“Spiritual Marrow Pearl?” Liang Ren was a little confused, even as a transmigrator, he had never heard of this thing in his previous life.

“When Pok茅mon’s strength reaches the Elite level, it already has the ability to accumulate treasure鈥斺€?/p>

“Like Miracle Seed, Hard Rock, Dragon Tooth, Prism Scale… these precious The Pok茅mon Items are the condensed body power after the death of Pok茅mon of Elite level and above. “

“And the Psychic Type Pok茅mon is condensed when dying, and it is different from other Items.

The Spiritual Marrow Orb not only gathers all the power in front of Psychic Pok茅mon, but also contains the cultivation insights in front of Psychic Pok茅mon.

Most of the treasures condensed after death of other Elite-level Pok茅mon can only be used for items, but the spiritual marrow beads can allow an ordinary Psychic Pok茅mon to break through to the Elite level without hindrance. “

“The preciousness of the “Spiritual Marrow Pearl” can be seen. “On the other end of the phone, Sabrina explained to him.

“I said, no matter what the cost, as long as the Slowpoke can be cured, I am willing to do it. “

Sabrina’s Kanto Alliance not at all shocked him. After all, other people are still eager to enter the Alliance. Naturally, he will not be too entangled in this matter.

< p>“Don’t be too happy too early. Wisdom spiritual liquid and spiritual beads only help Slowpoke stabilize the injury and stimulate the exhausted Mental Force to recover. “

“Your Slowpoke hurt Life Source, we must heal it completely. It is recorded in the file of our Psychic Association.

There are several ways, but none of them can be done by an average person. “Sabrina mood grave said.

“Which ways? If you don’t try, how can you know you can’t do it. “Liang Ren not at all was frightened by Sabrina’s words, and hurriedly asked.

“first: the lake of life, guarded by the legendary forest god Celebi. “

“second: Holy Ash, the legendary Pok茅mon Ho-Oh, possesses the ability to give life to the dead Pok茅mon, and the Holy Ash on Ho-Oh is also believed to have the ability to heal all injuries. “

“Third: Resurrection grass, which was created by Growth on Sanyun Island in Unova Region, a precious herb that can completely heal the dying Pok茅mon, but it is guarded by the legendary Pok茅mon Landorus. “

“fourth: Fairy Aura, Kalos Region legendary Pok茅mon Xerneas is said to have the ability to give life, no matter how many injuries Pok茅mon suffers, it can be completely healed under Xerneas’s Fairy Aura. “

“The fifth species: Alola Region Akala Island Guardian God. The glowing scales on Tapu 路 Butterflies also have the effect of healing any wounds and diseases. “

“How about it, kid~ Which one of the five methods mentioned above can you do?” “Sabrina asked.

“As long as it is related to the legendary Pok茅mon, it is not a simple matter, but I still said that, no matter what the cost, I must cure Slowpoke. “

After listening to the five ways Sabrina said, Liang Ren’s brows became deeper and deeper, but his determination to cure Slowpoke did not waver.

” In this case, I will come to Goldenrod City in the afternoon after preparing the spiritual liquid and spiritual beads. “Sabrina didn’t say anything more.

She wanted Liang Ren to give up. Whether it was spiritual marrow beads or other Slowpoke treatments, it was too precious.

Such a big price , It is enough to cultivate a more outstanding Psychic Pok茅mon than Slowpoke.

For the reproduction of the race, some Pok茅mon are destined to be released, while some Pok茅mon have a very short life cycle and are destined to die early.


A trainer’s life will experience a lot of life and death.

But Sabrina can’t say it when she speaks. The real trainer is Pok茅mon who loves her very much, both The relationship between Liang Ren is like relatives.

Liang Ren is so affectionate and true to Pok茅mon, which is why Sabrina is willing to help him, otherwise she will never do this.

“Thank you Teacher. “Liang Ren thanked him sincerely.

With the assurance of Sabrina, the president of the Psychic Association, Slowpoke will be fine for the time being, but to completely heal its injuries, he is thinking of something.


“Xerneas and Tapu路Diedie are too far away, and it is very difficult to get the opponent to shoot. “

“Life lake, holy ash, resurrection grass, you can think of a way. “Liang Ren, who hung up, sat on the chair in the corridor of the consulting room, rubbed the temple and thought.

Celebi and Ho-Oh are Johto Region legendary Pok茅mon, and they are the closest to him in terms of distance.

Neither the lake of life nor the holy ash of Ho-Oh are so easy to get.

In the original theatrical version of “Celebi: Encounter Through Time”, the protagonist Ash also When he was young, Samuel Oak met and saved Celebi who was captured by Team Rocket Top Rank Executive Bishas.

It mentioned that the Central Zone guarded by Celebi has a life that can heal his injuries. Lake.

Although Liang Ren has not forgotten this part of the plot, the name of the forest is not at all mentioned in the original book. He has no way to find the lake of life.

And The holy ash of Ho-Oh, Liang Ren thinks a lot. The Bell Tower in Yuanzhu City of Johto Region enshrines Ho-Oh.

There are also descriptions in the original plot, as long as you bring the token “Rainbow Wing” Ho-Oh will show up at Bell Tower.

Even if Bell Tower doesn’t work, in the theater version of “It’s It’s You”, Ash takes Rainbow Wing to Tianqingshan where he participates in the trial is another way.

However, both of these plans require Ho-Oh’s token “Rainbow Wing”.

In the entire Pok茅mon world, the only trainer recognized by Ho-Oh is the original protagonist Ash. As far as he knows, only Ash has the token “Rainbow Wing” given by Ho-Oh.

“I don’t know if I can borrow Rainbow Wing from Ash.” Liang Ren brows tightly knit thought.

In the original book, Ash is simple and kind. Although Liang Ren’s nosy character dislikes Liang Ren, it is also his advantage from another perspective.

In Pok茅mon world for more than ten years, Professor Oak, Brock, Misty, May, and Lena, who have close relationships with Ash, know all of them, and they have a good relationship.

However, as the protagonist of the original book Ash, Liang Ren has not been in touch yet, and he is not sure if the other party is also as enthusiastic and simple as in the original book.

“Rainbow Wing” is a gift, such a precious thing, in the face of a stranger who has no friendship, will Ash generously lend it to him?

Liang Ren was at a loss, he was not sure.

However, at this moment, whether the other party is willing to borrow, he has to ask the other party to ask before knowing it.

Thinking of this, Liang Ren took out his mobile phone and made another call.

“Hey~Lilycove City Contest, you haven鈥檛 contacted me for a while, this trip to Hoenn, you made several big news.”

“Lilycove City Contest The Conference was invited by Elite Drake to participate in the exhibition. The Mauville City Mega Evolution Invitational amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, and this time saved flight H9536.”

“old fogey has been staying at the Laboratory in Pallet Town Here, you can often hear news about you brat.”

On the other side of the phone, Oak happily said.

As the leader of the Kanto academic circle and the veteran of the Indigo Alliance, he is very willing to see the rise of such outstanding descendants in Kanto Region.

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