“…I definitely can do it.”

Unfortunately, Liang Ren has no mind-reading skills. Otherwise, he will laugh when he learns the thoughts of everyone on the court.

Of course, what he has to do at this moment is to solve the Electivire in front of him.

“Slowpoke, use Dream Eater.” Liang Ren did not use the bond to link the silent command, but openly and loudly ordered.

“Yado——( ̄~ ̄)”

Dream Eater started, Slowpoke chewed his mouth as if he had just tasted a delicious snack.

Electivire was awakened by a nightmare. When he sat up from the ground, he couldn’t help but let out a scream of horror: “Hulu~”

“Slowpoke, use Flamethrower.” Liang Ren The offense is launched again, and the finishing touches are a little more beautiful, so that the audience outside the court will not be suspicious.

“Cartoon·Kongga Q ask for a second time!!!”

Slowpoke Levitate, who received Liang Ren’s instruction, made a fingerprint with his fatty claws in midair.


The trick of Slowpoke Mimic comic characters does not affect the terrifying power of Flamethrower.

Electivire, who had not recovered from the influence of Dream Eater, was directly swallowed by the pillar of fire.

Level 50 Illusory Beast · Slowpoke is fully used, and an Electivire in the early 30s is not difficult.

The flame dissipated, and the Electivire, which was sent by Slowpoke in the early stage, fell to the ground and lost its combat capability.

“I lost… I lost.” Seeing that his eyes turned into a vertigo spiral, Electivire had fainted, and the Academy Service boy on the opposite side couldn’t accept it for a while.

In the summer vacation, he studied each other and made full preparations. He has full confidence in this new semester challenge.

However, the immediate result is that they have lost two consecutive games.

“Electivire can’t fight, Slowpoke won this game.”


“Mu Mu Liang Ren, this Slowpoke, I really don’t know how to cultivate It is so strong.”

“According to the information I have collected, Slowpoke’s strength is only ranked second among his Pokémon, and the strongest is his Pidgeot.”

“Aren’t you nonsense? We didn’t watch the live broadcast of the Mega Evolution Invitational held in Mauville City in the summer. Who didn’t know that Mumu Liang Ren’s Pidgeot mastered Mega Evolution.”

“That’s it~ “




Ding, experience +310


Ding, get the innate talent value of the attack +1

Ding, get the special attack Attribute value of +1


“Oh hoho……”

I didn’t pay attention to the frustration of the opposite Academy, nor did I pay attention to the comments of the students outside.

Seeing the two Attribute coins exploded on Electivire, one of them was red, Liang Ren was happy.

It’s worth noting that he made a high-profile application to lift the limit on the number of challengers Pokémon, and at the same time, he was not afraid of trouble to act with Slowpoke.

This new semester challenge is simply a great opportunity to spend innate talent red coins.

“Challenger, do you still send Pokémon to challenge?” Having lost two games in a row, this is the second time the referee has asked.


Hearing the referee’s words, he hesitated for a while against the young man named Aze at the other end of the battlefield.

And when he saw Liang Ren hesitating as a teenager, he panicked———

If possible, he hopes that in this new semester challenge, there will be 180 ordinary classes throughout the year. Every student can play against him.

If possible, Liang Ren is willing to play against all the Pokémon in their hands.

If possible, even if the opponent’s strength level is less than Level 5, he will not refuse to come! !

Because he knew that none of the Pokémon in the hands of Heaven’s Chosen Child would be worse than Aptitude.

These are all lively innate talent red coins.

Seeing that the opposite young man didn’t want to continue to challenge, Liang Ren, who was secretly anxious, suddenly flashed in his heart.

“Slowpoke, thanks for your hard work, come back first.”


Liang Ren’s voice called the Academy Service Boy across from back to God Come.

Seeing Liang Ren replace Slowpoke off the field, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his gray eyes.

“Slowpoke is injured? Or is he physically exhausted?”

“It turned out that after two fierce battles, Slowpoke’s state has bottomed out, and his calmness was originally pretended “

Liang Ren’s small move, against the boy at the other end of the battlefield, suddenly made up a lot of things in his mind.

Of course, in his own opinion, this is not a brain supplement, but with amazing insight, he has detected Liang Ren’s disguise.

“Sure enough, the opponent’s strength is not as strong as the rumors.”

“Hey~ If I prepare a few more Pokémons, it will be fine. Now I have this one in my hand. Pokémon is specially equipped for Cloyster.”

“I’m afraid this guy, in order not to lose the game, the next player should be the strongest Pidgeot.”

“I have leftovers. This Pokémon is not an advantage against his Pidgeot, which can only be Mega-evolved.”

“Oh~forget it, I won’t challenge it anymore.”

Because Liang Ren The hope of replacing Slowpoke on the field was rekindled, and the cooling was gradually extinguished in the youth’s own brain.

“en? ??”

The young man’s expression Liang Ren looked in his eyes, and the light in the other’s eyes gradually faded and became gray again. Liang Ren’s side was Question marks full of heads.

“From the two Pokémons sent by the other party just now, Weavile is clearly prepared for Slowpoke.”

“Cloyster is a pure ice attribute and no Water Type is not a secret, so Electivire also I’m sure it’s prepared for Pidgeot.”

“The excitement in this guy’s eyes was not fake when he saw me withdraw Slowpoke just now, so what made him choose to give up?”


“The Pokémon he has left on hand is almost certainly for Cloyster.

“Then he thought I would send a stronger Pidgeot, and he had this Only Pokémon is not good at dealing with Pidgeot? “

After thinking about it, Liang Ren’s side is unconsciously close to the correct answer.

“If so, then I will send Cloyster √ to give it a try. “

Thinking about the joints, Liang Ren will do what he says.


“Cloyster, it’s up to you~ “

Just when Azer was about to reject the referee and was about to leave.

A voice from the opposite half made him forcibly swallow what he said.

The baby ball opened and saw Cloyster appearing in the opposite half. The boy’s eyes showed a compelling light.

“Referee, I have to challenge another round. “Aze suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and replied loudly to the referee.

“Okay~” The referee looked at the young man in surprise, and finally nodded.

Pretty. “

Seeing the opposite boy excitedly replied that he wants to continue to challenge, Liang Ren’s eyes are also full of smiles.

I can’t help being more witty in my heart. A big praise.

“Since you continue to challenge, then challenger, please send your third Pokémon. “Looking at the boy who got excited somehow, the sideline judge reminded with a weird face.


“Come out, Mienfoo, this game must be won. “

After the teenager answered complied, he threw a Poké Ball and released a Pokémon that is very rare in Kanto Region.

“Mienfoo, the original form of the Unova Region master ferret, originally aimed at Cloyster prepared a Fighting Type Pokemon. No wonder I can’t fight with Pidgeot. “

I saw that the body of the teenager was light and yellow, and the hair on the limbs was reddish-brown like wide sleeves.

Pokémon that can stand upright with both legs and looks like a mongoose. , Liang Ren’s eyes flashed a clear comprehension.

However, Liang Ren didn’t worry that Mienfoo Attribute would restrain his Cloyster.

Can deceive the opponent’s last Pokémon, He is already creak happy in his heart.

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