

Oddish has successfully evolved into Gloom, and Casey’s goal of coming to Stadium today has been achieved.

Retiring from the field with Gloom, the whole person is full of beaming emotions.

“Casey, congratulations.” Abe Li took Casey’s hand and said joyfully.

“Well~the next is your game.” Casey said.

The branch of Abe Rei’s game was No. 4, and the three of them moved the field again. Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

As soon as I came to the No. 4 branch and sat down, Rei Abe was notified to play. She reported for a “1.2” doubles match.

Shawarang + Hitmonchan


Kingler +Persian

The two sides are playing fiercely. , But generally speaking, the two Pokémons on Ambere’s side work better together.

After the start of the game, the scattered positions did not give Kingler and Persian a chance to set fire remotely, and then continuously staggered to confuse each other.

The Bubble Beam was used in the back row of the opponent Kingler, and Persian Spark found a chance when he rushed forward.

Two Fighting Pokémon at the expense of being hit by Bubble Beam, simultaneously attacked the Persian who came in.

After the three Pokémon fight together, Kingler refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, stops Bubble Beam output, and chooses to rush forward to help.

But when Kingler arrived, Persian had been beaten up by the group and lost the combat capability, which was expected by Rei Abe.

Fighting Type restrains the Normal Type, plus two-on-one, how can it be Hitmonchan + Shawaran’s opponent to fight Persian in close quarters.

Persian was the first to go out, and Kingler, the opponent, failed to hold on for a few rounds, and finally lost.

In this “1.2” doubles match, Rei Abe won.


Hiroshi outside Stadium in Saffron City.

“Brother Liang Ren, let’s go back to school first.”

The three-person match is all over. It’s already half past three. We have to rush to the Civil Aviation Administration. Liang Ren who participated in the commendation conference did not stop in the city Stadium.

“Okay~ Casey, after you return to school, please help inform your classmates that we will go out to shabu-shabu together at night, which is still the same place before.”

Beckon to stop a car on the side of the road. Taxi, put the two girls in the car and paid the fare, Liang Ren said.


After sending the two women away, Liang Ren also took a taxi to the Civil Aviation Administration.

The Kanto Civil Aviation Bureau is located in the Dongcheng District of Saffron City, basically next to the terminal building of Saffron City International Airport.

The taxi stopped outside the Civil Aviation Bureau. In the curious eyes of the taxi master, Liang Ren climbed up the steps with Slowpoke and walked into this magnificent and solemn huge building.


The Civil Aviation Administration is responsible for civil aviation flying safety and ground safety supervision.

Responsible for the certification, supervision and inspection of civil aircraft operations, aviation personnel training institutions, civil aviation products and maintenance units…

At this point in time, the work in the Civil Aviation Administration is busy. There are many flying and ground crews in the lobby, as well as some foreign staff.

Liang Ren walked into the office hall on the first floor of the Civil Aviation Administration with Slowpoke, and a well-dressed staff greeted him.

“Hello sir, what can I do for you?” the female staff member asked Liang Ren enthusiastically.

“Hello, I was invited to attend the H9536 Distress Crew Recognition Conference.” Liang Ren replied.

“You are Mr. Mumu Liang Ren~” The female staff showed an expression like this: “The Commendation Conference is held in the Conference room on the sixth floor. Please come with me and I will take you up. “

“Thank you—”

After politely thanking the staff, Liang Ren, who was behind the female staff, looked around curiously. Slowpoke in his arms is also a rare treasure. Bao’s performance.

“Elder sister, are you the lobby manager? What do outsiders usually do when they come over?”

Looking at the service counter window in the lobby, some suits and shoes were carrying official documents. Liang Ren asked curiously the outsiders who were working on it.

The Kanto Civil Aviation Administration merged Johto’s Latias Airlines, Latios Airlines and Kanto’s former Dragonite Airlines.

Today’s Kanto Civil Aviation belongs to a large-scale joint venture between Mt. Silver Alliance and Indigo Alliance.

Looking at this place like the official office of Alliance, Liang Ren felt very tall, which made him, a child of an ordinary citizen family, very curious.

“The office on the first floor of the Civil Aviation Administration is connected to such things as charter flights, bulk cargo transfers, and some engineering projects and aviation service projects.”

“But my job is not the lobby manager. I was sent by the supervisor to receive Mr. Liang Ren in the lobby downstairs.” The female staff member explained to Liang Ren full of smiles. .



Time is coming soon when the commendation conference officially starts, the Conference room on the sixth floor of the Civil Aviation Administration is full Up people.

The director of the Civil Aviation Administration, four deputy directors, a chief flying division, a chief engineer, a safety director, and some other middle and high-level leaders below.

The captain of the H9536 distress flight: Nobunaga Katsuda, the middle-aged first officer Xiao Nose, and six other crew members were all present.

Apart from this, the mayor of Saffron City Okadai Forrest and Saffron Middle School Director Sasakawa were also invited to participate in the commendation conference.

Of course, Saffron City TV Station and some other journalists were also present.


The female staff led up to the Conference room on the sixth floor of the Civil Aviation Administration, smiled and opened the door for him to invite him in.

In about ten minutes, the commendation conference will officially begin, and the participants are basically there.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, everyone in the conference room who was already seated slightly turned their heads and cast a line of sight.

But seeing that the one who entered the Conference Hall was a handsome boy holding a Slowpoke, everyone in the Conference room couldn’t help but smile.

To a certain extent, this young man is the real protagonist of today’s commendation conference.


I don’t know if the air-conditioning in the conference room is too low, or if everyone is gazing at him, Liang Ren is a little panicked. .

Looking down from the podium, the fan-shaped Conference room is divided into left and right halves by a central passage.

Under the gaze of the crowd in the conference hall, Liang Ren was led all the way forward by the female staff.

I found out that the brand with his name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” was actually placed in the front row of the Conference room, Liang Ren felt sorry.

“Liang Ren classmate.” At the position of the guest of honor, the grade director Sasakawa took the initiative to say hello to Liang Ren, his expression full of praise.

“Teacher ~”

Liang Ren responded politely to Sasakawa.

Saffron City Mayor Oka Forrest, who was sitting side by side with him in the first row, several senior leaders of the Civil Aviation Administration also looked at him with interest.

If the incident hadn’t really happened–

They wouldn’t believe that the 13-year-old student who was still in the first grade of intermediate rank school could save a plane in distress. .

It is incredible to know that what the young people in front of us rely on is not wisdom, but their own hard power.

“Little friend Liang Ren, the commendation conference is about to begin, please take a seat.”

After looking at it twice, he sat next to the mayor of Saffron City with the serious face of the Director of Civil Aviation Suddenly there was a gentle and kind smile, and he took the initiative to greet Liang Ren.


Liang Ren nodded, turned around and saw Nobunaga Katsuda who was gently tapping the chair to signal to him. Liang Ren took the Slowpoke back to the baby ball. Just seated.

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