——Jiantian City——

Jiantian City is located to the east of the metropolis Saffron City. Because of the industrial transfer of Saffron City, the economy of Jiantian City is very developed.

Jiantian City and Celadon City are known as the economic Dual Wingbeat of the metropolis Saffron City.

At this moment, in a villa in Shangshan District, Jiantian City, a beautiful woman dressed in wealthy Contest is making breakfast by herself in the kitchen.

“mother!!! Don’t you need to be busy with company affairs today?”

I saw a beautiful woman in the kitchen wearing an apron mixing salad, and a brown red hair tied into a double at the door The girl in the ponytail and red dress was full of surprises.

Father is the captain of Saffron City’s civil aviation. He travels between “Kanto Saffron City-Hoenn Lilycove City” all year round, and rarely spends time with her throughout the year.

Mother is the president of an air-conditioning company. She is busy with company affairs and often does not go home. The last time she prepared breakfast for her personally like this at home was when she celebrated her birthday last year.

“Yes, tomorrow is my 13th birthday.” The girl named Luna suddenly reacted.

“Tomorrow is our Luna Chan’s 13th birthday. No matter how busy the company is, my mother will also be with my lovely Luna Chan.” The beautiful woman smiled gently.

“Hmm~” The girl’s eyes at the door suddenly turned red when she heard her mother’s words, and the beautiful woman who noticed this scene was filled with guilt for a while.

Putting down the salad bowl in his hand, Ming Zhu walked over, half-crouched and hugged his daughter in his arms: “Sorry, Luna, mother usually takes care of the company’s affairs, and doesn’t accompany you much.”

“In the future, mother will try to spare more time to accompany Luna, I promise.”

“Hmm—”Luna is very envious of her class because she has good clothes and good family. Go to classmates from ordinary families whose parents can accompany you.

The usually spoiled and arrogant girl, at this moment, under the warm embrace of mother, her cold heart melted instantly, teardrops could not stop rolling down her eyes.

“After having breakfast in a while, how about mother going to the mall with Luna? Then go order a big birthday cake.” The beautiful woman wiped her tears and said.

“Is this okay? Company business…” Luna’s face flashed with surprise, and then said with some worry.

“I order the people below to deal with the company’s affairs. Today, my mother’s task is to accompany Luna.”

Until now, I think my daughter is very independent and does not need to worry about her. At this moment Mingzhu found out that she was wrong, and her daughter was actually attached to her in her heart.

“Hmm~” The girl suddenly smiled when she heard the mother’s words.

“Father tomorrow, will he come back for my birthday?” Luna raised her head, her expression full of expectation.

“Father called me last night and said that he had applied for a vacation from the company. He flew the “Lilycove City-Saffron City” return route today and will be back tomorrow for Luna’s birthday. “

“Furthermore, we also invited your righteous person Uncle and Aunt Liangzi to come over to celebrate your birthday with you. How about it, is Luna happy? “

The beautiful woman stretched out her tender white hand and touched her daughter’s head, and asked with full of smiles.

“Father can come back tomorrow, and she also invited the righteous Uncle With Aunt Ryoko! ! “The girl’s brown eyes immediately lit up.

“Will Liang Ren second brother and Lei Lei come here too? “Luna’s expression is getting more and more excited.

“Your Liang Ren second brother and Little Lei went to Hoenn during the summer vacation. In the morning, I called your Aunt Liangzi and said that they are also on today’s plane, and they are likely to come tomorrow. Celebrate Luna’s birthday—”

“Then Liang Ren second brother and Sister Leilei, would it happen to be the father on his flight? “Luna tilted her head to reveal the cute expression of a girl.

“This is very likely~”

Seeing her daughter’s cute behavior, Mingzhu also smiled.


At this moment, she is also more certain that her daughter, who is usually very sensible, is not as strong and independent as she appears. She needs the company of her parents very much.

“Liang Ren second brother and If Sister Leilei is coming, you must order a big birthday cake. “


——Saffron City ·Civil Aviation Administration——

——Aviation Weather Center————

“Impact The southern part of “Mt. Silver, Indigo Plateau” convective cloud group has strong activity.

It will be between 7 pm and 9 pm, which will have a greater impact on the route area. An early warning will be issued for flights passing through the route area today. “

Indigo Alliance and Mt. Silver Alliance have exchanged talents over the years, strengthened political, economic, and cultural cooperation, and coordinated development has made the two Kanto Johto Regions flourish.< /p>

Like the original “Johto Civil Aviation” and “Kanto Civil Aviation”, they even directly reorganized and merged into a civil aviation company.

In the “Mt. Silver ——Indigo Plateau” route area, hundreds of planes pass by every day.

As soon as the Saffron City Aviation Meteorological Center issued a weather warning, the flight that would pass through the route area today received the message immediately.

Liang Ren The Latias Airlines H9536 they took off from Lilycove City was one of them.

At this moment, in the cockpit of H9536, after the plane takes off and rises to the set altitude, the plane enters the autopilot state.

The captain and the co-pilot, after doing a series of reports to the Lilycove City Airport tower, rarely idle.

“Di~” At this time, the captain’s side communicator received a message issued by the Aviation Meteorological Bureau.

“What’s the matter, Captain Katsuta.” In the passenger seat, a middle age person with a small nose turned his head and asked.

“I just received a weather warning issued by the Saffron City Aviation Weather Bureau, saying that Mt. Silver ——Indigo Plateau southeast part is blocked by a large cloud. It will be on the route area from 7 to 9 in the evening. It will have a greater impact.”

In the main pilot position of the aircraft, the middle-aged man called’Captain Katsuta’ frowned and looked at the weather warning message on the communicator that was replied.

This man looks like he is in his early forties, and his figure is a little blessed, but his belly is flat and he is not bloated and obese.

He has a capable short hair, thick eyebrows, a tall nose, a smooth, sharp face, and a pair of black eyes that are deep and energetic.

Flying an airplane is different from driving a taxi. As a captain of Saffron City civil aviation, Nobunaga Katsuta is very self-disciplined and maintains the best mental state through fitness.

“What should I do, do you want to alternate to other cities?” The first officer asked with a worried expression on the face of the middle-aged man with his small nose.

“According to meteorological data, the aircraft will encounter rapids about half an hour before passing through the water capital Odomare Sky.”

“When the time comes, we apply to the Air Traffic Control Bureau. The altitude should be able to avoid the clouds.”

Nobunaga Katsuta looked at the meteorological data sent by the communicator, and said after thinking about it.

Flying the “Saffron City-Lilycove City” route for a long time, Nobunaga Katsuda is also a very experienced presence in all captains of the Civil Aviation Administration.

“Since Captain Katsuta, you said so, there should be no problem?” The small nose co-pilot Da relaxed said.

In the rear cabin of the plane, after the plane took off from Lilycove City International Airport, at first Mu Mu Lei was still holding Slowpoke excitedly, lying on the window watching the clouds.

A few hours later, the girl who lost her freshness began to immerse herself in playing a big single-player game in advance within the realm.

Liang Ren and Liu Qing chatted one after another.

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