“Silver Wing” fell into Liang Ren’s hands, and suddenly shined, as if it had a wonderful resonance.

“It’s so beautiful~” Liang Ren sighed.

Slowpoke They are still in a coma. They put the Silver Wing gifted by Lugia into the system backpack, Liang Ren called a taxi to the city to buy something, and booked the hotel along the way.

Then he hurried back to the Pokémon Center in a hurry.

Let the father mother and younger sister go back to the hotel to rest, Liang Ren alone in the Pokémon Center to accompany.


Pidgeot and Cloyster woke up at noon on the 2nd day, but the situation in Slowpoke didn’t get any better.

“The body has basically recovered, but Slowpoke damages the brain and the spirit. This is a major blind spot in the current medical field. We cannot guarantee whether Slowpoke will wake up.”

Outside the consultation room, Doctor Pokémon in a white coat explained with some guilt.

After a day of fermentation, the dangerous situation experienced after the loss of flight H9536 was actively spread by the passengers who avoided a catastrophe. The name Mumu Liang Ren once again became a hot topic among the people. .

“The Hero Behind Flight H9536”

“The 13-year-old boy saves the missing flight”

“The talented trainer Mu Mu Liang Ren creates another miracle”< /p>


The young man in front of him saved more than a hundred people on the plane with his’strength of oneself’, but his own Pokémon was seriously injured.

Looking at Slowpoke, who was unconscious on the bed in the consulting room behind him, several Pokémon doctors felt more and more guilty.

“Heal Pulse, Laying Eggs, Life Dew…Isn’t these recovering Ability effective?”

Although Slowpoke was predicted to be severely injured, I heard it from the doctor. Slowpoke is difficult to wake up, Liang Ren still a little unwilling to believe it.

For the trainer, Pokémon is like a family member Normal, and Liang Ren cannot accept this fact right now.

“Whether it’s medicine or Pokémon, we have tried Ability treatment. Slowpoke’s physical injuries have all recovered, but mentally…”

“Hey~you It is best to have a psychological preparation.” Finally the doctor sighed said.

“Is it really resigned to fate, is there no other way?” Liang Ren’s tone was very unwilling.


“Mr. Liang Ren, you are studying in Saffron City, the capital of Psychic. I don’t know if you know some Psychic people.”

“Psychic people exercise Mental Force, maybe they have a cure for Slowpoke’s mental injury.”

Seeing Liang Ren’s desperate face, the attending doctor in a white coat in front of me is also very worried. Can’t bear it, thought for a while and suggested.

“Psychic people? Yes, they must have a cure for mental injuries.” Hearing the reminder of the middle-aged in a white coat in front of him, Liang Ren’s eyes lighted up again.

Without hesitation, Liang Ren took out his mobile phone and found the number of the head teacher Sabrina in the address book, and dialed directly.

“Hey~little Liang Ren, you brat is famous again.”

The phone dialed, Liang Ren hadn’t spoken, and Sabrina was the first to teased when the call came.

“Sabrina Teacher, my Slowpoke is in a coma now. Is there any way to treat mental injuries at the Psychic Association?”

Liang Ren is not in the mood to talk to Sabrina cracking a joke, asked the other person anxiously.

“There are natural ways to treat mental injuries, but it also depends on the severity of the injury.”

From Liang Ren’s voice, he noticed his anxiety and anxiety, and Sabrina groaned. Slowly replied after a few seconds.

“I don’t know the severity of Slowpoke’s injury, but the doctor said that the probability of it waking up is very small, and the other party also asked me to prepare psychologically.”

Normally Li has always Liang Ren, who was steady and calm, seemed nervous and flustered at this moment.

“Tell me about Slowpoke’s situation, how did it fall into a coma.” On the other end of the phone, Sabrina asked.

“This time I came back from Hoenn, the cockpit windshield on the plane cracked, and then Slowpoke blocked the windshield with Light Screen for more than three hours.”

“When When the Senior traveling with me replaced the Slowpoke with his Xatu, the Slowpoke power within the body was almost exhausted.”

“Then the plane rushed into the center of the cloud, in order to prevent the fuselage of the plane from being attacked by Hail. Slowpoke stepped forward again and used Psychic to help the plane prop up a shield for nearly an hour.”

“When the plane landed at the Goldenrod City International Airport, Slowpoke was unconscious. “

“Since I was sent to the Pokémon Center for treatment last night, there is still no sign of waking up.”

In the corridor near the window, Liang Ren paced back and forth with anxiety. , Tell Sabrina the general situation.

“Use Light Screen to help the airplane block the windshield window for more than three hours, and when the power within the body is about to dry up, help the airplane to support an extra large shield for nearly an hour.”

“It’s a nonsense. Overdraft of power will hurt Pokémon Life Source. Even more how Psychic Type Pokémon consumes Mental Force.”

“You Slowpoke can’t wake up now. , Even when she wakes up, she is probably a cerebral palsy idiot.”

Sabrina reproached harshly.

“Teacher, of course I know the harm of power overdraft to Pokémon, but it was a luxury to survive that situation at the time. How can I still consider these things.”

“Now things It has already happened, all I can do is to redeem it.” Liang Ren said reproachfully.

“Oh~okay.” Sabrina sighed.

Among the students brought by me, Liang Ren innate talent is the best and also the hardest.

But she has fortune-telled before, and Liang Ren’s future is also the most bumpy among all her students. It is not an exaggeration to describe how many disasters are.

“If it is a mild mental injury, the spiritual liquid stored by our Psychic Association can be cured.”

“But your Slowpoke is now seriously injured And Life Source, it’s not as difficult as Normal to cure its injuries,” Sabrina said.

“No matter what the cost, as long as Slowpoke can be cured, I am willing to do it.” Liang Ren assured Danger Land in a firm tone.

“hehe ~ you want to do it, I’m afraid you can’t do it.” Sabrina lightly said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

“The brain and the spirit are the blind spots of the current medical field——

“After the treatment of Slowpoke, the body is estimated to be no problem, but the mental injury has actually been delayed until now. A little treatment.

Slowpoke suffered such a serious mental injury, you brat should contact me immediately last night. Now the best chance of treatment has been delayed. “

Sabrina said reproachfully, but Liang Ren could also hear her care for herself.

“Then what should I do now? “Hearing that Slowpoke had already delayed the best time for treatment, Liang Ren panicked.

“The top priority is to stabilize Slowpoke’s injury.

I will go to the Psychic Association to get a spiritual liquid for a while, and then apply for a spiritual bead from Alliance. I will come to Goldenrod City immediately after the things are ready. “

“But I have to remind you kindly, wisdom spiritual liquid even if you owe me a favor.

“But the “Spirit Orb” is not the precious of Normal. Once I apply to Alliance in your name, you brat almost signed a contract with Alliance. You can think clearly. “

Sabrina said with a smirk.

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