“Duckbill Flame Dragon can’t fight. This game was won by the blue side’s Slowpoke.”

Seeing that the audience fell into silence, in the end, the referee broke the strange atmosphere and announced the final result.

“Ka~ lose… lose.”

Liang Ren didn’t know what kind of psychological trauma he caused to the opposing purple-haired youth in this battle.

I was assigned to a privileged class at New Student Enrollment, but was removed from the second semester and eliminated from the ordinary class.

He was ridiculed by ordinary classmates and despised by former privileged classmates. In such an environment, he spent two and a half years on campus.

Although he is disdainful, he has always been eager to return to the privileged class through hard work, but he has never succeeded in the challenge.

He is now a third-grade student, and he will graduate from Saffron High School in one semester.

Ayou, who has been paralyzing himself with’hide our powers and keep a low profile’, his defeat in this battle like a resounding slap in the face completely awakened him.

“It turned out to be low-key and so on, that’s all I deceived myself.” The purple-haired young man softened and sat on the ground.

He didn’t know how to leave, but for the next semester of Saffron Middle School and the future, Ayou suddenly felt gloomy.

The winner is king, and the loser eats the dust. The Pokémon professional trainer circle is so realistic.

Of course, as long as the mind is calm, all this will not be too difficult to accept. After all, choosing to enter this industry at first should have this psychological preparation.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren……Mu Mu Liang Ren……”

Field The outside audience cheered Liang Ren’s name excitedly. They knew they were witnessing the rise of an Alliance Elite and even a champion trainer in the future.

“Let’s go.” After Liang Ren waved hello to the audience, he held Slowpoke back in his arms and exited.

“Daily, how did you feel about the game just now?”

Being supported by the lifting round platform, exiting the arena, the shining’wellhead’ above the head is getting further and further away, cheers from the venue The sound is getting lower and lower.

Liang Ren, who was unaware of this, touched Slowpoke’s little head and asked.

“The physical attack, physical defense, and speed have all improved a lot than before, but I haven’t received melee combat training like Xiaolu.

“In that battle, I thought Headbutt It’s just a good time for Tackle. Although the damage is not low, it is far less cost-effective than remote play. “

“In addition, I also used Mirror Coat to pick up the Flame Burst trick of Duckbill Flame Dragon. I actually don’t have a clear and intuitive feeling about my current defensive power. “

“It’s the enhancement of the speed innate talent. The experience in actual combat is very good. Before Liang Ren, you guessed that the flexibility of the body will become higher, but it is actually true. “

“I used Confusion to control my body flying. Although the speed is not slow, the slowness of the power transmission is very obvious. “

“Now when Psychic is flowing in the body, it feels like a resistor Minimize, and it feels very silky. “

“Now it’s easy to control the body’s actions, and the loss of power during the circulation within the body is much smaller. “

Seeing Liang Ren’s question, Slowpoke frowned and replied in thought.

“That’s it~”

For this result, Liang Ren is not surprised, Psychic Type It is a special offensive Attribute itself. In the battle, it is basically to control and remotely use Ability to damage.

Not to mention Slowpoke, it is Mew, Celebi, Jirachi… these 6×100innate talents in the original work match Illusory Beast also seldom engages in physical combat.

“Now, it seems that you still fight in the original style, the mental blade and the headbutt are used as magic tricks. “

By stroking the soft fur of Slowpoke, Liang Ren also had a decision in his heart.

“Mr. Liang Ren, congratulations on your victory in the game.

“Because you are now a professional two-star trainer, your bonus will be increased by 20w if you win this game.”

“The bonus has been deposited into your identity card… “

From the exit aisle, a female staff member dressed in professional skirts also came up with a small tray of brocade lining.

“Okay, thank you~”

Liang Ren politely thanked him without paying attention to the admiration and admiration of the other person. Liang Ren took Slowpoke to the back of the hall with Casey and Rei Ambe Sit down beside you.

“Sure enough, as rumors on the Internet, this guy’s true strength is at least professional three-star level.”

“Professional three-star? I feel that the professional four-star trainer does not have Pokémon on hand. He is a strong Slowpoke.”

“Is this really the strength that a 13-year-old can have?”


In the Uyghur-style battle, the gazes of the trainers looking towards Liang Ren in the waiting hall were obviously more awed.

They said not at all wrong, this is not the strength that a 13-year-old should have, Liang Ren is a special case.

“Squad leader, the output of this Slowpoke is really exploding.”

For Liang Ren’s current strength, let alone other people, even Abe Rei, who is a friend, can’t bear it. Live speechless.

“I really look forward to graduating in two years. By then, Liang Ren, your strength will reach what level.” Casey’s expression was full of expectation.

“Life has dreams and each is wonderful, find your own way and work hard–

I am also full of expectations for what dazzling achievements you two will achieve when you graduate in two years. “

Looking around the two girls beside him, Liang Ren also sighed sincerely.

“Then I have to work hard~”


For Liang Ren’s hopeful words, the two girls are very useful.

It is unfortunate for them to be peers and classmates with the young people in front of them, because they have to bear the pressure from the other side at all times during the comparison.

But who can say that this is not a kind of luck?

With such a role model, the people behind him can continue to spur their efforts, even if they fail to catch up with the other party in the end.

But looking back, in fact, in the process of aligning and catching up with the other party, I have become unconsciously outstanding.

Slowpoke’s battle was over. After a while, it was Pidgeot’s turn to play. The opponent used a Golem and was finally hit by the kite tactics of Liang Ren and Pidgeot.

Although Liang Ren’s real strength is very strong, he is limited by his current professional two-star rank. The opponent that Stadium helps to match is also a professional two-star strength.

From the perspective of onlookers, such a game is indeed unfair. Liang Ren feels like he is bullying.

Stadium officials also discovered this problem. After Pidgeot’s 1v1 was over, Stadium managers took the initiative to find him and discussed raising the opponent’s strength to a professional Samsung.

For this proposal, Liang Ren not at all refused. He is not short of money at this stage.

He came to the city Stadium to play games mainly to play against powerful trainers, so as to achieve the role of training Pokémon.

But what makes Liang Ren somewhat helpless is that even if the official adjusts to match the opponent strength.

The opponent in the third game still failed to go through a few rounds under the strong firepower of the Cloister, and the atmosphere in the Conference Hall where Stadium was responsible for the game arrangement became very strange.

Fortunately, although the strength of Lucario sent by Liang Ren is good, it has not yet reached the level of professional three-star. .

Because opponent is a professional three-star strength, Lucario played very hard in this game. In the end, even use Final Gambit + Reversal, he still lost the game.

The Stadium stewards who followed Liang Ren’s side were finally relaxed. Today, they almost affected the normal operation of Stadium because of Liang Ren’s previous three games.

“As long as this kid grows up, the future must be a great character in our Kanto Alliance.”

In an office on the top floor of Stadium, I saw the computer on the computer and let his subordinates turn around. Saffron City Stadium Supreme Chief-In-Charge Sim heartily exclaimed.


“In the blue silent night, I was thinking about philosophy alone, and worms were rolling and screaming in the grass…”

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