In the consulting room, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster are each lying on a hospital bed. Joy and a group of Pokémon doctors are treating the three pets.

“Don’t worry, they will be fine.” Seeing Liang Ren pacing back and forth anxiously, Mother Liangzi was warm and comfortable.


Liang Ren nodded, but the worry in his heart hasn’t diminished at all. He knows the situation of the three pets best.

Fortunately, Pidgeot and Cloyster, Slowpoke hurt the origin this time, and there is no guarantee that they will wake up.

“Woo~ can I come to the east port? Boy, I have some questions to ask you.”

Liang Ren is looking at the Slowpoke in the clinic with a sad face. Suddenly a voice rang in his heart.

Looking back, Father Mother, Little Lei…there is nothing unusual, as if he was the only one who heard the voice.

“You are, Lugia~” Liang Ren asked tentatively in his heart.

The other party’s voice is a bit familiar. He also heard this voice when Lugia arrived an hour ago. At first he thought it was his own hallucination.

“Woo~It’s me.” That voice rang in his heart again.

“Okay, I’ll come over right away.” Knowing that Lugia was really calling him telepathically, Liang Ren suddenly had several points of excitement.

After getting Liang Ren’s reply, the voice disappeared.

“Dad, Mom, I’ll go out to buy some things and book the hotel by the way.” Liang Ren said to father Mother.

“Okay, go out and watch the car.” What happened just now, although in the end it was a surprise, but Ryoko was still upset at the moment.

“Got it.” After Liang Ren answered complied, he walked outside the Pokémon Center.

The Pokémon Center in an ordinary small city has a curfew at 23:00.

However, in the Pokémon Center of an international metropolis like Goldenrod City, in order to deal with emergencies, the Pokémon Center is always on duty 24 hours a day.

From the center of Pokémon, it is early in the morning, but there are still taxis operating outside.

Goldenrod City is a huge city in the west of Johto. It is the largest city in the Johto Region and can rival Kanto Saffron City.

As the economic and technological center of Johto Region, National Park, Arena Arena, Goldenrod Game Center and Goldenrod Gym are all attracting the attention of trainers.

Goldenrod City, located in the bay, has a large cargo transshipment port to the west.


He stopped a taxi and rushed to the port. After paying the fare, Liang Ren looked around looking for Lugia.

“hua hua…”

It is early morning, and the port is busy during the day. At this moment, it is very quiet, and all you can hear is the sound of hua hua of the waves.


A long whining sounded, and then thick fog formed on the sea, and the place where Liang Ren was standing was quickly submerged by the fog.

But he was not at all panicked, because Lugia flapped its wings, flew over from the fog on the sea, and landed in front of him.

Although I have seen Lugia before, looking at it from a distance is completely different from the feeling of face-to-face close contact at this moment.

The white body, the shallow blue abdomen, and the two rows of deep blue independent paddles on the back are blowing in the sea breeze.

Lugia looked down at the young man in front of him at the moment, but the 5.2m height, coupled with the “oppression” feature, made Liang Ren even feel like breathing is blocked.

It’s not that everyone face doesn’t change Ground to legendary Pokémon, but Liang Ren is a transmigrator.

“Woo~young human trainer, I have a question I want to ask you.”

Seeing that the young man can still remain calm under his scrutiny, Lugia’s eyes flashed A touch of appreciation.

“Okay, you can ask.” Liang Ren nodded with a smile.

“Woo~ I felt the breath of the meteorological orb when the plane passed through the clouds just now. That breath was transmitted from Pokémon in your hand.”

” Can you explain what is going on?” The Meteorological Orb is important, and Lugia becomes serious now.

“It turns out that you came here after you felt the meteorological gem. Helping the plane out of the clouds was just easy.”

Hearing Lugia’s words, Liang Ren’s heart suddenly cleared the comprehension. , He thought Lugia was here to rescue them.

“Well, the matter of the Weather Orb is a long story. Before…”

Liang Ren didn’t entangle whether Lugia came to rescue them specially, or save them by the way.

Seeing Lugia looking down at him, Liang Ren organized a language, and also told Lugia about the evolution of Shellder’s mistaken swallowing of the “Ice Orb” on the Ice Island.

The Meteorological Orb is not at all lost, nor is it damaged. Shellder is only infected with the power of the Meteorological Orb during evolution.

For this explanation, Lugia is fairly acceptable.

At the same time, Lugia looked towards the gaze of the teenager in front of him became more and more appreciated.

At a young age, Pokémon’s strength is already good. After the plane rushed into the center of the cloud group before, the boy made a series of brave and fearless moves.

As long as he does not die, the young man in front of him will surely make great achievements in the future.

Furthermore, Cloyster within the body is tainted with the power of a meteorological orb (the key of the law), and there will be no difficulty in breaking through Elite and hitting the championship level in the future.

“Woo~boy, you can come to Sanshin Island when the time comes. I will let Articuno Coaching talk about Cloyster’s development and application of the power of weather.”

The doubt in his mind was resolved, Lugia flapped its wings and flew towards the sea covered by Mist, a voice lingered into Liang Ren’s ears.

Getting a promise from Lugia, Liang Ren’s face is full of joy. You must know that not just any Articuno can be called the “God of Ice”.

Cloyster can be coached by the “God of Ice” himself. This is simply a great opportunity.

“Lugia, thank you for saving us.” Liang Ren moved towards Lugia bowed deeply and shouted.


Liang Ren tone barely fell, on the sea covered by Mist in front, a silver ray of light shot at him.

“This is~” Lifts the head, Liang Ren looked at the white feathers exuding silver radiance in surprise.

“Silver Wing!!!” Liang Ren exclaimed.

“Silver Wing” is a precious token that can summon Lugia.

The trainer given to Silver Wing by Lugia means that he has gained Lugia’s recognition and friendship, and it can even be said to be Lugia’s spokesperson in the human world.

If it is placed in the ancient times of Totem worship, Liang Ren will directly go from the ordinary commoner to the “Holy Son, sacrifice” that can communicate with Spiritual God.

Throughout the history of Pokémon world, it can be recognized by the legendary Pokémon that such people have achieved extraordinary achievements without exception.

Just as not every Articuno can be called the “God of Ice”, Pokémon world is not that any Lugia can be called the “God of the Sea”.

Liang Ren The Silver Wing he has now is the head boss of the “God of Ice, God of Fire, and God of Thunder” on the Three Gods Island, and a token of the “God of Sea”.

The preciousness of this piece of Silver Wing is probably only comparable to the “Rainbow Wing” that the protagonist Ash obtained from Ho-Oh in the original book.

“My dear, it’s really awkward this time. It is recognized by the sea god Lugia.”

Cutiously catching this piece of Silver Wing, Liang Ren couldn’t hide his heart. Ecstasy.

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