
The baby ball was opened in midair, with a ferocious expression, dark red fan feathers on its head, and a sharp tooth from its mouth.

Pokémon, who has sharp claws, is above the knee, and can stand upright, appears on the court.

As the owner of the “oppression” feature in ordinary Pokemon, Weavile exudes an evil aura that makes opponent fearful.

“This guy named Aze in Class Six dared to be the first to challenge, he really came prepared.”

“Dark Type is immune to Psychic Type attacks. This game Obviously Aze is more dominant here.”



I saw that Aze released Slowpoke against Liang Ren. After Weavile, everyone outside the field showed an expression of’I came here prepared’.

However, among the students who watched the field outside, there were also careful ones who found that in midair Slowpoke looked lazily, facing Attribute Tianke’s own opponent, there was no sign of fear in his eyes.

“I don’t think Aze in this game is a good one. Look at Slowpoke’s relaxed expression.”

“Indeed, Slowpoke’s performance is a bit abnormal.”

< p>“Whether it is the Kanto trainer circle or the trainer circle of other regions, few trainers take Slowpoke as the main force to train.

“In the summer vacation, I believe everyone has also searched for Mumu Liang on the Internet. The video of Ren playing in the city Stadium, underestimating his Slowpoke opponent, did not end well. “

“Indeed, I have watched the video of Mumu Liang Ren sending a Slowpoke battle in the city Stadium. This Slowpoke likes playing the pig to eat the tiger the most. “


“Well, you are not curious about Mumu Liang Ren, why does his Slowpoke eyebrow have a pearl? “

“Fuck, don’t you remind me, I just didn’t notice. “


The students on the sidelines quickly calmed down.

Because after seeing the Pokémon of both sides are ready, the referee decisively issued The start signal.

“The game begins! ! “

“Weavile, use Icy Wind. “Aze takes the initiative and chooses to use Icy Wind to restrict Slowpoke’s actions first.

Just like what the outside observers said.

He came prepared and not only prepared Attributes. Restrained against Pokémon, he also investigated the Pokémon’s information.

“Slowpoke has mastered Ability Teleport. This is the reason why you can still remain calm in the face of Weavile. I’m Detect. Yo~”

The instructions were issued quickly, and the young man wearing a deep blue Academy uniform on the other end of the battlefield flickered with an expression of Detect everything.

“Sneasel ~”

< p>Weavile’s execution of the trainer’s instructions is very efficient. As soon as the teenager’s instruction was delivered, a icy freezing wind sputtered up from Weavile’s mouth.

There was no response from Liang Ren. When the wind hits, a spherical shield protects Slowpoke tightly without any dead ends.

“ka ka…”

White frost filled the surface of the protective cover. Make a sound of ka ka.

In the protective cover, Slowpoke’s wide-open eyes glow with pink Psychic fluorescence.

No order from Liang Ren, Slowpoke has spontaneously used to make Psychic Attribute. Attacking the auxiliary ability “Miracle Eye” that also works on Dark Type.

If there is a Psychic with a cultivation base profound at the moment.

You will find that the Psychic flame rising from the surface of Slowpoke is outside, and a layer of energy film without Attribute is attached.

Icy Wind failed to freeze the Slowpoke, but the opponent was motionless in the air, obviously underestimating the enemy.

Aze did not give up this great opportunity to launch an offense: “Weavile, rush to use Night Slash.”


Received the order Weavile slammed his feet on the ground, and rushed out with a whistling sound.

125 points Speed ​​Stat can’t be faked, Weavile’s speed is so fast that everyone outside the field only sees a gray purple dull light flashed by.

Look again, Weavile has rushed to Slowpoke.

A sharp claw swooping, dyed in the purple energy, fiercely grabs towards Slowpoke.

Slowpoke expression As usual, Liang Ren’s face is not even a little flustered: “Confusion.”


Weavile’s paw distance protection cover There was less than a centimeter, but the expression of surprise was frozen directly on Weavile’s face.

“shua ~”

The film coated on Miracle Eye is not solid. After Confusion caught Weavile, Slowpoke threw it directly into the air.

“Headbutt of Mind.” Liang Ren ordered.


The tail flicked, and Slowpoke directly hit the Ice Ball that was sealed by Icy Wind just now, and hit Weavile who was thrown into the air.



Seeing Weavile being hit and flying, the boy named Aze on the other side cry out in surprise.

This battle that he knows well, I don’t know when he has deviated from the script he wrote.

However, Liang Ren, who has entered the fighting state, will not just Hold Back because of this.

“General, Slowpoke, use Flamethrower!!” Liang Ren ordered sonically.


The Slowpoke that hit Weavile hovered in midair, and the bubble shield protecting the whole body was removed.

In the horrified gaze of the spectators on the periphery, Slowpoke opened his mouth and moved towards Weavile above the Sky and exploded a fiery pillar of fire.


In the raging flames, Weavile let out a horrified Growl.

Everyone opened their eyes and looked on the court again. Weavile was already scorched on the court and lost the combat capability.

“Weavile can’t fight, Slowpoke won this round.”

After the referee announced the final battle result, a lively discussion broke out among the students outside the field.

“This guy in Class 6 thought he had sent an Attribute to restrain the opponent’s Weavile and won. Didn’t expect it ended up overturning~”

“Who would have thought of Mumu Liang Ren? Only Slowpoke has mastered Flamethrower, tut…”

“Although Slowpoke can learn Fire Element such as Flamethrower and Fire Blast through TM, the difficulty is not as high as Normal.”



Ding, experience +270

Ding, pick up attack Attribute value + 1

Ding, pick up Speed ​​innate talent value +1


At this moment, Liang Ren didn’t care about the people’s comments outside the court.

Seeing the experience fog rising from Weavile, and the splashing out of two Attribute coins, one red and one white, Liang Ren was already happy.

Be aware that he made such a high-profile application to lift the challenger Pokémon’s limit.

The purpose is not to get more innate talent red coins from this group of Heaven’s Chosen Child.

“Challenger, do you still need to send other Pokémon to challenge?”

Because of Liang Ren’s application just now, the referee turned his head to the challenger’s side at this moment. Ze asked.

Liang Ren, who took the two Attribute coins into the system warehouse, stared fiercely at the boy on the other side of the battlefield.

“I will continue to challenge.” Weavile’s defeat really hit him, but the boy didn’t intend to leave the game just like that.

“Young man, I admire your courage.” Hearing that the other party said that he would continue to challenge, Liang Ren couldn’t help giving him a thumbs-up.

However, the short hesitation of the opponent just now also reminded Liang Ren that he must not be too strong in the battle, let alone kill the opponent in a second.

Regardless of whether the opponent is strong or weak, it is better for him to work harder, otherwise the number of challengers will be greatly reduced. After all, no one likes to seek abuse.

It is about income (innate talent red coins), Liang Ren has to be more cautious.

Looking at Slowpoke in midair, Liang Ren used the bond link to convey his thoughts: “Damn, you will be weaker in the game for a while.”

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