……Liang Ren: “Damn, you will be a little weaker in the game for a while.”

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`)”

I heard At Liang Ren’s peculiar request, Slowpoke’s brows were almost invisible and frowned.

Putted his mouth and slandered inwardly, but Little Brat was not at all resisting, but was a little excited.

There was a flash of excitement in the sluggish eyes, and an agreement was reached with each pet.

“Come out, Electivire!!!” Seeing Liang Ren, there is no idea of ​​replacing Pokémon.

The opposite student named Aze shouted in an imposing manner and released the second Pokémon.


The baby ball opened in mid-air, a slender red light was projected onto the field, and a burly Pokémon appeared domineering.

Look at this golden yellow Pokémon on the field with Black lines on its fur, a burly figure with strong limbs, and a tail with two electric ropes.

Students outside the field exclaimed.

“Fuck, it turned out to be Electivire, and I came here prepared.”

“This Electivire should be prepared for Mumu Liang Ren’s Pidgeot, but it’s a pity. Weavile was defeated in the game, Electivire failed to match Pidgeot.”

“Electabuzz can evolve into Electivire by carrying Electirizer communication ———

“But because Elekid has evolved into Electabuzz, Level It must be at least level 30, which means that the Electivire Level in front of me is at least level 30. “

“I heard a friend in Class 6 say that Aze had taken a Pokémon with a high level during the summer vacation. Is it the Electivire in front of me? “

“Electivire needs communication in order to evolve. I guess he has adopted Electabuzz, which will evolve after starting. “

“Anyway, Electivire with a level of more than 30, with this Pokémon, this Pokémon, this name is Aze, is eligible to enter the privileged class. “



The debut of Electivire caused a lot of shock, and students outside the field could not help but discuss spiritedly.< /p>

Only one semester has passed, and the first-year freshmen already have Pokémon as powerful as Electivire.

This situation is estimated to only appear in Saffron Middle School, while ordinary intermediate rank schools are absolutely. It’s impossible.

I didn’t pay attention to the students’ comments off the court. I looked around and saw that both sides were ready to fight.

The referee decisively announced the start: “The game begin. “

“Electivire, use Thunderbolt to say hello to the other party. “With the appearance of Electivire, the teenager named Aze regained his self-confidence.

The comments made by the students outside the field just now made him highly-spirited and vigorous.

” Hulu~huh! ! “

Received the trainer’s instruction, Electivire opened his arms and Snarl made a sound on the field, and a thick thigh lightning fiercely struck the Slowpoke in midair.

The lightning snake flicked. , The air seems to be a little anxious at the moment.

“Mirror Coat~”

“Wait, just use “protection” to resist it, remember to behave weakly. “

Just after the order was issued, Liang Ren remembered that he wanted to show the enemy to be weak, and hurriedly revoked it, and then re-issued the action instructions.


Slowpoke mind Very clever, for Liang Ren’s instructions, it can often be executed in a spirituality way, unexpectedly perfect.

The same at this time.

Facing Electivire’s Thunderbolt, Levitate is in In midair’s Slowpoke seemed to have never expected the opponent’s offensive to be so swift.

‘Reluctantly’ propped up a protective mask to protect the whole body, and it was smashed by Thunderbolt.


The protective cover bubble hit the ground and bounced twice like a rubber ball, looking very embarrassed.

“That’s it, Electivire, using Swift. “Thunderbolt is unexpectedly powerful to make the opposite boy more high-spirited and vigorous.

Electivire is the same. See Slowpoke being chopped by a Thunderbolt. Its plasma-filled head even ignores the use of Slowpoke. The fact that the protection blocked all the damage.

Hearing the high-spirited and vigorous instructions from the trainer, Electivire thumped his chest excitedly.

“Hey~ “

Electivire roared in excitement.

The tail of the electric rope flicked forward, and a string of golden star darts broke through the air, chasing the Rollout on the field. The bubble ball hits the past.

“ding ding ding ding~ ……”

Although you are acting, there is no need to hurt yourself. After all, you can fool yourself with opponent like this. There is no need to use bitter tricks.

The bubble shield did not break, and the star dart shot by Electivire was directly flew under the Rapid Spin.

“How could…” The second attack After being resisted by the opponent, the opposite Academy Fu youth was a little suspicious.

“Slowpoke, use the mind Headbutt. “Liang Ren noticed the emotional change in the opponent’s eyes, and instead of passively defending, he chose to actively attack.


Shallow green’s bubble suddenly turned into pink. , Swiftly broke through the air and smashed into Electivire.

The opponent took the initiative to attack, and the opposite dared not think about it anymore, and hurriedly commanded Electivire to meet the enemy.

< p>“Grab it, use Brick Break! ! “

The battle on the field is getting more and more fierce. With Slowpoke taking the initiative to attack, no one doubts that Liang Ren is releasing the water.


Headbutt of Mind collided with his legs shoulder-width apart, and Electivire, who pierced his waist, shouted loudly.

Although it slipped several meters after being hit by Slowpoke, it did catch Slowpoke.

Looking at the ball of light in his arms, Electivire did not hesitate, his arm raised high, and then fiercely cut it down like a brick chopper.

” Bang~”

“ka ka——”

The ball of light in his arms hit the ground fiercely, and Slowpoke cooperated to break the protective cover.

This allows the audience to have a clearer understanding of the formidable power of Brick Break, Electivire.

“Electivire, a good opportunity, rush over to use Thunder Punch. “The opposite boy continues to pursue the pursuit.

“Slowpoke, use Hypnosis. “Seeing that the fire is almost over, Liang Ren no longer releases the water.”

“Ya Duo——(✺ω✺)”

Slowpoke understood it, and it did not get up when it fell on the court. Just sitting on the field, looking up at a 45° angle and staring at Electivire, who is rushing in at a rapid pace.

The hypnotic brain waves are transmitted through visual contact. Electivire’s pupils suddenly widened, and his steps became heavier and heavier.


“Electivire, don’t look into the other person’s eyes…”

The Academy suit boy across the street yelled, his idea is good, but it’s too late.

After developing the invisible combo “Confusion + Hypnosis”.

During the battle, Confusion was forced to hold his head and look affectionately. Few opponents can resist Slowpoke’s hypnotic offensive.


Electivire, with heavy eyelids and lead in his legs, finally fell to the ground when he was half a meter away from Slowpoke.

“This is dangerous. The suppressive effect was clearly played in the early stage. Didn’t expect was hit by Slowpoke’s Hypnosis in the end.”

“Mu Mu Liang Ren was also hit in this round. It’s really going against the wind.”

“You deserve to be the squad leader of the privileged class. After all, you can’t underestimate it.”



Slowpoke, who hypnotized Electivire, used Teleport’cautiously’ to get far away.

Students from outside the field also expressed their opinions, although they said, “After all, you can’t underestimate them.”

However, since the words “suppressed, headwind” are used on Liang Ren, it can be seen that Liang Ren and Slowpoke’s acting skills have dispelled their fear.

“This guy is really good, but he is not strong enough to be defeated. I can definitely do it…”

This is the audience who watched this game from the outside. Students, deep in one’s heart true thoughts.

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