“This semester begins, the school team will also start recruiting Rookie——

Liang Ren, you seem to have mentioned that you want to participate in the school team selection.”

From Liu Qing pulled out a magazine from the newspaper bag and asked Liang Ren without turning his head.

“Well~ I had this plan before, but whether to participate in the school team selection or not, I still have to wait for the decision after returning to school.”

Liang Ren, who used his mobile phone to scan information, was Liu Qing regained consciousness and thought about replied.

Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon School is known as the talent incubation base of Kanto Alliance.

Students who come out of Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon School will have a good development when entering Alliance.

But in fact, Saffron City intermediate rank Pokémon School is a comprehensive school, and it does not specifically train trainers or breeders…

Liang Ren has already planned for the future. .

He is determined to develop in the field of vocational trainers, and the school team is composed of elite trainers in the school.

Selected to enter the school team, he can get more rare resources from the school.

Participating in the school team at the same time can also compete with various elites. It is also a good opportunity for him to exercise.

However, this time Hoenn was invited to participate in the Mega Evolution Tournament, the competition bonus + peripheral profit rake + business cooperation, and now his pockets are still bulging.

He is not so short of money, Liang Ren is not too urgent on the idea of ​​obtaining resources from the school.

In addition to the three main forces of Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster, it has more than 40 levels, and its strength has grown steadily. It has begun to move towards Quasi Elite and Elite to initiate a sprint.

He has reached the level of strength of Liu Qing, Yulong Tianxiang…such a third-year Senior, compared to entering the school team experience, it is better to go to the city Stadium to play games.

After traveling to Hoenn during summer vacation, Liang Ren’s strength and vision have changed a lot.

The plan cannot keep up with the changes. The original plan to participate in the selection of the school team is still open for discussion.

“Regardless of whether you participate in the school team or not, the next more energy is to help Lucario and Snivy improve their strength.”

Finger rubbed a few in the pocket. Poké Ball, Liang Ren thought to himself.

Lucario is now at Level 27, and it is in a period of rapid growth. Training can not be relaxed and slack.

If you miss this special period, if you want to improve your strength later in the absence of opportunities, you can only rely on training and actual combat to slowly accumulate.

In addition, at the current stage of Lucario, the “fist, foot, knee and elbow” approach has been completed. According to the plan, we will start Ability learning.

Moreover, Lucario has evolved to its final form and added “steel” Attribute. In addition to Fighting Type moves, Steel type moves also need to be taken into account.

Next summer, we will take Lucario to Kalos Region to participate in the P1world Fighting Championship. Before that, Liang Ren will maximize Lucario’s strength.

Lucario has the possibility of Mega evolution.

Wait for the breakthrough level 30 to complete the power transformation, he will slowly use the Mega Evolution wave to wash Lucario’s body and prepare for the Mega Evolution.

Next year, in the P1world Fighting Championship held in Kalos Salo City, the contestants are not regional gym trainers, or powerful figures in the Fighting circle.

If you don’t work hard to improve Lucario’s strength, when the time comes with Master Kiyo, he will lose miserably.

Of course, Lucario’s training cannot be relaxed, and Snivy’s side should start training as soon as possible.

When I was in Mauville City, time was a little tight, and the death of Venusaur was a big blow to Snivy. Liang Ren not at all immediately arranged training for Snivy.

After returning to Kanto this time, Snivy’s training will also be on the agenda as soon as possible.

From the Attribute panel, in addition to physical strength and speed, Little Brat’s innate talent is not so brilliant.

However, when the Thorns Colle was on fire, I saw Snivy use “Bubble’s Aria”, a trick “Petrochemical Technique” to completely petrify the thorns and rattan.

Liang Ren knows that Snivy has the terrifying bloodline genetic power, so he has great expectations for Little Brat.


Kanto and Hoenn are ten thousand li away, and it takes nearly 13 hours for a plane to fly one way.

There is nothing to do on the plane. In the morning, Liu Qing and Mu Mulei are in good spirits. They are addicted to games and watch Pokémon Magazine with keen interest pleasure.

After eating the air meal delivered by the flight attendant at noon, the two put down the visor Rest, but Liang Ren has been thinking about the problem.

Let Slowpoke use “Teleport” to fetch things from the air and take off the laptop in the luggage rack backpack. Liang Ren concentrated on making a training plan for Snivy.


「Monarch Snake」

Stamina: 75-Attack: 75

Defense: 95-Special Attack: 75< /p>

Special Defense: 95-Speed: 113


「Bi no Eagle」

Stamina: 83 – Attack: 80

Defense: 75-Special Attack: 70

Special Attack: 70-Speed: 101


The final evolution of Snivy “Monarch Snake”, judging from the Species Strength data, the abilities of all aspects are relatively balanced, which is very similar to the situation of Pidgeot.

In this case, there is almost no need to think about it, only focus on the key points for training.

His Snivy has excellent “stamina and speed” abilities and has evolved into a monarch snake. Both abilities are also positively improved.

It will not evolve to the final form like Bulbasaur and Turtwig, and the speed of body weight gain will also weaken.

Snivy evolved to its final form: the monarch snake, physical defense and special defense capabilities are pretty good, but Liang Ren does not intend to train Snivy in the defensive direction.

“Snivy is undoubtedly going to take the offensive route, but the physical offensive route or the special offensive route?

Or like Pidgeot and Lucario to use Dual Blade Flow, physical offensive and special offensive Focus on training.”

In the Species Strength data of the monarch snake, both physical attack and special attack are 75. There is no such thing as who is higher and who is lower, so Liang Ren hesitated.

Liang Ren stopped writing and thought secretly on the small table that was put down.

How should Snivy be cultivated? In fact, Liang Ren was already thinking about this issue when he first took over.

This problem can no longer bother him. Liang Ren, who just stopped thinking about it, thought about it and wrote a few big words in his notebook.

「Spell Assassin」

1. Strong physical strength and strong resilience

2. Powder Ability strong field control

This is great Most of the characteristics of Grass Type Pokémon, but Snivy is not among them.

Whether it is Snivy, Ivy Snake or the final evolutionary type: Monarch Snake, you cannot learn Powder Ability.

Although he can help Snivy learn through the system, in fact, the drawbacks of Powder Ability are very big, and it can be easily cracked in actual combat.

After all, regardless of Pokémon, all aspects of strength are more comprehensive in the later stages, such as offense, defense, weather, shield breaking, and control…

Rather than learning from sleep fans and Stun Spore, Poison Powder dust such ordinary abilities, it is better to master “Giga Drain, Plant Frenzy, Leaf Storm, Power Whip…”.

As a’girl’, Snivy is not as violent and aggressive as Cloyster.

In addition, Lenovo has evolved into the noble and elegant monarch snake, and the melee object attack somewhat does not conform to the monarch snake temperament.

Then the training of Snivy is to take the special attack route.

High speed, high special attack burst output, “spell assassin” positioning, very suitable for Snivy.


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