“Hey~Liang Ren, you are here.”

We chatted with Old Lady for nearly an hour. In the first part, he asked the other person for answers to some questions, and in the back, we briefly talked about daily interesting things. .

Unconsciously it was half past eight. Looking at Liang Ren coming down from the library, a black-faced man who happened to pass by in the lobby on the first floor greeted him enthusiastically.

“I returned to Celadon City at noon. I will go back to school tomorrow. I just passed by the library and came to visit the Teacher.

“Uncle Yamane, you have to finish your work here. returned home? “

The black face middle-aged is the administrator of the Celadon City Library. Liang Ren used to receive a lot of attention from him while working part-time in the library.

“A new batch of books have been included. , I am going to check it out. “


After a few words of greeting and chat, Liang Ren left with Slowpoke and Lucario.

I will return to school tomorrow, in a while I have to pack my things when I get home.

When I got home, my father Mother and younger sister Mu Mulei were all there. In the afternoon, I went to the Western Suburb Cemetery to bury the ashes of the old frog.


I went to the library to visit Smith Old Lady in the evening. Liang Ren hasn’t eaten dinner yet.

When Mother Liangzi went upstairs to help him pack the clothes that he would take away tomorrow, Liang Ren arrived by himself The kitchen cooked something for myself.

Then I prepared something for Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster…they, Snivy was still a little depressed during dinner.

But for There is no comfort in this matter for Liang Ren.

Because it is a meaningless sentence for both humans and Pokémon.

The loved ones have passed away, no matter who it is. Everyone will feel sad, but time will slowly dilute the sorrow, because the living will continue to live.

The dark clouds outside the window cover the moon, and the stars are also blocked by blanket-like clouds. The light rain is still outside. It’s down and down.

Airplane crash, Slowpoke serious injury and unconsciousness. Recently, there are too many things to worry about.

Go to the bathroom and take a shower. After washing a few Pokémon, Liang Ren, who was returning to the house, didn’t even have time to say goodnight.

Hugging Slowpoke into the bed, lying on his back, he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. In the past.

There is no word for a night until dawn in the east, twilight, and the cool morning breeze blows the curtains, awakening the sleeping person and five pets.

I’m going back to school today, After breakfast, Liang Ren took his father’s Zipp car to the Celadon City high-speed rail station.

On the Hiroshi field outside the station, Daisuke and Tamagawa Asahi are waiting for him.

The new semester starts. The club is busy recruiting new people. As the backbone of the dance club, Casey has rushed back to school in advance.


“Please note, friends, the Rainbow High Speed ​​Rail Station is bound for Saffron The C1468 train to the east station is about to check in. There are passengers who take the C1468 train, please bring your own luggage item……”

“Dad, let’s go~”< /p>

Outside the high-speed rail station, Liang Ren took the suitcase from the old father Mu Mu Yiren and said Tao.

“Okay, remember to call home when you arrive at school, lest your mother worry about it.”

“I see…”

His father waved his hand and Liang Ren followed Daisuke and Tamagawa Asahi to check in the ticket.

In the past two days, schools in Kanto are going to open. There are many returning students pushing suitcases like Liang Ren in the high-speed rail station.

Some people go to Saffron City like them, and some go to Viridian City, Pewter City, Cerulean City, Vermilion City… these other first-tier cities in Kanto.

The three people who returned to school got on the bus through the gate. They bought the tickets together, and the seats were next to each other.

Daisuke, who has improved a lot during a summer vacation, is looking forward to the start of school.

“I haven’t seen each other for more than two months, and I don’t know what’s going on with Mushan and Shinichi Kida?”

“I really want to have a Pokémon battle with them. .” Daisuke’s face was full of expectation.

“Don’t think that your strength has improved. They didn’t spend their summer vacation when they came out of the wooden shirt. It’s fun when the time comes and loses the battle.”

When it started, the sky’s sun in the east had dispersed the morning mist and revealed a big red face.

Slowpoke was lying on the edge of the window, his face pressed against the car window glass, watching the fast-rewinding scenery outside.

In the field, three or two Rapidash ran side by side, their flame mane curled up and they opened their mouths to make a neigh of xu lu lu.

A few Vileplumes leading a group of Gloom and Oddish are taking a leisurely walk.

Sky A group of Butterfree screamed, and the scales on their delicate wings reflected a Mew-like halo in the Morning Sun.

At this moment Liang Ren is not at all enjoying the beautiful scenery outside the car window. He is entangled by Daisuke and Tamagawa Asahi talking about the opening school challenge.

As the beginning of the new semester, Saffron Middle School will hold a big assessment as usual to change the privileged class staff.

Saffron City Pokémon intermediate rank school implements elite education, and competition for privileged class places has always been fierce.

This is not only because students in privileged classes have more resources and privileges, but this identity alone is of high value.

At the beginning of the new semester, students of privileged classes in each grade will be challenged by ordinary class students in the gymnasium independently on the battlefield.

The entire opening challenge will last three days. At this time, Saffron Middle School will be open to the public. Many parents and citizens will also come to watch the challenge.

As the squad leader of the privileged class, the first-year chief student, the school influential figure ——

Liang Ren doesn’t need to think about how many students he will be challenged in the opening challenge.

But is he afraid?

Liang Ren just wanted to laugh at this question. He was eager for other students in his grade to challenge him. If he could, even the senior students would challenge him.

“I really look forward to how many innate talent red coins you will contribute to me.” Liang Ren’s eyes flashed.

Saffron Middle School is known as the transportation base of Kanto Alliance talents. All students who can enter this school are Heaven’s Chosen Child.

At present, maybe their Pokémon is not very strong, but the innate talent Aptitude is definitely not comparable to the trainers of the city Stadium.

The new semester challenge that makes other privileged students feel scared, in Liang Ren’s eyes, is simply a great opportunity to spend innate talent red coins.

At this moment, he even can’t wait to die.


Twenty minutes later, the high-speed rail entered Saffron East Station.

The intensive and hurried flow of people, the towering skyscrapers, and the deafening roar of planes passing by at low altitude make Liang Ren feel very cordial.

“Let’s go, go back to school first, and then come out to play in the afternoon.” Daisuke turned his suitcase and laughed excitedly.

“The new semester challenge will be held soon. Are you brat afraid of being transferred to the normal class?”

“Daisuke, I am waiting for you in the normal class “Tamagawa Asahi said with a smirk.

“Climb Yo, I curse me.”


Slowpoke sat on the suitcase with his legs crossed in the underground plaza of the high-speed rail, Holding the lever like a Komala, let Liang Ren drag him towards the subway gate.

The calf is swaying, lazily is cute and cute, and she can see the women around her eyes shining one by one, as if the next moment could not help but rush over.

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