
As the protagonist of this commendation conference, after Liang Ren took the stage and gave a speech, the leaders of the Civil Aviation Administration spoke some words of praise for his heroic behavior.

With the announcement of Host, this commendation conference officially ended.

The director of the Civil Aviation Administration, the mayor of Saffron City, and the grade director smiled and said hello to him and encouraged him to leave.

As the winner of the highest honor for the Conference, he rescued the heroic passengers of the H9536 flight in distress.

After the commendation conference, Liang Ren was stopped by a group of media for half an hour before leaving.

The female staff member personally escorted him out of the Civil Aviation Bureau. Liang Ren immediately called home after getting in the car.



Tell the father Mother about the honor he had gained from participating in the Civil Aviation Administration’s Commendation Conference today. It is also unspeakable pride.

“Son, when you send Medal back, I must hang him in our store.” Mu Mu Yiren chuckled.

“What nonsense are you talking about? How can you hang Medal in the store? If you want to hang it, you will hang it at home.” Ryoko who was listening to the phone couldn’t help but laughed and cursed.



Today he had several incidents, and it can be said that father Mother was broken.

Now that they can get some honors to make the couple happy, Liang Ren is also very happy as a son.

Moreover, in recognition of the Conference this time, the Kanto Civil Aviation Administration also rewarded him with 5 million Alliance coins in cash, which is the most affordable in Liang Ren’s view.

Besides, before Slowpoke was seriously injured and unconscious, Kanto Alliance also gave him an Elite-level spiritual marrow bead for free.

At that time, the treatment consumed a part of the power, but the experience and realm insights in the spiritual marrow still remained.

Although Slowpoke has incorporated a spiritual bead with champion inheritance, in this Elite spiritual bead given by Alliance, the perception of Ability is also very important for Slowpoke.

Whether it is him or the few Pokémons under him, the speed of growth is too fast. Although the foundation is solid and solid, the lack of precipitation is also a fact.

The experience and perception in the two spiritual beads can greatly make up for the shortcomings of Slowpoke’s shallow foundation.

It was six o’clock when we returned to the school by car, and Daisuke and Kida who accompanied Shimamura Weiyo and Yuan Shizuka out to go shopping have also returned.

It was learned that Liang Ren was invited to the Civil Aviation Administration to participate in the Commendation Conference in the afternoon, and he also won the honorary title of “Kanto Civil Aviation Hero, Saffron City Honorary Citizen, and Outstanding Student of the Year”.

The tone of the two guys suddenly became sour, as if they had just two lemons.

After finishing the outside business, Liang Ren was not in the mood to go out for a stroll, so he stayed in the bedroom and read comics with Slowpoke.

At seven o’clock in the evening, he returned to school in a wooden sweater. Liang Ren organized his classmates to go out to have a hot pot.

I haven’t seen each other in a summer vacation. The classmates have changed a lot, especially their strength.

He traveled in Hoenn during the summer vacation, because he won an excellent ranking in several high-profile tours and became famous throughout the circle of Pokémon trainers.

Liang Ren put a lot of pressure on the classmates. The people who were a bit slack after the holiday also worked hard to improve themselves.

At the dinner party in the evening, everyone reported their Pokémon levels, and Liang Ren couldn’t help nodding secretly in his heart.

The Pokémon Level of the theoretical students in the class is slightly lower, but the average is about 2Level 6, and the average Pokémon of the combat students is about 30.

Like Daisuke, Idemu Shan, Kida Shinichi, Sakata Kin… these top classmates, Trump Card Pokémon in their hands has generally reached Level 35.

“In the ordinary class, although there are many students who have used their home resources to pile up Pokémon’s strength level.”

“But Pokémon battles can’t be won by Pokémon alone. The strength of the trainer is also indispensable.”

“Believe in yourself, it will be okay to challenge the Conference in the new semester the day after tomorrow—”

At the party, Liang Ren simply did After a moment of mobilization, the expressions of everyone in the class were really relaxed.


The evening dinner is over, and the opening ceremony will be held in the green sports field in front of the school building in the morning of the 2nd day.

Principal Fujimori encouraged the teachers and students of the school to adopt a more positive attitude and a youthful and vigorous attitude towards study and work in the new semester.

The next three-day challenge for the new semester will also encourage students in ordinary classes to show themselves and use their strength to prove that they are eligible to join the privileged class.

At the end of the school opening ceremony, Principal Fujimori also praised Liang Ren for his contribution when flight H9536 was in distress.

Announced the honor Liang Ren received at the Civil Aviation Administration’s Recognition Conference yesterday, and at the same time announced the award of Liang Ren’s “Outstanding Student of the Year” in front of all teachers and students.

On the first day of school, Liang Ren’s genius who overpowered the upper grades once again became a topical figure in the school and became the object of discussion among all students.

Among first-year students, girls are basically adoring, while boys are mostly hostile.

It is a senior student. For Liang Ren, it is more about discussing his three main forces, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster, what level of real strength he has reached.

For the discussion of the teachers and students in the school, Liang Ren is not at all taking seriously.

The two big gymnasiums of the school have already begun to be arranged at this moment. For tomorrow’s new semester challenge, Liang Ren is full of expectations.

But at this moment, Liang Ren and his Pokémon are lying on the back of Pidgeot Pidgeot, watching the clouds on the sea of ​​clouds.

Slowpoke is obsessed with the sea of ​​clouds, because clouds do have a high ornamental value.

Plums of land are like cotton, and rolls of land are like waves…clouds and clouds, countless changes.

Pidgeot flew flat and steady high in the sky, Cloyster, Lucario, and Snivy were next to him, Liang Ren holding Slowpoke and lying flat on Pidgeot’s thick back.

A few white clouds stood still one meter above his face, like bunches of frangipani.

I opened my eyes and stared, and soon the whole person’s mind was immersed in it, his mind was extremely relaxed, and he fell asleep unconsciously.


In the evening in the afternoon, the class teacher Sabrina and Ah Yan convened a class meeting with classmates and talked about some precautions for the new semester challenge tomorrow.

“After the class meeting is over, I will be ready to go back. No one is allowed to mess around.

“The new semester challenge starting tomorrow, the final result I want is you Keep all the places and stay in the Zhamen privilege class.

“If anyone is eliminated from the ordinary class, let alone my Sabrina student in the future, I can’t afford to lose this person~”

In the activity classroom, Sabrina is standing on the podium Shang said domineeringly to everyone.

For one semester, everyone in the class knew that Sabrina was a cold-faced personality.

At this time, everyone in the class not only did not feel resistance to her words, but felt extremely warm.

“Yes—” In the classroom, everyone responded in unison.


The moon rabbit falls west, Golden Crow rises east, and it is the day of the new semester challenge in a blink of an eye.

The first-grade privileged class members who had breakfast in the school cafeteria early in the morning brought Liang Ren and other class members to the school gym.

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