
“Snivy, you should go back to the Poké Ball first.”

Liang waved his hand to A Fei and A Kai, and took Snivy back to the baby ball. Ren, walk towards the entrance passage.

In the Conference Hall where Stadium signed on the other side, Xilan also got up from his chair and walked towards the venue under the guidance of the staff.

“roar roar, the one-star 3v3 qualifying is coming to an end. The last game to be played will be a star promotion for players who have won nine consecutive victories.”

< p>“One of the players is familiar to everyone, he is the talented youngster trainer “Cherubim-Mumu Liang Ren”. “

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren ……Mu Mu Liang Ren ……”

The narrator tone barely fell, and there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers at the venue. Of course, most of them were women.

Compared with other entertainment companies, Celebrity, an artist who often has scandals and collapses.


Lilycove City Contest Conference has coexisted appearance and strength, is humble and courteous, and works very hard.

Since Lilycove City Contest Conference was known, he has been a fan of fans all the way to the present. , Mega Evolution Tournament ended and opened a personal Weibo.

The number of fans reached 230W in three days. Up to now, Liang Ren’s Weibo fans have passed the 500W mark.

He often posts small life videos on Weibo, such as riding Pidgeot to watch the sunrise on the sea of ​​clouds.

Take Cloyster to fish Water Type Pokémon on the shore of Hoenn, or to play Dive in the sea.

Let Slowpoke use “Yawn” to take a nap with Pokémon; and do fighting training with Lucario.

Liang Ren also uploads his personal cooking show from time to time. Liang Ren, who is versatile, handsome and fleshy, has more than 10 million views of each of his videos.

At the beginning, he was worried that his popularity would slowly decline after the Mega Evolution Tournament ended.

Now it seems that his popularity has not declined, but has become more and more popular.

Many at first trainers who just watched his game, follow his social accounts such as Weibo, and have a better understanding of him, without exception, turn to fans.

Every day, he takes half an hour to reply to fans’ private messages.

He will also update a Weibo dynamic when there is a match schedule. Basically, Liang Ren can see many fans’ support lights in every match.

“Wow~ Our Liang Ren little brother is still loved by fans as always!!”

“But tonight, another player, Xilan, is also in the Alola Region. The trainers who won the quarter-finals in the second Alliance Conference, please look forward to this promotion tonight.”


“Boom Click—”

Along with the commentator’s explanation, the two players were also supported by the lifting platform.

Xi Lan had already seen Liang Ren through video recording at the Conference Hall just now, but Liang Ren didn’t know much about his opponent tonight.

Liang Ren looked curiously when he saw the young man dressed up in a sports vest and with a short head and appeared on the stage with him.

When he glanced down and saw the watch-like accessory on the other’s wrist, Liang Ren’s expression flashed with surprise.

“Z-Ring!! Can this guy’s Pokémon achieve Z moves.” Seeing the diamond-shaped spar inlaid on the young man’s bracelet, Liang Ren became slightly alert.

Liang Ren, as a transmigrator, is now a professional elite trainer, whose knowledge is not comparable to that of an average person.

Like the Mega evolution of Kalos Region, the Z-movement of Alola Islands, and Dynamax of Galar Region… Liang Ren knows all about it.

Mega evolution is a state like battle Transform and battle strengthening. It increases the overall strength of Pokémon and taps the emotional bond between the trainer and Pokémon.

The Z move is different.

Z move is Ability, it is a very amazing attack on Ability with formidable power.

If Mega Evolution is to ignite a pile of firewood and let it burn slowly over a period of time, then the Z move is to detonate a petrol bomb to make its power burst out in an instant.

To use Z moves, you need to match Z-Ring and Z Pure Crystal Items.

On the former, only Island kahuna has mastered the manufacturing technology, while the latter can only be cultivated by Totem Pokémon in nature.

If Mega Evolution tests the bond between the trainer and Pokémon, then it is the trainer and Pokémon’s perception of nature that test the Z moves.

There are often people in the trainer circle discussing whether Mega has evolved more powerfully or whether the Z moves are stronger. In Liang Ren’s view, the two focus on different, not at all comparability.

Mega has a strong evolution, but the power of Z moves cannot be underestimated.


“The rules of the game are 3v3, and now the trainers from both sides are invited to send the first Pokémon who only needs to play.”

The support of the fans outside the field is complete. , The off-field referee also issued a ready signal in due course.

“Lucario, it’s up to you to play the First Stage.”

Knowing that the opposite party has mastered the Z move, Liang Ren felt a little more guarded, but he didn’t get too panicked.

First round competition Liang Ren sent Lucario.

Lucario, who has completed the “fights, feet, knees and elbows” convergence training, has reached Level 27, and has the qualifications to participate in the main venue.

“Fighting Type Lucario? Crabominable, this battle is up to you.” Xilan shouted, and also released Pokémon without the slightest hesitation.

This is a baring fangs and brandishing claws, furry Pokémon.

Different from the smooth and smooth Kingler carapace of Kanto Region, Crabominable is a crab covered with white hair.

It has purple patches on its chest, back, abdomen, and forelimbs, and its head has two shallow yellow hairs that resemble blue cotton birds.

Different from normal crab creatures, the Crabrawler pliers of Fighting Type have become fist-like, the most evolved form of Crabrawler-Crabominable.

The two clamp limbs have become sturdy legs. It looks like Kongwu is powerful, giving people a feeling of not to be trifled with.

“This Pokémon looks so strange. It’s not our Hoenn native Pokemon.”

“Just now Host said that this person is a trainer from Alola Region, this one Pokémon should be Alola’s Pokemon.”


Seeing the Crabominable released by Xilan, the audience also broke out in a discussion.

Is the Crabominable of “Fighting + Ice” Attribute? “Looking at the Pokémon released by the other party, Liang Ren not at all behaved too surprised.

The other party is a trainer who returned from Alola Region, and he also mastered the Z-movement. In his hand, he accepted Alola’s native Pokemon. Not surprising.

Crabominable is not small. As a Fighting Pokémon, he is also very burly. The average height of the 1.7m race is not shorter than that of Liang Ren’s Lucario.

“ka ka ——”

Crabominable waved his legs and provoked Lucario.

However, unlike the irritability on the other side, Lucario, whose fighting cultivation is getting deeper and deeper, looks very calm. Practical.

There is a kind of expert transcendence of “it is strong by it, and the breeze blows the hills”.

“The game begins.” The referee raised his flag and announced loudly.

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