Saffron East Station Underground Plaza, Liang Ren, Daisuke… the three of them took the subway directly to the school.

Ten minutes later, the Alakazam Square station where Saffron Middle School is located arrived, pushing the suitcase with the people out of the station.

Outside the huge white jade arch of Saffron Middle School, there are many returning students on Alakazam Square.

Some are with their parents, and some are friends returning to school together, all with unspeakable excitement on their faces.


Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd in the square.

All the students and accompanying parents looked in the direction where the voice came from, and the crowd over there instinctively gave way.

It was a handsome, sunny boy who had just gotten out of the subway station by elevator.

On the suitcase that the teenager is pushing, a cute and cute Slowpoke drowsily sits on it with dangling legs.

Although it is now a Weibo big V with more than 5 million fans, this is just a bunch of numbers.

When he came out of the crowded subway station and the students who recognized him on the square made way for him, Liang Ren had a clear understanding of his current fame.

Dasuke and Tamagawa Asahi, who came out of the subway station with Liang Ren, suddenly saw the battle, and they were secretly speechless for a while.

“Liang Ren classmate, I…I am your fan. I bought all the three figures you made when you participated in the Mega Evolution Invitational.”

Liang Ren politely waved hello to the crowd watching him, the fanatical female fan and Yan fan had not yet come out.

A young man with a lid and thick round glasses, first squeezed out of the crowd and said to Liang Ren with a face of admiration.

“Thank you~”

Hearing that the other party bought three of his own figures before, Liang Ren’s attitude was rather enthusiastic.



With people starting, more and more people around to greet and interact with Liang Ren, of course most of them are Girls.

Except at first, the young man who squeezed from the crowd in front of Liang Ren said that he had collected his hands and showed his admiration for his strength.

The rest all around most of the teenagers, when Liang Ren’s gaze swept across their faces, he could clearly perceive their hidden hostility.

“This boy looks familiar, he seems to have seen it on TV before.”

The parents who sent their children to school in the square looked at this very popular girl in front of them. Most of the welcoming teenagers haven’t reacted yet.

“His name is Mumu Liang Ren. He is the monitor of the first-grade privileged class for freshmen and the head student of the grade.”

“When traveling to Hoenn during summer vacation, he was invited to participate. After the Mega evolution tournament, I finally entered the finals and got a good ranking.”

“The news on the last few days reported that the flight H9536 from Hoenn Lilycove City to Saffron City was missing. Finally, all passengers were saved and the plane was He is the trainer who makes a safe landing in Goldenrod City.”


The thirteen-fourteen-year-old can’t hide things in his heart.

It is undeniable that most of the talents who can enter Saffron Middle School are geniuses, who are willing to subdue to others.

However, during the New Student Enrollment last semester, most of them were assigned to ordinary classes, which made them very unconvinced.

At the end of a summer vacation, the reason why they look forward to the start of school is that they want to get rid of the identity of ordinary students and enter the privileged class in the challenge at the beginning of the new semester.

As the head of the first grade and the monitor of the privileged class, Liang Ren is all ambitious students in the same grade, vowing to catch up with and surpass the goal.

Liang Ren made a big move in Hoenn during the summer vacation. The crash of Flight H9536 made him a household name hero.

Looking at Liang Ren who was modest and polite in the crowd, smiling towards the female fans around him, the boys outside the crowd admitted that he was very strong.

However, Liang Ren’s strength is far from enough to awe them.

After explaining by their children, the parents who finally reacted, looked at Liang Ren with more admiration.

“It turns out that he was the only freshman who defeated Pokemon, the examiner in the New Student Enrollment last semester.”

“Before I browsed your school’s official website and saw you in the first-grade privilege class student list After him–

I remember he was still ranked first, and there was a golden picture frame.”

“It turns out that he was famous in Hoenn Mega Evolution Tournament before. He is the genius trainer from Kanto Region!!!”

“It turned out that he saved the flight H9536 in distress. I didn’t realize it was so powerful at a young age!!!”

” ……”

The parents in the square made a burst of surprise afterwards.

Although the children like rival for love and are aggressive and aggressive, as a group of adult parents, they sincerely admire each other’s moral character and vigor to stand up in the disaster.

My own children can learn in the same school as this genius, even if they are not as capable as the other.

Being able to possess the noble character of the young man in front of me, as a parent, I will also feel gratified.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother ~”

Just getting rid of the girls who were surrounded by him, Liang Ren has not yet taken his steps. A team is carrying cameras and wearing vests at the school network media center The students rushed towards him.

The head of this team is a beautiful girl with dark red hair.

“Flora Senior Sister~”

After seeing the person coming, Liang Ren showed a close smile and said hello politely.

Flora, a Senior Sister, was very enthusiastic about him in Asia and his party before, and then he went to Ice Island alone to help Pokémon for special training.

Flora not only asked clansman to provide him with Help, she herself also lent him Lapras as a transportation.

After the Sea Territory of Cinnabar Island was in distress, he caused Lapras to fall into a coma with serious injuries. Not only did Flora fail to hold him accountable, she also cared about him.

For this original theatrical version of “Lugia’s Burst” as a supporting role: Senior Sister of the Sea Witch appeared.

Liang Ren not only does not have the superiority of being a transmigrator, but has some respect in his heart.

“Liang Ren Junior Brother had a wonderful summer vacation~”

Lined up the crowd and squeezed in, Flora looked at Liang Ren with full of smiles He said.

“If Senior Sister is talking about the Mega Evolution Invitational, then I hope I can have more opportunities like this in the future.”

“But if it’s the plane in distress, then I’m sincere. I hope I won’t encounter this kind of thing again in the future.”

Hearing what Flora said, Liang Ren shook the head with a bitter expression.

“Of course, this kind of thing will happen to me in the future I will be on a plane with fear——

“After all, not every time there will be a heroic fearless passenger like Liang Ren Junior Brother. . “

Flora finished speaking, and before Liang Ren could respond, she handed over the interview microphone in her hand.

“Tomorrow the new semester opening ceremony is over, next It is a three-day challenge. “

“As the head student of the grade and the monitor of the privileged class, will Liang Ren Junior Brother feel pressured for the upcoming new semester challenge? “

“For ordinary classmates participating in the competition as challengers, what do you want to say, Liang Ren Junior Brother?” “

As the Reporter of the school’s network media center, Flora is very serious when she gets her business.

“Well~For the upcoming new semester challenge, the pressure must be There will be.

“Every student who can be admitted to Saffron Middle School, whether is innate talent or ability, is not to be taken lightly.”

“What I want to say to ordinary classmates Yes:

“Whether it is this semester or the next two years, the door to privileged classes will always be open. I look forward to your participation. “

There was no aloof and remote, and no ridicule. He glanced at the students and parents who were onlookers. Liang Ren’s attitude was always humble.

Of course, although Liang Ren said very well Beautiful, but the person who listens is not a fool.

The door of the privileged class is indeed open for a long time, but if you really want to enter, it depends on the ability.

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