
I called out silently for a long time, but did not see Ho-Oh’s response, Ash suddenly became a little anxious.

Gazing into the eyes of the Ho-Oh colored plastic wood carving in front of him, Ash opened his mouth and asked loudly: “Ho-Oh, I need your Help, please come to the Bell Tower, oh now~”


“Pika Pika…” Pikachu, who was crouching on Ash’s shoulder, also asked.


One person and one mouse tone barely fell, and the Ho-Oh token “Rainbow Wing” raised above his head suddenly released a dazzling colorful glow.

In the top tower room, Liang Ren and the old monk with long eyebrows were also instinctively closed their eyes by the sudden burst of rays of light.

At this moment, the colorful glow from Rainbow Wing in Ash’s hand penetrates the wooden dome of Bell Tower’s tenon-and-mortise structure and shoots straight into the faint night sky without stars and moon.

The beam of light is like a stretched and straightened rainbow. This strange sight not only makes the citizens of Yuanzhu City walk out of their homes one after another, pointing fingers to watch the discussion.

At this moment, even Wild Pokémon in the forest outside the city lifts the head and looks at Bell Tower in awe.

“What happened over the Bell Tower?”

“What is this, is the Aurora Beam launched by ice attribute Pokémon toward the sky?”

” …”

In the dim night sky, the colorful beam of light shot from the top of Bell Tower to the sky is really eye-catching.

The beam of light runs through Heaven and Earth, breaking the tranquility formed after night in Yuanzhu City. This ancient historical capital has become extraordinarily lively at this moment.

Foreigners looked confused and asked the people next to what happened. Some youngsters who didn’t know the history took out their mobile phones to broadcast the natural phenomenon of Bell Tower.

Only those who have lived in this land for generations, born and raised in Zhushi, look at the colorful light column of Bell Tower to understand what this means.

Confusion, shock, disbelief, ecstasy…

Complicated emotions rise in the mind, and many elderly local citizens have exceptionally wonderful faces.


“Ding bell…”


“Bell… Bell…”

Along with the colorful beams of light running through Heaven and Earth, the copper bell hanging on the outer cornice of Bell Tower, swaying silently in the night breeze, finally gave out its crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, the bell inside Bell Tower rang automatically.

The night is very quiet, and Yuanzhu City is very quiet. The bell of Bell Tower floats along the historical ancient capital Sky with the fatong flowers dancing in the night breeze.

Many citizens at first are just guessing. Although they are full of expectations, they really can’t believe it.

When they heard the bells of Bell Tower ringing crisp and sweet, the citizens burst into cheers.

“Grandfather, why are you crying?”


“Mother, why did you kneel down suddenly?”

< p>“…”

“Ho-Oh is back!!!”

“Ho-Oh is back!!!”

“Ho- Oh, I’m back to our Yuanzhu City——”

Looking at the young generations around me with a blank face, some hair grey-white, elderly citizens, wiping tears and explaining to the people around them .

“hong long long ——”

The sky to the east of Bell Tower suddenly heard a muffled sound. From far and near, a spark of Spark suddenly shot towards Bell Tower. .


A violent beast roar made, and the citizens who were moving towards Bell Tower pupa stopped suddenly.

When Spark disperses, one head is covered with yellow-black spotted fur, sharp fangs, purple thundercloud cloak-like mane on the back, and electric Ember tail.

The domineering Thunder Beast, which looks like Saber-Toothed Tiger, appears on the eaves of the Bell Tower 3rd floor. The red eyes look down on the monks coming out of the tower and the citizens coming from afar. .



“It’s…It’s Raikou!!!” The citizens below exclaimed.

However, their surprise has not faded, another beast roar came from the southern forest.


This beast roar is not as violent as Raikou just now, it sounds thicker and deeper, and at the same time more majestic.


The monks and citizens under the tower had not yet reacted, and a dry and warm wind blew by them.

A red silhouette in the forest rushed out, kicked on the strong legs wearing iron rings, and a flame beast with orange red hair passed over the citizens’ heads.

Then it landed steadily on the eaves of the Bell Tower 4th floor, with the long white mane thick as a cloud of smoke fluttering in the night wind.

This eyebrow has sharp-edged brown hair, the cheeks have a red six-pointed star-like structure, and the forehead is embedded with clover Normal golden yellow hair.

There are flame beasts faintly underfoot, and looking down from the high tower to the citizens below, the whole looks majestic and majestic.



“It is Entei, Entei is also here.” The crowd of monks and citizens below broke out again Exclaimed.

“Raikou and Entei are here, will Suicune also come to Bell Tower.”


The excited citizen Tone barely fell, and Gust for a moment.

“hua hua ………”

“dīng líng líng ……”

The north wind blows across the forest Sky, Lin Tao hua hua, Bell Tower cornice The copper bells rang more and more clearly and sweetly.

Everyone under the tower was fascinated by the wind, and suddenly looked up at the tall tower in front of them.

On the ridge of the cornice of Bell Tower 5th floor, there is another Spirit Beast.

It looks like a lone wolf, with a mane fluttering in the wind on the back of its neck, like a soft and flowing purple hair, and even a headpiece like Sapphire.

There are white wind-like streamers on both sides of the body. The soft and shiny fur of blue and blue has blue and white patterns.

Different from Raikou’s overbearing and perverse, and also different from Entei’s dignity and stability, Suicune, known as the north wind incarnation, is light and elegant, with aloof and silent temperament.


On the ridge of the eaves of the tower, Suicune completely ignored the gaze of the crowd below, raised his head and moved towards the distant sky and let out a long howl.

Suicune’s voice is long and smooth, with a touch of sadness, but also with some loneliness.

The three holy hands under Ho-Oh have their own abilities and different temperaments.

But there is no doubt that Suicune is the most popular and also the most popular existence in the human world.

“Will Ho-Oh come?”

I heard three have nothing common with each other beast roars, and Liang Ren, who was on the top floor of Bell Tower, turned his head down and looked down. At a glance.

The silhouettes of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune come into view clearly.

Although I’m doing business right now, I couldn’t help but feel excited when I saw three Divine Beast Liang Ren at a time.

The “Rainbow Wing” in Ash’s hand is still shining, and the colorful beam of light still shows through the Tower Summit, running through between Heaven and Earth.

However, Ho-Oh has not yet come, because once Ho-Oh comes, the four transparent crystal bells of Tower Summit will ring.

Why has Raikou, Entei and Suicune been half a day, Ho-Oh has not yet arrived.

Is it too far away? I still want to put on a show and talk about the pomp, or deliberately whet everyone’s appetite, and punish these people who have angered it.

But at this moment, Liang Ren also began to pray in a low voice in his heart, hoping that Ho-Oh could hear his and Ash’s intentions.



At this moment, the crystal bells hanging on the four corners of the top floor of the Bell Tower suddenly disappeared. The wind shook automatically and made a crisp sound.

“Feng…Ho-Oh is really coming!!!”

Standing behind Matsuba Xiandi near the stairs, his body trembled and wept with joy.

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