

Ash has a straightforward personality, and his likes and dislikes for one thing are clearly written on his face.

It is precisely because of his personality that Liang Ren has such a good impression of Ash. The two talked about travel and Pokémon breed until late at night.

Compared to peers, Liang Ren has experienced a lot of things this year, and he can also talk about traveling.

No words for a night, 2nd day I left the room and went out for breakfast, Ash is also going to return to Kanto.

“Then I will leave here~”

On the Hiroshi court in Pokémon Center, Yuanzhu City, Ash holding Pikachu and riding on the back of Dragonite, bowed his head and spoke to Liang Ren To.

Although it is only at the end of August, summer is still in Unova Region, but Johto Kanto is already in late autumn.

The thin morning mist covers the ancient historical capital of Yuanzhu City, although the mist has begun to dissipate as the sun gradually rises.

However, a morning breeze blew across and also shook off the night dew from the leaf tips of the plants in the flowerbed next to him. Liang Ren could still feel damp and cool.

“Although I have said it many times, I still want to say it again.

“Ash ~ Thank you really this time. If it wasn’t for your help, Slowpoke will probably be up to now All are still in a coma. “

Looking at the appearance on Dragonite’s back that looked like a teenager of the same age as him, Liang Ren thanked him from the bottom of his heart: “Next time you need me, remember to speak.” “

“Are we friends now?” Friends should help each other. “Seeing Liang Ren being so solemn, Ash said he didn’t care too much, but he recognized Liang Ren more and more in his heart.

This has nothing to do with the opponent’s strength and innate talent, it is an identification of character.

No matter how much the relationship is, it’s better to accept the help of others, no matter what the other person asks for in return, you still have to have the attitude.

Even if you just say thank you verbally.< /p>

“Yes, friends should help each other, so don’t forget my friend when you go back. “

Looking at Ash’s straightforward smile, Liang Ren raised his phone and said, “Call me when you are free.” “


Ash glanced at the Rotom phone nodded by Levitate next to him, and then the patted Dragonite’s neck lifted off.

In the end, Dragonite carrying Ash quickly disappeared at the end of the sky, and Liang Ren, who had finished the matter, did not stay in Yuanzhu City.

After Ash left, Liang Ren also rode on Pidgeot. Head south to Goldenrod City.

After two days of recovery, Pidgeot can already exercise vigorously, and Slowpoke supports the Psychic shield without fear of being blown down by the wind.

Pidgeot was flying at full speed, and half an hour later, he carried Liang Ren to the Hiroshi field outside the Goldenrod City Pokémon Center.

After receiving the news that Slowpoke had recovered completely yesterday, Sabrina had already returned to Saffron by plane. City, the school will start in two days. As a teacher, she has a lot of work to be busy.

Because father Mother is not willing to fly, Liang Ren has already booked a train with her mobile phone last night Tickets.

The train is at 10:00 in the morning. The father Mother who received Liang Ren’s call came out of the Pokémon Center. Liang Ren was surprised to find that besides the younger sister and Liu Qing beside him .

There are actually two acquaintances——

“haha~ I’m not surprised, I’m not surprised! ! “Daisuke and Asahi stepped forward, and one gave him a big bear hug.

“It was really pleasantly surprised. “Liang Ren didn’t deny it.

“at first, you didn’t say the flight number when you came back from Hoenn. When the plane crashed, both I and Asahi didn’t expect you.

“Finally, I learned that you, Little Lei, and Liu Qing Senior were also on the plane, but Asahi and I freaked out.”

The two of Daisuke had a lingering fear. Expression, they came to Johto to travel during the summer vacation, and they planned to go back to Kanto directly these two days.

However, they learned that Liang Ren’s plane had made an emergency landing in Goldenrod City, and the two rushed over. They sighed in relief when they saw that Liang Ren was fine.


Daisuke and Asahi and Liang Ren also bought the 10 am train, a few hours before the departure.

Take the Mother Yoshiko and Dad righteous people to go out to buy the specialties of Goldenrod City, Daisuke smiled up and invited Liang Ren to fight.

“Oh~After traveling for a period of summer vacation, Daisuke seems to have improved your strength a lot.”

See the look of Daisuke be eager to have a try, Liang Ren Raised his eyebrows and smiled: “1v1 or 3v3?”

“Just 1v1, otherwise Aunt Uncle will come back and see me looking for you to fight, and I will never spare me.” Daisuke laughed hehe said.

“Tsk tsk… It seems that something happened during the summer vacation that I don’t know. Could it be that a certain Pokémon evolved?”

Liang Ren glanced at him and smiled Daisuke looked suspiciously at the expression of Asahi Tamagawa behind, he always felt that these two guys were digging holes for him.

“Liang Ren, you won’t persuade you anymore.” Daisuke looked at him contemptuously.

Looking at Daisuke’s botched tactics, Liang Ren’s face also burst with a smile: “Go, let me see what trump cards you hide.”

“hehe ~ Refreshing.” Seeing Liang Ren agree to his request for a match, Daisuke’s face was full of smiles: “That’s it, I challenge your Lucario.”

“Okay~”< /p>

Everything has been said of this, Liang Ren had already guessed in his heart that Daisuke probably had Pokémon evolved.

Then named him to challenge Lucario by name. Liang Ren wondered if Daisuke’s Machoke communication would evolve into Strength/Machamp. This probability is great.

Mu Mu Lei and father Mother went out shopping, and at the moment, watching Daisuke push Liang Ren towards the battle hall with a wicked smile.

Liu Qing followed behind and rubbed his chin. He also had an expression of interest.

Liang Ren is in the limelight among the freshmen this year, and all the students in the grade have become a foil.

However, apart from Liang Ren in the first-year privileged class, there are still other dazzling geniuses, Ikushu, Shinichi Kida, Kim Sakata…

This one is called Daisuke Honmiya. The teenagers are also the objects that the school focuses on training.

Liu Qing is very curious whether the geniuses of this new year can show off their own brilliance under Liang Ren’s dazzling aura.

Surely it was really reduced to Liang Ren’s foil——

The four came to the battle hall in the Pokémon center. Although it is morning, there are already other trainings in the battle hall. The family is doing battle exercises with each other.

Liang Ren and Daisuke found an air-to-air battlefield and stood at both ends respectively. Liang Ren took the lead in throwing the baby ball.

“There is a battle, Lucario.” After Liang Ren released Lucario, he narrowed his eyes and looked towards Daisuke, who was still smiling slyly on the other side, waiting for this guy to show his cards~

“Hehe~Come out, Charizard!!!”

Daisuke abandoned Poké Ball high to sky, shouting triumphantly.


The baby ball opens, and a handsome wyvern with orange skin appears in the sky.

“I’m going—you brat is hidden deep enough. I thought it was Machoke who evolved, and didn’t expect Charmeleon to become Charizard.”

” I have to say it was really put on by you brat.” Liang Ren said, stroking his forehead.

“hahahaha… It’s been a long time since I saw your shriveled expression. Are you ready to admit defeat?”

Across the court, Daisuke held his head high, Yang Yang Proudly issued a declaration of victory.

“Do you really think that you will eat me?” Seeing the tail lifted up to Tian Daisuke, Liang Ren hooked his mouth and asked him back.

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