“Second brother, are you okay, where are you? Why didn’t I see you at the exit gate with Brother Liu Qing.”

Mu Mu Lei on the phone asked anxiously with a crying voice.

After the plane’s windshield cracked, she went back to the cabin and asked Rotom for help. After a few hours, she never saw her second brother again.

“I’m fine, you don’t have to worry.

“It’s just that the Slowpoke Mental Force has been consumed too much, and I am now in a severe coma. I have now disembarked from the emergency exit and took Slowpoke to the Pokémon Center receive treatment.

“Little Lei, first call the father Mother and the elder brother to tell them that they are safe, so that they don’t worry.” In the ambulance, Liang Ren comforted his younger sister and told his younger sister.



On the other side, after passengers disembarked from the front door one by one, they did not leave at all immediately.

Instead, they gathered around the exit gate and asked loudly, expressing their thanks to the captain and Liang Ren.

“Let us meet the captain and Mr. Mumu Liang Ren. If you don’t say thank you properly to them, we will not leave.”

“Yes, yes… “

“We just want to express our gratitude to the captain and Mr. Mumu Liang Ren face to face.”

At the unanimous request of the passengers, Nobunaga Katsuta from the cabin come out.

However, in the face of the passengers’ gratitude, Nobunaga Katsuta with a small nose, the co-pilot and the flight attendant, stood on the landing ladder and bowed to the passengers.

“Hello all passengers and friends~”

“I am Nobunaga Katsuta, the captain of this flight. Today we failed to deliver everyone to Saffron City on time and safely .

“On behalf of all the crew and the flight crew, I would like to express my sincere apologies to everyone. At the same time, I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Mu Mu Liang Ren.

“If he hadn’t come forward in this accident, all of us would have been killed.

“Finally, thank you again for choosing Latias Airlines flight H9536. Goodbye~”


Nobunaga Katsuta stood at the departure gate and bowed deeply again to the passengers surrounding him.

“Captain Katsuta, may I ask Mr. Liang Ren how he is now? Where is he all right? “

“We also want to express our gratitude to Mr. Liang Ren in person. “


No one would have thought that disaster would come unexpectedly. It was a blessing that the plane could land safely. At this time, the passengers did not choose to blame anyone.< /p>

Instead, they have experienced a life and death test, and everyone has a heart of gratitude in their hearts.

“Mr. Liang Ren is okay, but the few Pokémon in his hand have been seriously injured. Fall into a severe coma.

“He has just disembarked from the emergency exit and took Pokémon to the Pokémon Center for treatment.” Katsuta Nobunaga said.


On the other side, Liang Ren sat in the airport and waited for the ambulance to rush to the Pokémon Center after receiving the missing plane.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Snivy”

Liang Ren has five Pokémons. In this dangerous situation, Snivy stayed in the Poké Ball and did not release them.

And Lucario is in charge of protecting Mu Mu Lei, not at all injured.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke and Cloyster are the three main forces involved in the rescue.

Cloyster stayed in the cockpit and couldn’t activate the extremely cold body feature. He kept using the “snowfall, aurora” Innate Ability to disperse the snow clouds, and finally ran out of strength and fell into a coma.

And Pidgeot helped the plane clear the way outside the cabin, in addition to the serious power consumption, but also because of the Hail and thunderstorms.

However, generally speaking, Cloyster and Pidgeot suffered minor injuries, and Slowpoke maintained the Light Screen for more than three hours to block the windshield windows.

When Liu Qing’s Xatu replaced Slowpoke, Slowpoke within the body Psychic was exhausted.

Under the attack of Hail, I had to step forward to help the plane prop up a large shield. Slowpoke was completely squeezing the potential to overdraw the life force.

If it is normal Liang Ren would never let Slowpoke do such a stupid thing, but it would be a blessing to be able to survive under that situation at the time, that many can be controlled.

The plane made an emergency landing at Johto Goldenrod City International Airport. After the crisis was resolved, Slowpoke fell into a severe coma and became unconscious.

“Stupid, you must have nothing to do.” Pidgeot, Cloyster, and Slowpoke were sent to the emergency room, and Liang Ren sat on the bench outside the aisle with sweat in his palms.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Qing and Mu Mu Lei also rushed to the Pokémon Center.

“second brother, I’m so scared.” As soon as they met, Mu Mu Lei jumped into Liang Ren and sobbed in a trembling voice.

“Alright~Alright~, it’s okay.” Liang Ren patted the girl’s back gently, comforted.

“Liu Qing Senior, Swellow, Xatu…are they all right.” After comforting Mu Mu Lei, Liang Ren turned his head and asked Liu Qing.

In this air crash, if there were no Pokémons in Liu Qing’s hand, he would definitely not be able to hold on to the end.

“It’s just that I consumed a lot of strength, and I received some minor injuries. Not at all, what a serious problem, I have been handed over to Nurse Joy for help when I first came here.”

See Liang Ren asked about his Pokémon, Liu Qing said with a warm current in his heart.

The plane landed at Goldenrod City International Airport. It was already past 8pm.

In just half an hour, news of the missing Latias Airlines H9536 landing safely in Goldenrod City has been spread online through various media channels.

at first ordinary people only know that flight H9536 is missing, but they don’t know what happened to the Items body.

As various news and information spread, the windshield was cracked, the aircraft engine was damaged, and the talented youngster trainer Mumu Liang Ren came forward…

The destination of the flight is In Saffron City, there are currently alternate landings in Johto Goldenrod City, and many passengers do not go home all immediately.

After finding the hotel to stay, the passengers who escaped from the dead bought a group of comfort goods and came to the Pokémon Center to visit Liang Ren.

It also saved them all. Nobunaga Katsuda was the captain of this flight, and his identity gave him this inescapable sacred duty.

And Liang Ren is not at all responsible, he is just an ordinary passenger, willing to come forward in distress, other passengers feel different about such behavior.


Liang Ren is very grateful to these people for caring about him, but he still declines everyone’s request to visit Slowpoke. After all, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are still receiving treatment.

Whether it is a passenger who avoided a catastrophe, a large number of netizens or ordinary people, everyone is praising this miracle and singing praises of Liang Ren’s heroic deeds.

As the’hero’ family members, Ryoko, Mu Mu Yiren, Ming Ju and Luna, are rushing to Goldenrod City at this moment.

Of course, the two families do not at all take the plane, but take the express train.

Now that they hear the word airplane, they all feel trembling in fear.

At 11:30 in the evening, father Mother and the others arrived at the Pokémon Center immediately after they arrived in Goldenrod City.

Mingzhu and Luna, mother and daughter, also came together.

Katsuta Nobunaga is still under prosecution.

This incident was not his responsibility. On the contrary, he was able to drive the plane to Goldenrod City International Airport and land safely. He has done nothing.

And Lugia, who saved a plane at a critical moment, also not at all left at this moment. The question of the Weather Orb has not been answered yet.

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