
“I don’t know if I can go up with the two messengers.”

In addition to the two monks who blocked him just now, there are also Many other monks are pursuing repairs.

When they learned that Liang Ren and Ash possessed the tokens given by Ho-Oh, each of them was as shocked and excited as the two just now.

One of the monks with beardless white face, long eyebrows and white eyebrows, who looked kind and respectable, asked Liang Ren in a trembling tone.

If someone who does not know the inside story listens to this, he would think Liang Ren is the owner of this Bell Tower, and these monks are the guests passing by.

“Ash, no problem!” Liang Ren is not the spokesperson chosen by Ho-Oh, and he has never seen Ho-Oh. Can someone else be there when summon Ho-Oh? It is also not clear.

“If you are alone, there should be no problem.”

Ash glanced at the kind old monk, and finally thought about it and nodded in agreement.

“Thank you, Envoy.” With Ash’s permission, the old monk was so excited that his eyebrows were shaking.

“The rest of you stay here, protect each pass, not allowing outsiders to enter the tower to disturb the messenger.”

After the elder monk instructed the other monks, this He led the way and led Ash Liang Ren to the Tower Summit.



Besides the earth and stone base below, the Bell Tower is all wooden structure above, counting from bottom to top There is 6-Layer.

The rest of the monks looked at Liang Ren their three people excitedly, and no one whispered.

Inside the wooden tower, it was so quiet that only the old monk with long eyebrows who led Liang Ren and the others, introduced the history of Bell Tower.

Bell Tower is called Bell Tower because there are many bells hanging in the tower, but Liang Ren not at all heard the bells after entering the tower.

Even the copper bell hanging on the eaves outside the wooden tower, dangling in the night wind, still made no sound.

Ash used to travel to Johto Region, visited Yuanzhu City, and also boarded Bell Tower under the leadership of Ghost Gym Leader Morty, so it’s no surprise.

Liang Ren was also not surprised when faced with this strange phenomenon.

He knows the plot of the original book well…

“The bells inside and outside the tower will ring only when the legendary Pokémon Raikou, Entei, and Suicune come.”

< p>“The four transparent bells on the Tower Summit floor will make a sound only when Ho-Oh descends.”

The old monk who led the way explained to Liang Ren and Ash.

“It’s really amazing.” Although I already knew it, Liang Ren responded politely after seeing the old monk’s kind explanation.

The old monk with long eyebrows was not fast, but it didn’t take long for the three of them to climb the Tower Summit from the bottom of the tower.

Tower Summit floor space is much smaller than the lower tower floor, but compared to the lower tower floor simple and rudimentary, the Decorate on the top floor looks noble and elegant.

Completely interprets the meaning of the term “Diaolianghuadong”.

The red candle weeping in the gauze lamp, illuminating the divine and noble gesture of Divine Bird Ho-Oh on the screen, and a few gilt incense burners wafted from the tranquil woody fragrance.

“Liang Ren ~”

The old monk consciously stood at the top of the tower’s stairs and did not approach any more, while Ash standing in front of the Ho-Oh statue held Rainbow Wing and turned to look at him Come.


Liang Ren understood what Ash meant. He didn’t answer, but took out the baby ball and released Slowpoke.

“Next, please, Ash!!!” Liang Ren held Slowpoke in his arms, and turned towards Ash nodded sincerely.

“Don’t worry, Ho-Oh is very kind. It will definitely help you heal Slowpoke.” Ash gave him a big smile.

In the eight years of his debut, he has traveled to several regions and has been involved in dangerous incidents many times, but he has also personally seen many Pokémon that others have only heard of in legends.

Ho-Oh, Lugia, Mew, Celebi…, many people regard these legendary Pokémons as mysterious, with a strong sense of worship and fear in their hearts.

But only Ash knows that these legendary Pokémon are easier to get along with than ordinary people think.

When he was studying in the Alola Islands, the island Guardian God Kapu Mingming often played with him, and even the legendary Divine Beast representing the sun-Solgaleo was once his Pokémon .

Some time ago, he happened to meet Lugia, the god of the sea, in Vermilion City, and the other party also carried him around in the sea.

In Ash’s view, Liang Ren stepped forward when flight H9536 was in crisis, because Slowpoke was seriously injured and unconscious because of his rescue.

If Ho-Oh knew of his heroic deeds, he would certainly heal Slowpoke’s injury without the slightest hesitation.

You must know that in the legendary story, three ordinary Pokemon and Ho-Oh who were killed by the fire of the Bell Tower were brought back to life without any merit.

even more how Liang Ren’s Slowpoke did such a major event.

“If I were Ho-Oh, I would not only heal Liang Ren’s Slowpoke injury, but also give it strength to make it as strong as Suicune, Entei, and Raikou.”< /p>

Turning his head and glanced at Liang Ren with a worried face and gently stroking Slowpoke’s body, Ash said inwardly.

The old monk with long eyebrows at the top of the stairs at the back is also in a nervous gesture at the moment.

He is the abbot of this Bell Tower (temple), and his other identity is the patriarch of this generation of Song Ye Family.

The Song Ye Family once served Ho-Oh for generations, but one of the ancestors failed Ho-Oh’s trust.

From then on, the surname of Songye has changed from a family of gods to a family of gods and abandons in the hearts of the people in Yuanzhu City, and the glory has become a shame.

The Matsuba clan makes Ho-Oh chill. Ho-Oh has never been to Yuanzhu City again. Humans disappointed Ho-Oh.

Their family has made atonement for hundreds of years, and didn’t expect to see a human holding a token given by Ho-Oh in this generation.

Looking at the two teenagers not far away, Matsuba Xiandi was very nervous, and the palm of the monk even oozes sweat.

I don’t know if the boy with the blue jacket and hat can bring Ho-Oh to Bell Tower with the token “Rainbow Wing”.

According to legend, Ho-Oh, who has given up on humans, will he be willing to save Pokémon, who is a handsome boy next to him.

If both things are done, does it mean that Ho-Oh has forgiven their ancestors of the Matsuba clan for what they did?

In the future, will Ho-Oh come down to the Bell Tower from time to time as recorded in the historical documents of Yuanzhu City, bringing benefits to mankind?

On the top floor of Bell Tower, Ash is the most relaxed of the three, Liang Ren is slightly worried, and the old monk is the most nervous.

Ash didn’t know that the old monk not far behind him was so nervous that he was about to jump out. After seeing Liang Ren’s side, he was ready.

Ash directly raised the Rainbow Wing in his hand, looking straight at the Ruby eyes inlaid with the colored Ho-Oh wood carvings in front of him with clear eyes.

He called silently in his heart: “Ho-Oh, please, I desperately need your Help now……”

As Ash kept calling in his heart, he was The “Rainbow Wing” raised above his head also released increasingly bright and dazzling colorful rays of light.

The jewel eyes of the colored Ho-Oh woodcarving in front of him were also shining brightly by the light emitted by Rainbow Wing.

“Please, Ho-Oh, I need your Help.” Ash asked loudly this time.


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