came from outside Region or other cities.

So the two of them, like Liang Ren, have a little more expectations for this promotion tonight. I don’t know what kind of trainer opponent is.


“Hello audience friends, good evening everyone, I am your friend teapot, I will explain to you the game tonight.”


The time soon turned to seven o’clock, and the battle night at the main venue officially kicked off.

The commentator made an opening remark, and the atmosphere in the venue was quickly heated up, and a group of players in the waiting hall shook hands.

At this moment, in a Conference Hall in the office area not far from the player waiting hall.

A young man in sports hardwear with a small head and metal braces is watching the players in the waiting hall through the cut screen.

To be precise, this young man wearing a loose-fitting sports vest has been focusing on the young man holding Snivy on the screen and has not moved away.

“Xilan, I will confirm it again.”

“As the official contract trainer of our city Stadium, we will arrange various channels for you to promote later, you are sure To challenge Mumu Liang Ren.”

“Although he is not old, his strength can definitely be ranked in the middle even at the professional three-star level.”

In the Conference Hall, There is also a man in a light-colored casual suit. He is Chief-In-Charge signed by the trainer in the Stadium personnel department.

Before the Mega evolution tournament ended, the man in front of him also represented Mauville City Stadium and threw an olive branch to Liang Ren, but was rejected by Liang Ren.

After all, he just came to Hoenn to travel during the summer vacation and would not stay in Mauville City for too long. He would return to Kanto before the start of school.

“The reason why I want to challenge him to Mumu Liang Ren by name is not because I am jealous of his fame. I want to step on him to become famous.”

“I just want to follow It’s just a powerful trainer playing against each other.”

“Tonight is a promotion match anyway. I am afraid that others will say that I am bullying against other trainers~

It just happens to be Mumu Liang. Ren also has the strength to surpass the current stars. I think he is also unwilling to let this promotion match be too dull.”

This young man with metal braces has strong self-confidence in his words.

Two years ago, he went to the Alola Islands to take part in a tour of the islands. In the test of Island Kahuna, his Xilan strength advanced by leaps and bounds.

In the 2nd Alliance Conference of Alola Region, he made it to the top eight at a young age, and now he is returning to his hometown.

“Well, I have already contacted Mumu Liang Ren just now, and I think it’s good with you. He was really surprised to hear that the opponent who was promoted tonight is a trainer with Samsung strength.”

Seeing that Xi Lan was so confident, the man in the suit stopped saying anything. After all, he had notified Liang Ren just now, and Liang Ren also agreed to his changes.

“However, I have to remind you that Mumu Liang Ren’s Pidgeot Attribute restrains Pokémon in your hand, and the other party has mastered the power of Mega evolution.”

” I know that although I was in the Alola Islands when Mega evolved the tournament, I also watched his game through live broadcast.

Pidgeot’s Mega evolution is indeed very strong, but…”

Looking down at the thing that looked like a watch on her wrist, Xilan’s confidence not only did not weaken, but there was a feeling of be eager to have a try.

The competition on the venue has begun, and the lights on the wall electronic screens flicker frequently.

The diamond-shaped diamond inlaid on Xilan’s wrist bracelet also reflects a special halo under the light of the large screen.


“Tropius, use Hidden Power…”

“Mawile, use Iron Defense…”

Today is the weekend. As the highest-selling day of the week, many high-level professional trainers also like to pick this time to play in Stadium.

The No. 1 main venue has a high weight. Even a player who has won nine consecutive victories in the branch field will not be assigned to the No. 1 main venue for promotion.

The players who can be ranked in the No. 1 main venue are definitely the elites in the circle. At first in the evening, the game is unprecedentedly fierce.

Looking at the game screen projected on the wall screen, Snivy leaned against Liang Ren’s arms and looked at it very seriously. Snivy was full of yearning for the brightly lit stadium.

Pokémon, in the hands of other trainers, is simply fighting for the trainers on the field.

Snivy is different.

Fighting in the eye-catching arena is its until now dream. The battle is not only for the honor of the trainer, but also for itself.

The tragic life experience and experience have created a unique and unmatched Snivy, a Snivy with dreams and self-worth pursuit.

“roar roar…”

“Come on…”

1v1, 2v2, 3v3, one game ends immediately the other side starts again, one paragraph The schedule ended and a new schedule began soon.

Mauville City at night is the real entertainment capital, and Stadium, the city after 7 pm, is the most lively time.

From the beginning of the first round competition, the cheers of the audience in the venue have never stopped, and even the players who have not yet played in the waiting hall have become excited.

The 3v3 schedule is over and the qualifying starts. Liang Ren has a nine-game winning streak to qualify, so he was arranged relatively late.

Liang Ren didn’t panic either. He didn’t need to buy tickets to watch the game in the player waiting hall. Liang Ren waited patiently.

Like when he brought Riolu back then, Liang Ren is not afraid of trouble at all. He is like a private commentator in every game, explaining the game for Snivy.

Experience is not only obtained by playing on the field.

Indirect experience, as long as Pokémon can calm down to understand and absorb, is also vital to their growth.

“The next game, Xilan vs. Mumu Liang Ren.”

After waiting for another half an hour, Liang Ren was finally called by name.

“Liang Ren, come on~”

“Successful promotion, remember to have supper.”

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