Look at six directions and listen to all directions. Whether it is Crabominable on the court or the reaction of the opposing trainer, Liang Ren’s eyes are closely tracked and controlled.


Crabominable opened his mouth and Icy Wind hasn’t used yet, Lucario’s raised right leg has fiercely smashed Crabominable to the ground.

“Piaopiao fist.” Liang Ren’s instructions quickly followed up.


Lucario dodges Crabominable’s attack with a dexterous pace, then disrupts Crabominable’s attacking rhythm with sonic punches, and finally uses fluttering punches for damage.

The concussion fist strength of Piao Piao Quan has the effect of making opponent chaotic.

In the intense and fierce battle, a moment of dizziness has been able to affect the final trend of the battle.

It’s also Fighting Pokémon. After all, this game is better than Lucario, who is breeded by Liang Ren’s hand in hand.


After staggering the defensive limbs and hitting a straight punch in the forehead, Crabominable finally lost its combat capability.

“Crabominable can’t fight, this game was won by Mumu Liang Ren’s Lucario.”

Seeing Crabominable glaring at him, he fell to the ground and fainted. The referee was decisive. The result of the game was pronounced.


“Mu Mu Liang Ren…Mu Mu Liang Ren…”

This 3v3 promotion game, After Liang Ren took the lead in winning the next game, the fans outside the field burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Liang Ren’s imposing manner is like a rainbow, but Xilan’s side is not depressed.

“You Lucario is something.”

Looking at Lucario standing upright on the opposite court, Xi Lan twisted his stiff neck opened the mouth and said.

Ding, experience +300

Ding, pick up the physical strength Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up the attack Attribute value +1

———— ———

“Thank you, it’s okay.” Seeing Crabominable not at all broke out innate talent red coins, Liang Ren’s attitude suddenly became colder.

“You guy~” Hearing Liang Ren’s unsatisfactory tone, the smile on Xi Lan’s face suddenly stiffened, and a lot of anger was born in her heart.

“Doll bear, teach me a lesson about it.” Xi Lan, who felt that he was underestimated, released the second Pokémon without waiting for the referee’s prompt.


Poké Ball opened, a strange Pokémon with a pink head and tail, a black body, and a whole look like a teddy bear appeared on the field.

As soon as it debuted, this cute teddy bear moved towards Lucario with a smile on his face and waved a large hand, as if to say hello friendly.

“Ah~what kind of Pokémon is this, I haven’t seen it on Hoenn Pokémon Pokédex.”

“It is probably also the Pokemon of Alola Region, but it looks so cute. It’s furry like an oversized doll.”

“Hmm~ It looks very friendly, you see it is still waving to Lucario to say hello.”

“… …”

Hearing the comments from the audience outside, Xi Lan showed a weird smile on her face.

“Bewear? The cute appearance of harmless to human and animals is indeed very confusing.”

Looking at Bewear smiling and waving at him and Lucario, Liang Ren not only did not Relax your guard, but become more vigilant.

Bewear is a “normal + Fighting Type” Pokémon, harmless to human and animals is just its disguise.

Bewear, with terrifying Strength/Machamp and powerful offensive, has a more grumpy temper than Ursaring. In the Alola Region, it is considered Pokémon of extreme danger.

“Lucario, opponent is the Pokémon of the “Normal + Fighting” Attribute, the arm strength is very strong, don’t be careless. “Liang Ren warned Lucario on the court.

“ao 嗷——” Although seeing is believing, Lucario never questioned what Liang Ren said.

The guy who looks very’friendly’ should be very difficult to deal with, otherwise Liang Ren will not remind him.

“The game begins. “The referee did not give both sides a chance to continue to rest, and both Pokémon were on the court, and decisively announced the start of the second game.

“Run, Metal Sound. “Liang Ren continued to use the opening tactics of the field, let Lucario weaken the opponent’s defensive power first.

“The same tactics are useless to me. A smile appeared on Xi Lan’s face, and then ordered loudly: “Bewear, use Earthquake.” “


Black eyes looked at Lucario, who was running fast, and Bewear, who received the instruction from the trainer, bent his knees.

“hong long long ……”

With two sturdy bear legs stomping on the ground, a ten-level Earthquake broke out on the field, and the flat field became fragmented in an instant.

Seeing Lucario I was injured by the Earthquake wave, and my body was stumbling. I tried my best to keep my body’s center of gravity balanced but couldn’t do it.

Xilan didn’t miss this great opportunity: “Bewear, use Double Edge.” “

“Hey~” Bewear, who just finished jumping, waved his arms and moved towards Lucario and ran quickly.

“Jump up and use Aura Sphere. “Liang Ren frowned and ordered Lucario for Lucario.


Lucario, who was shaken by Bewear’s attack on Earthquake, broke his bones.

After receiving Liang Ren’s instruction, I barely condense an Aura Sphere moved towards Bewear, with the intention of intercepting the other party.

“Hey~” However, Bewear still has that’friendly’ smile, filled with it. A wave of Strength/Machamp’s arm.


Bright blue’s Aura Sphere is like a water polo, which is directly shot to burst, and the escaping energy resembles a fire like fire Beautiful.

“Bang–! ! “

Bewear’s charge is not affected at all.

Lucario, who used Aura Sphere to avoid aftershocks, was knocked out by Bewear before his legs touched the ground.

“Bewear, use Earthquake. “Lucario was hit by Bewear, Xilan smiled, not at all, let Bewear take the opportunity to get close.”

“hong long long ~”

Repeat the old technique, Bewear stomped to the ground. , The already fragmented arena, like the Earth Dragon turning over, has become even more ravine.


After receiving Bewear’s Double Edge from the front, Lucario feels himself It’s like being hit by an oncoming truck.

However, the painful body just fell to the ground, and the terrifying Earthquake wave hit it like a huge tsunami wave.


The ground underneath is broken and tumbling, as the Earthquake wave conducts into the body, Lucario actually has tinnitus at this moment.

Since his debut and participated in actual combat, many times when he lost the game. .

But it’s the first time for the opponent to be seriously injured without causing any harm to the opponent.

“Bewear, continue to use Double Edge. “

“Wait, I admit defeat. “Seeing Lucario falling on the ground already stands does not raise.

Liang Ren did not hesitate at all, and decisively raised his hand to the referee to admit defeat.

“Bewear, stop. “See Liang Ren admit defeat, Xilan not at all pretended not to hear the continued attack, but made Bewear stop the attack.

Bewear is a normal + Fighting Type, and Fighting Type has no resistance weakening effect to Fighting Type.

Bewear with a normal Attribute, facing Lucario’s Fighting Type attack, the damage to bear is not low.

Plus Bewear is not fast, Lucario relies on the flexibility of the body to disturb the attack. This game can still be played.

It’s just that Xilan didn’t expect to use “Earthquake + Double Edge” to deal with Lucario.

Not only did he crack his offensive tactics, but also gave full play to the strength/Machamp of Bewear.

Faced with such a Bewear, Liang Ren couldn’t think of a way to crack it for a while. Seeing that Lucario was also seriously injured, he didn’t hesitate to admit defeat.

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