Liang Ren’s game is over, and the next is Casey’s battle.

However, she is not at all assigned to branch No. 1, but branch No. 6.

The three of them were walking towards branch No. 6, when Liang Ren’s mobile phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly and a ringing ringtone rang.


Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number without remarks, Liang Ren asked politely after connecting.

“Are you Liang Ren classmate?” A middle-aged male voice came from the other end of the phone.

“It’s me, may I ask you?”

“I’m the school grade director Sasakawa, where are you now? Kanto Civil Aviation Administration just contacted the school here, please come and participate in the commendation Conference.”

On the other end of the phone, Sasakawa said briskly.

Sasakawa is also very proud of being a school teacher for the major event of saving a flight in distress.

“Teacher, I am currently playing in the city Stadium. When and where will the commendation conference be held?”

Seeing the grade director personally called, Liang Ren thought What’s the matter.

It was learned that the Kanto Civil Aviation Administration was going to commend the crew and related personnel of this H9536 flight. Liang Ren did not pretend to be upright to refuse.

Their family is an ordinary citizen’s family. He may not care about such honor, but his family needs it.

As a family member, he has the responsibility and obligation to gain honor for their ordinary family as he grows into a talent.

Because these honors can allow parents to build up social self-confidence and satisfy their wish to become a dragon.

He loves his family very much, so even if he hates trouble, he is still willing to do these things.

“At four o’clock in the afternoon in the conference hall on the sixth floor of the Civil Aviation Administration.” Said Saskawa on the phone.

“Okay, please Teacher, please tell the other party for me, I will be there on time.” Liang Ren replied.


Hang up the phone, Casey and Rei Ambe cast inquiring glances at him.

“Liang Ren, what are you going to do for a while?” Abe Rei asked curiously.

“The flight from Lilycove City back to Saffron City by Kanto Civil Aviation was not in distress on the way.”

“In that incident, I did some effort. This time, the Civil Aviation Administration of They also invited me to participate in the commendation conference.”

The three of them walked into the waiting hall as they talked. Liang Ren shared what the grade director Sasakawa had just said on the phone to the two women. For a moment.

“I was invited to the commendation conference!!!”

“Brother Liang Ren is amazing~”

The two girls sighed sincerely.

Clearly the same age as them, the whole pattern of their self-proclaimed genius is still limited to the small circle of school, but the other party has already gone out.

Achieved outstanding results in the much-watched tournament and achieved an enviable aura of honor.



For the admiration of the two girls beside him, Liang Ren not at all reacted too much. He has long been accustomed to praise him.

The commendation conference does not start until four o’clock, and he has time to wait for the end of the two women’s competition.

Sitting in the waiting hall for a few minutes, the staff notified Casey to come on.

“Come on~”

“Casey, come on!!!”

Looking at Casey, Liang Ren and Rei Ambe who got up and walked towards the entrance hall A smile of encouragement was cast at her.


Casey is nodded, and there is no tension on his face.

This quiet girl walked into the passageway and was soon supported by the lifting platform. Her opponent was a teenager dressed as a student.

“Come out, Raticate.”

“Oddish, Contest is coming.”

Under the referee’s instructions, the two sides on the battlefield are released in no particular order. To their respective Pokémon.

A Ratate was sent from the student outfit boy opposite.

This big tawny mouse is crawling on the ground. The rat’s whiskers are shaking and its small eyes are clever and cunning. A pair of sharp front teeth looks very not to be trifled with.

In comparison, Oddish released by Casey’s side is much weaker.

“Rattata Level 20 has evolved into Raticate, and Oddish Level 21 has evolved into Gloom.

Although I don’t know the level of the opposite Raticate.

But since Casey is here Only Oddish has shown signs of evolution many times, so Level has at least reached Level 21.”

“This battle can still be fought.”

Sit in the waiting hall and watch. Liang Ren of the match, looked at the picture on the match field on the broadcast TV and analyzed.

And hearing Liang Ren’s words, Abe Rei sitting beside her felt relieved a lot.

On the field, the referee gave an order and the battle officially started.

“Oddish, use Sunny Day.” Casey started the game.

On the opposite side, when Raticate followed the trainer’s instruction to use Spark and rushed over here.

Oddish bounced back while at the same time a bright ball of light shot into the air from the grass canopy.

“Raticate, use provocation.”

Oddish’s speed doubled after the chlorophyll feature was activated by Sunny Day. Seeing that the Raticate trainer who couldn’t catch up with the opponent’s actions decisively changed his strategy.

“ka ka ~”

Raticate stopped pursuing, and the small eyes looking at Oddish became obscene and deserves a beating, and the rat whiskers shaking and provoking the effect was remarkable.

However, Casey’s reaction is not slow at all. Before Oddish loses his mind, he issues an offensive command: “Oddish, use Razor Leaf.”


Although Oddish was affected by anger, his combat literacy was not at all reduced.

“Swish swish~”

The grass canopy above the head flicked, and the green leaves moved towards Raticate like sharp darts.

“peng peng peng peng ~”

I didn’t expect the opponent to react so quickly that Raticate was hit by Oddish’s Razor Leaf.

The opposite student gritted his teeth as if he had made a decision: “Raticate, rush to the attack.”

Raticate is Physical towards Pokémon, and can only deal damage when he is close. At this moment, the decision of the Raticate trainer is wise.

But Casey didn’t at all let the opponent’s strategy succeed. You must know that Oddish could not withstand the attack from the opponent’s Raticate.

“Oddish, use Stun Spore.” Casey raised his hand and ordered loudly.


Just now Razor Leaf vented his anger. At this moment, Oddish became much calmer.

Looking at Raticate rushing towards him, Oddish jerked the grass crown, and a yellow Stun Spore covered Raticate like a cloud of yellow.


Under the rush, he was caught off guard and breathed in Stun Spore through his mouth and nose. Raticate became stiff, and his muscles twitched sorely that it made an uncomfortable Growl.

“Oddish, use Mega Drain.” Casey’s command did not stop, and he commanded Oddish to launch an offensive again.


Raticate was paralyzed, and his movement was limited, so he couldn’t even touch the Oddish, who was doubling the speed under Sunny Day.

In this awkward and flexible contest, Casey’s Oddish finally won.

“Raticate can’t fight, this game is won by Oddish of the blue side.”

“Oddish, you have worked hard, you have done well.” Hearing the referee’s announcement, Casey A smile on his face praised Oddish on the court.


The praised Oddish behaved very happily, with two little feet jumping up and down.


Just as Casey was about to take Oddish back into Poké Ball, Oddish released a soft white light on the field.

“Evolved.” Casey, as well as Liang Ren and Rei Abe in the waiting hall watching the game, also showed a smile on their faces.

The light of evolution dissipated, and one was very similar to Oddish.

Pokémon, with an Absorb Bulb-shaped body but a reddish-brown bulbous flower, appeared on the field.

Compared with the petite and cuteness of Oddish, after evolving into Gloom, the body becomes larger, and the blue and purple sausages have saliva around their mouths, which looks somewhat silly.

In addition, when Gloom is stimulated, it will emit a stench. Pokémon like Gloom is not popular among trainers.

But at this moment, watching Gloom on the court, Casey laughed very happily.

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