“Uncle Katsuda, this commendation conference is a big battle. There are a lot of great characters.”

Liang Ren’s position is next to Katsuda Nobunaga and took a peek Participants in the Conference room, Liang Ren couldn’t help but turn his head to Nobunaga Katsuda, who is doing well.

To be honest, even if he has played on a field of tens of thousands of people, he still can’t help being a little nervous at this moment.

“Stop talking, the commendation conference is about to begin.” Katsuta Nobunaga whispered.

“You brat is the true protagonist of the commendation conference today. You are ready to speak on stage for a while.”

Katsuta Nobunaga told a news that made him panic.

“No?” Liang Ren’s expression suddenly became bitter, he wanted to receive a pennant Medal and so on, why did he even speak on stage.

“You brat don’t get cheap and sell well. The ones here today are all great characters. If you can leave a good impression on them, it will only be good for your future development.”

< p>“Well, I haven’t done anything like this before. I can only say try my best. I hope that stage fright will not be in a while.”

Since I have come here without fear of trouble, I can’t push it away. Liang Ren can only choose to accept.

Ten minutes after sitting in the conference room, the commendation conference officially began.

Host male: “Hundreds of industries strive for glory, fruitful flowers, economic prosperity and prosperity of Kanto.”

Host female: “A host of fame, great achievements, brilliant civilization and civil aviation.”

Host team: “Kanto Civil Aviation Technology Company, ×××H9536 Flight Crew Danger Handling Achievement Commendation Conference now officially begins, all stand up and play “Alliance Song”!!”

“What if I am a white cloud, floating on the plateau, dressed up in a pure white suit of Indigo Plateau……”

“If I were a Pidgeot, I would soar on the Indigo Plateau and guard that mysterious piece. That piece of auspiciousness…”

When the Alliance song “Indigo Plateau” representing Kanto Alliance played, the atmosphere of the venue became solemn.

Even Liang Ren, who was giving a speech on stage for a while, stood up with everyone, and sang “Indigo Plateau.”

Female Host: “Sirs, ladies~”

Male Host: “Leaders, colleagues, guests and media friends from afar.”

Host: “Hello everyone–“



Host’s opening remarks, after introducing the participants Leaders and guests.

According to the process of the meeting, the director of the Kanto Civil Aviation Bureau, the middle age person who took the initiative to greet Liang Ren when he was seated, also began to address.

“…On August 26, during the Flying mission from Lilycove City to Saffron City on Kanto Civil Aviation Flight H9536, the right seat windshield of the cockpit broke and fell off.

” In the unexpected situation, the captain Nobunaga Katsuta and all crew members responded calmly. As a flight passenger, Mr. Liang Ren, Mumu Liang Ren, stepped forward in the crisis.

“Pokémon Slowpoke was dispatched to block the cracked windshield window with Light Screen, allowing Rotom to enter the body to assist in the normal operation of the damaged right-hand engine.

“The aircraft then rushed into the strong air current. After the regiment, he selflessly sent his hand Pokémon Pidgeot to escort the plane to clear the way, allowing Cloyster to disperse the cloud group.

“At an altitude of 8,000 meters, Mr. Mumu Liang Ren and the flight crew overcome the harsh environment of high altitude, low pressure and low temperature, and created miracles under almost impossible circumstances.

“The successful alternate landing of the aircraft at Johto Goldenrod City International Airport has ensured the safety of the lives and property of the 119 passengers and 8 crew members on board. “

“The entire crew of flight H9536 was not afraid of danger and in disorder, trying to overcome unimaginable special difficulties.

“Accurately complete a series of professional operations in a short time, fully demonstrating the superb business ability and good professionalism.”

“Passenger Mr. Mumu Liang Ren in In the face of emergency and danger, he dared to stand up and charge forward, his dedication spirit of taking responsibility and forgetting his life, as an ordinary citizen, he set a good example for our society and spread positive energy…

“Approved the “Decision of the Kanto Civil Aviation Administration and Kanto Alliance on awarding the H9536 flight crew and personal honorary titles for successfully handling the dangerous situation”

“Now awarded the H9536 flight crew “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero Crew” Title, 6 crew members are rewarded with 1 million Alliance coins each.

“The captain of flight H9536 is now awarded the title of “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero Captain”, with a reward of 3 million Alliance coins.

“Flight H9536 is now granted to stand up during the distress process——

“Help the crew to survive the danger and ensure the safety of all passengers’ lives and property, Mr. Mumu Liang Ren “Kanto The title of “Civil Aviation Hero” is awarded with 5 million Alliance coins. “

In his speech, the Director of the Civil Aviation Administration honorably commended the flight crew and Liang Ren. For a while, there was thunderous applause in the Conference room, and the camera shutter sounded for a long time.

Afterwards, Saffron City Mayor Okada Forrest gave a speech and announced that Liang Ren was awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of Saffron City”.

As the school representative, Sasakawa, the year director, gave Liang Ren the honorary title of “Outstanding Student of the Year” on behalf of the school in his speech.

Although there was no cash prize, Liang Ren was suddenly addicted by this honor, and Liang Ren’s mind was dizzy for a while, and he felt unreal.

The honor of “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero” has its limitations. It is only useful within the Civil Aviation Administration and the Kanto Alliance system. It is estimated that the social level and other forces will not care.

The cash prize of 5 million Alliance coins was a surprise, and the title of “Saffron City Honorary Citizen” and the honor of “Outstanding Student of the Year” from Saffron Middle School made Liang Ren happy.

“As long as you do extraordinary things in ordinary positions, you are a hero. The Civil Aviation Awards Conference is a new starting point. In the future, we will work steadily and serve more passengers… “

Liang Sheng Tian Nobunaga, who was dazzled by all the honors, took the stage to speak on behalf of the crew. Liang Ren did not come back to his senses.

It wasn’t until Host called his name, and Nobunaga Katsuda, who returned to his seat, pushed him with his elbow, and Liang Ren recovered.

“Let’s welcome Mumu Liang Ren to the stage with warm applause.”

“bang bang bang bang…”

all the conference rooms The personnel watched, Liang Ren adjusted his breathing.

After suggesting that he was playing a game in a 100,000-thousand people arena, he felt calm, his expression returned to nature, and his eyes regained confidence.

“Dear leaders of the Civil Aviation Administration, Mr. Mayor, Grade Teacher, and distinguished guests.”

“I am Mumu Liang Ren——”

“Today, I am here as an ordinary citizen. I feel very honored and extremely proud.”

“Before I made my speech on the honorary title of “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero”. “

Liang Ren paused on the podium, watched by everyone in the Conference Hall. He calmly looked around for a week and made eye contact with everyone.

“I want to H9536 The flight crew, as well as all the staff of the Civil Aviation Administration, extend my deep gratitude and high respect. “

“It is your silent contribution behind the scenes that the safety of our citizens can be effectively guaranteed. “

“It’s because of your professionalism and dedication. It’s because of the excellent crew like Captain Nobunaga Katsuda and this time flight H9536 that we citizens can travel with peace of mind. “

“Here, my family and my family who will take the flight of the Civil Aviation Administration in the future, as well as the citizens of society, sincerely thank you for your contributions. “

“I think the honorary title of “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero” should not be given to me, but should be given to all the staff in the Civil Aviation Administration who silently contribute to the safe travel of our citizens…”

Liang Ren’s speech is not over yet, but his sincere and affectionate gratitude has won the favor and respect of everyone in the Conference Hall.

Katsuta Nobunaga and the flight crew of H9536 are even more so Tears are in our eyes.

As a staff member who sticks to an ordinary position, what can touch them more than understanding and respect?

The young man in front of him understands and respects them They, thank them, just because the other party is just a 13-year-old boy, it moved them even more.

Such a citizen, such a boy, really is the future of Kanto, the future of Alliance…

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