

Everyone in the cabin and cockpit has not yet realized what happened.

A blue and white beam of terror passed by MegaPidgeot, and then blasted into the thundercloud Electro Web ahead.

MegaPidgeot attacked Electro Web, which was hard to shake even the slightest, at this moment, it was pierced in the blue white light column for an instant.

The dazzling rays of light disperse, and Electro Web has all collapsed.

At this moment, the three people in the cockpit also discovered the existence of the attack that saved them all.

It is a large white bird with a body length of more than 5 meters and two rows of deep blue independent paddles hu hu on its back.

Seeing the silhouette of the other person clearly, the three people in the cockpit were speechless in surprise for a moment.

“Lugia!!!” After a few seconds of daze, Liang Ren opened his dry mouth and said.

“Woo~you have to go.”

Lugia, who was flying alongside MegaPidgeot, turned around and shouted at the three people in the cockpit.

Katsuta Nobunaga and the small nose co-pilot only heard Lugia whine, but a neutral voice rang in Liang Ren’s heart.

“Is this Lugia’s telepathy?”

When Liang Ren was surprised that he heard Lugia talking, Lugia flew over MegaPidgeot to the forefront.


A blue and white column of terrorist blasting gas exploded, and the cloud group closing in front was directly opened up a channel violently.

“Uncle Shengtian, speed up charge ahead, Lugia is clearing the way for the plane.” Liang Ren said to the two of them in surprise.

“Good~” Nobunaga Katsuta eyes shined.

Originally, when certain death situation, didn’t expect at the crucial moment, I encountered the rescue of the sea god Lugia.


The aircraft’s engine was running at high speed, and the turbine pushed out two powerful air columns toward the rear, pushing the aircraft forward to accelerate the Flying.

“hōng lóng lóng lóng ……”

“King 嚓嚓嚓……”

The plane is flying in a long narrow cloud channel with dark clouds around Densely covered, one after another violent lightning accompanied by the roar of thunder.

The plane seemed to rush into hell instead of strong current clouds, but at the moment, as the captain, Nobunaga Katsuda had a confident smile on his face.

Liang Ren’s frowning brows gradually stretched, and a big smile bloomed on his face.

“Mr. Liang Ren, you can tell the passengers this good news. I think they would love to hear your voice at this moment.”

The little nose copilot handed a call Microphone, said admiringly to the young man beside him, to be able to hold the clouds and see Yueming and wait for the hope of the next life, relying on the young Pokemon.


“Hello everybody, I am Mumu Liang Ren!!!”

At this moment, a sound of the air in the cabin behind The voice of the young, the restless passenger lifts the head, and the divine wood stared at the broadcast.

“The plane encountered the biggest test of life and death just now, but we managed to survive the crisis.” During the broadcast, the boy’s tone was very excited.

And the message conveyed by Liang Ren is indeed very exciting, and the eyes of the passengers in the cabin gradually became bright.

“At the crucial moment, we met the rescue of the god of the sea Lugia, and now Lugia is opening the way for the plane with my Pidgeot.”

“I want to say The thing is, we are saved, we can all return to Ground in peace.”


“We are saved.”

“We don’t need to Dead?”

“Are we alive?”

“wu wu ~”

I heard Liang Ren’s words on the radio, how quiet the airplane cabin was Seconds later, there was an instant burst of cheers.

Even through a cabin door, Liang Ren and Nobunaga Katsuta…can hear the joyful cheers of the passengers.

“Yes, we can finally go home safely.” Nobunaga Katsuta exclaimed.

With Lugia opening the road ahead, Pidgeot only needs to pay attention to the plane not to be hit by thunder and lightning, and perform their duties. The task has become a lot easier.



An air blast hole penetrates the black cloud, and a passenger plane that has experienced life and death rushes out of the cloud channel , Star Yaoyueming outside.

The bright and bright moon hung high on the sky, and the stars blinked, watching this civil airliner that had survived.

The bright moonlight sprinkled into the cabin through the round fuselage window, shining on the pale cheeks of the passengers wet with sweat and tears.

The panic and anxiety slowly faded away, and the passengers’ expression became very calm and serene.

At this moment, there are more than one hundred people on the plane, whether they are passengers or flight attendants, they will never forget their experience today.

Latias Airlines flight H9536 departed from Hoenn Lilycove City International Airport in the morning, and the destination is Kanto Saffron City.

The first seven hours of the voyage were uneventful. There was only one turbulence and the plane experienced a slight turbulence.

However, they would never think that they would experience such a terrible thing next.

The cockpit windshield was cracked and the right engine of the plane was damaged.

In the chaos of the plane, a juvenile trainer Mumu Liang Ren stood up and stabilized the situation.

Then sent Slowpoke to block the cracked windshield window of the cockpit with Light Screen, and then let the electric ghost Rotom enter the plane to help control the damaged engine on the right.

Everyone was in Celebrate when the crisis was resolved. Three hours later, the plane encountered a huge cloud of air currents.

The plane circled and flew for a while, resolutely rushed into the center of the cloud group to seek that thin line of life from ten deaths.

Storm, Thunderbolt, Hail…

The aircraft has encountered many tests. Under the escort of the talented youngster trainer Mumu Liang Ren’s Pokémon, the aircraft successfully passed the cloud center.

Unexpectedly, the split cloud group began to close together, and then encountered a huge thunderstorm. Liang Ren, who was placed all hope by the passengers, was unable to resist.

Passengers knew that he had done his best, and everyone had no reason to blame the young man who stood up in distress.

It may be the passengers’ gratitude to Liang Ren and the crew, or their final calmness towards death.

They were blessed by the heavens. At the crucial moment, Lugia, the god of the sea, came and saved everyone on the plane.

He (she) survived.

“Wu wu~I knew that no matter whether the second brother was strong or thin, he would bravely stand in front of me in the face of danger.”

“The second brother never let me I was disappointed, and he never hurt me, so I believe it will be the same this time, wu wu……”

The plane rushed out of the clouds, and Mu Mu Lei in the cabin cried with Lucario in her arms. A small tabby cat, Liu Qing who looked aside was deeply moved.

——Kanto Saffron City Air Traffic Management Bureau——

——Johto Goldenrod City Air Traffic Management Bureau——

After receiving H9536 rushed into the cloud group and lost After the alliance, the hearts of all the staff in the lobby of the Air Traffic Management Bureau were suspended.

After calling nervously for nearly twenty minutes, when the H9536 Wireless Electronics signal was captured on the monitoring radar again, a burst of cheers broke out in the halls of the air traffic control bureaus on both sides.

This is an era of peace, but this peace and peace was bought by certain people through’battle’.

They may not be soldiers, but they are still fighters.

One hour later, the flight made an emergency landing at Johto Goldenrod City International Airport. The public security, firefighting, and medical staff have been waiting for a long time.

The passengers who disembarked from the front door in turn surrounded Lugia to express their gratitude. After Lugia fluttered away, the passengers blocked the departure gate and clamored to see the captain and Mu Mu Liang Ren.

must thanked the captain and Liang Ren before they were willing to take the shuttle bus to evacuate.

However, Liang Ren actually got off the plane from the emergency exit after the plane stopped.

“Slowpoke, you must Endure!!!” On the ambulance, Liang Ren’s forehead was full of sweat.

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