Liang Ren raised his hand to admit defeat, and Xi Lan also stopped the attack. The referee did not respond much.

Raising the red corner flag in his hand directly announced the result of the game:

“Blue Fang Mumu Liang Ren surrendered and the game was won by the red player Xilan.”

< p>“Ang~Liang Ren, he would admit defeat. After coming to Stadium for so long, this is the first time I have seen him voluntarily admit defeat.”

“The Pokémon on the opposite side is very strong. Lucario is seriously injured.

If there is no way to crack the opponent’s tactics, it is a wise decision to admit defeat, otherwise Lucario will suffer more serious injuries.”

“Pokémon Athletics advocates Never The spirit of Give Up, so no matter how difficult the game is, the players will not choose to surrender.

This kind of brave behavior, in my opinion, is just a fear of embarrassment and want to maintain training. My family’s own face that’s all.

Like this battle, Lucario really couldn’t beat the opponent’s Pokemon, and chose to admit defeat when it was hopeless.

Protect Lucario from more serious injuries. , Mumu Liang Ren’s approach is what a Pokémon trainer should consider.”

“Liang Ren big brother is so considerate~”

“Liang Ren younger brother is good Gentle~”


In the second game just now, after knowing that he could not beat Bewear, Liang Ren took the initiative to admit defeat in an unprecedented way.

The off-site audience not at all ridiculed him, but admired and recognized his character even more.

Pokémon professional athletics is a healthy sport, not a trainer holding Pokémon bravely.

Liang Ren’s words, deeds, demeanor and demeanor are all focused by the lens, and then projected on the big screen outside the venue to be watched by the audience.

However, when Liang Ren was on the field, he couldn’t see the audience’s reaction. What kind of psychological pressure was Liang Ren not at all to admit defeat.

Seeing Lucario resting his arms on the ground, his body trembling and stubbornly stood up from the ground, looking at him sadly.

Liang Ren slightly smiled, took out the Poké Ball from his pocket, and comforted: “Lucario, thank you for your hard work, you have done a good job in this game.

Come back first. The next battle will be handed over to other companions.”

“Which Pokemon do you want to send next, Pidgeot or Slowpoke?”

Opposite the field, just got back Xilan in the first round asked high-spirited and vigorous.

“Pidgeot and Slowpoke are really advantageous in playing Bewear, but it’s his turn to play today.”

“Cloyster, it’s up to you—”In Xilan and In the shocked expressions of the audience outside, Liang Ren released Cloyster.

“Are you taunting me?” Looking at each other across the arena, Xilan frowned asked.

Once this person is famous, it is difficult to have any privacy.

Liang Ren’s Shiny Cloyster is pure ice attribute Pokémon. Although it cannot be said to be well known, most trainers in the circle know it.

Fighting the Fighting Type’s Bewear, Liang Ren sent a pure ice attribute Cloyster whose Attribute was restrained. Xi Lan said that Liang Ren ridiculed him with contempt is not unreasonable.

“Is it a ridicule, you will know it after a while.”

Outsiders don’t know about his breeding philosophy of Pokémon’s “on one side”. Liang Ren didn’t explain too much. You will know everything after the battle.

“Okay, let me see you Cloyster’s brilliant tricks.” Xi Lan frowned and said with a black face.

“The game begins.” Seeing that the two had finished speaking, the referee announced the start of the game.


“hong long long ~”

Xi Lan gave the order, but his voice was directly covered by a muffled thunder from Sky past.

The gloomy and black vortex of snow clouds whizzed and spread on the battlefield Sky, covering the entire arena in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, under the dark snow cloud curtain, one after another gorgeous curtain of light appeared in the sky like a faint watercolor.

Aurora Veil has no wind and automatically changes itself in the sky flow. An invisible damage reduction force field protects Cloyster.


“Snowfall, Aurora” is a characteristic ability of Cloyster, which does not need to be released by Stockpile. As soon as the referee’s game start signal is issued, sky will chuckle. Hail.

Cloyster motionless stood on the court, Xilan looked in a trance.

He seemed to have seen the highest mountain range in the north of Alola that he had visited when Crabrawler evolved, the Great Snow Mountain in Ranakila.

Large and steep, people are deeply shocked, and I only sigh in my heart the supernatural work of nature.

“Cloyster, let the opponent know your strength.”

“Combination “Shell Smash + Angularization + Rapid Spin””

Look at the opponent somewhat Distracted, Liang Ren did not be polite with Xilan, and decisively commanded Cloyster to launch an attack.


“Shell Smash + Angularization” two moves Ability in one go to use.

Cloyster swiftly turned his body into a spiny Ice Ball, and smashed it towards Bewear with a whirlwind.

The Hail that fell in the sky was bounced around by the Cloyster of the Rapid Spin, adding a bit of power to Cloyster’s attack.

“Bewear, next.” Xi Lan yelled violently.


With black eyes watching the Ice Ball that Cloyster turned into a thorn burst through the air, Bewear still had that smiling face.

Just when the Ice Ball was about to hit it, Bewear made a lightning strike.


The arm filled with Strength/Machamp directly grabbed Cloyster, and the Ice Ball of the Rapid Spin was stuck and quickly stopped turning.

“Bewear, use heavy Hammer Arm.” Xilan shouted.

“Ultrasound.” Liang Ren calmly gave Cloyster an order, not at all, was stunned by Bewear.


It was known for a long time that Liang Ren would let it use ultrasound, and Cloyster, who had been prepared in advance, instantly made a harsh noise.

The distance is too far, it is not easy for the sound wave to hit the opponent, and it is not easy for the opponent to fall into chaos after the propagation weakens.

But like now, with zero distance between the two sides, the ultrasonic effect of Cloyster is obvious.

“Oh!!!” Being caught by its pair of Iron Palms, Bewear had not followed Xilan’s instructions to smash Cloyster towards Ground.

Cloyster suddenly released ultrasonic waves in his hand, and Bewear instantly exploded hair.

With his eyes rolled up and his body trembling, the smile of harmless to human and animals suddenly became distorted.


“Cloyster, use Sheer Cold.” Liang Ren eyes slightly narrowed, and his intonation commanded Cloyster forcefully.

“ka ka ~”

Cloyster, who was held in his arms by Bewear like a chaff sieve, suddenly became cold light.

Bing blue’s strong light flashed past, and the live camera outside the field also appeared blank for a moment.

When Xilan and the off-field spectators opened their eyes again, Bewear on the field kept raising both hands and turned into an ice sculpture.

“Bewear, get out of it soon.” Xilan was a little panicked. It was not Liang Ren who despised him in this game, but he despised Liang Ren, a Cloyster.

“Resolve it, the aurora will fall!!” Liang Ren’s expression is always cold, and the situation on the court is completely in his expectation.


Cloyster, who was supported by Bewear, turned and flew away, and the gorgeous aurora of sky gathered frantically.


Bewear has not yet freed itself from ice sculpture, a laser beam of thick water tank, dropped from the sky, once again annihilated its body .

The rays of light faded, and an ice sculpture twice as large as the previous one appeared under the attention of Xilan and the audience.

Bewear may not lose its combat capability, but now it can no longer fight.

In this game, Xi Lan lost——

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