“Hehe~Otherwise what do you think.” Hearing Liang Ren’s words, Daisuke grinned, showing his big white teeth, chuckled.

When traveling, the two often contacted each other. Daisuke deliberately did not tell Liang Ren about Charmeleon’s evolution in the Charizard Valley.

In contrast, he asked Liang Ren about Lucario all day long, and he had almost figured out the information about Lucario.

Level Level 27, in terms of Ability, he only knows that Lucario has mastered Aura Sphere and Mach Punch, but in his opinion this is completely enough.

This summer trip, in order to dig this pit for Liang Ren, he slowed down the training progress of Machoke and Meijia Yangma.

It can be said that I put my mind on Charmeleon.

However, the effort is worthy of the effort. Charmeleon successfully evolved into the final form Charizard while passing through the Charizard Valley.

Now Charizard Level is as high as Level 37, which is 10 levels higher than Lucario. In addition, Charizard has the ability of Flying and also has the advantage of Attribute.

If he loses in this way, then he really has to consider changing careers and stop being in the Pokémon trainer professional circle.

“You guy.” Looking at Daisuke who was smug and smirking on the opposite side, Liang Ren broke his work in an instant.

Lucario is really difficult to play Charizard. Fire Type and Flying Attribute moves have restraint effects on Lucario.

The most important thing is that Charizard has the advantage of flying in the air, and most of Lucario’s attacks can only deal damage when he is close to his face.

At this stage, Lucario battle strength is not yet mature, nor has it learned to effectively check and balance opponent’s remote control Ability.

This battle is indeed very difficult to fight, but Liang Ren did not lose the will to fight and choose to admit defeat because the odds of winning were too small.

“You strike first!!” Seeing Liang Ren’s adjustment, Daisuke confidently hooked his hook towards Liang Ren and said.

Liang Ren was not polite here, and immediately gave Lucario an order: “Lucario, move, use Metal Sound.”

“ao ao~”

Lucario fighting intent fighting intent raging on the battlefield, agile and decisive, not at all because the opponent is Charizard and timid.

Lucario, who moves flexibly on the field, has dark eyes tightly and Charizard is fluttering on Lock On sky.


The two steel nails on the back of the hand rub against each other, and Charizard is instantly enveloped by a burst of sour teeth.

“Then we will fight back.” After letting go of the first hand right, the Daisuke side on the battlefield also began to fight back: “Charizard, use Heat Wave to lift off.”


Charizard, who received the command on Sky, shook his long neck like a thick air duct, and opened his mouth with a loud roar to counteract the weakening of Metal Sound.

Charizard quickly lifted off, with the flapping of the two blue-green inner sides of the dragon wings, a fiery-red wind hu hu moved towards Lucario blew.

“Aura Sphere.” Liang Ren shouted loudly.

When he saw Charizard lift off and pulled away, Liang Ren had a bad feeling in his heart.

When Charizard used the “Heat Wave” Fire Element to attack Ability in a wide range, Liang Ren’s brows jumped wildly, and his teeth felt sore.

The kid Daisuke is too rascal. If Charizard has been allowed to output in the air, Lucario can be said to be able to concede defeat without playing.

But when Liang Ren said this, he never thought that this was a tactic used by himself and Pidgeot.

In the previous Mauville City Mega Evolution Invitational, he and Pidgeot didn’t rely on this trick to kill Aggron.


The hot and dry Heat Wave hits, and Lucario brows tightly knit in the red sea, showing a very uncomfortable expression.

In the usual battles, the strength of Steel type within the body is to help it reduce the damage. Now under the attack of Heat Wave, the strength of Steel type not only does not help reduce the damage, but makes it more uncomfortable.

But it was not at all passively beaten, Spark used for a flash and Lucario quickly ran towards the lower temperature area perceived by Aura.

The footsteps kept on, and the hand movement did not fall, an Aura Sphere quickly condense, and then moved towards the air Charizard tossed away.


Charizard, who flapped his wings and displayed Heat Wave, reduced his flexibility a lot.

I wanted to avoid it, but Aura Sphere’s trajectory was not in a straight line after Liang Ren’s special training.

The spinning wave ball was thrown, and the huge Charizard was hit straight.

“Roar~” Charizard let out a roar, and the Heat Wave offensive was suddenly reduced.

“”Extrreme Speed” jumped up and used Thunder Punch. “After entering the fighting state, Liang Ren no longer has any psychological burden of disadvantages in his mind. He seized this sudden gap and launched an offensive.


Blue white Gang Yan gushed from Lucario within the body, crouched and bent his knees for a burst step, and the field half a meter in diameter under his feet instantly collapsed.

Outside the field, Yuchuan Asahi and Liu Qing only saw a flash, Lucario has already Appeared beside Charizard.

“Dragon’s Claw. “Daisuke was surprised, but he didn’t react too slowly.

Unfortunately, Lucario, who has been training in close combat for a long time, moved faster, kicking fiercely on Charizard’s creamy, soft belly.

“Roar~” Charizard’s eyes were protruding, and the dragon’s claws half-stretched with arms outstretched were also forcibly interrupted.


< p>At this time, in midair Lucario mobilized the strength of the waist muscles and forced to turn around.

The left fist wrapped in lightning, with the swing of the turning arm, fiercely hit Charizard’s cheek like an Oak hammer. Come on.

The lightning that was roughly tied to Lucario’s fist erupted, Charizard’s body stiffened suddenly, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

However, Lucario, who completed this set of attacks, had his body. Also moved towards the field whereabouts.

“Flamethrower! ! “On the other side, Daisuke’s expression is unusually calm, but his voice is full of intense anger.

” Tuck your knees and shrink. “Liang Ren also quickly chased and gave instructions for action.


To the battlefield Sky, Charizard roared, and a thick fire column instantly engulfed Lucario. .

“Charizard, use Air Slash. “One wave is not flat, another wave rises again, Flamethrower hit Lucario head-on, and Daisuke on the opposite side seized the opportunity to use the faster attack speed Air Slash to continue chasing.

“Rollout dodges. “Lucario, who tucked his knees and curled up to the ground, took a frontal blow to Flamethrower, and his whole body was scorched.

But tucked knees and curled up, this small move helped Lucario avoid a lot of damage.

Daisuke’s combat skills and experience became more sophisticated during a summer vacation. Seeing Air Slash hit, Liang Ren didn’t dare to be careless.


< p>As soon as Lucario touched the ground, Air Slash had already struck. Lucario, who received the instructions, rolled forward, but in the end Lucario still took most of the damage from Air Slash.

On this wave of confrontation Look, I played a normal kick and a Thunder Punch, but suffered a Flamethrower and most of the Air Slash damage.

What’s the advantage of Lucario not at all, especially It’s that Thunder Punch hasn’t been able to play the paralysis effect.

But this game is not dominant.

Facing Charizard, a powerful opponent with flying ability, he can deal a certain amount of damage. It’s already worth celebrating.

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