“Forget it, don’t talk about these unhappy things. Liang Ren, you are a bit fierce today. You can directly apply to cancel the Pokémon limit on the number of challengers.”

“The senior seniors don’t dare Playing like this, I heard the announcement at the beginning of the challenge, and I was shivered.”

Daisuke and Kida Shen said with a smile hehe.

“I just want to try my limit.”

“When I applied for the restriction in the morning, the Teacher also said that in the previous Senior Senior Sister, I was in the first grade. There are also proposals to upgrade 1v1 to 2v2 and 3v3.”

“If you find the challenge in the morning to be too difficult, I recommend trying this.” Liang Ren urged Shinichi towards Kida.

“Forget it, this kind of thing does not conform to my prudent personality.” Shinichi Kida shrugged not fooled.

“Weak chicken man~” Rei Abe said contemptuously.

For Liang Ren’s words, Rei Abe and Daisuke were obviously a little moved.



After eating at noon, Liang Ren rode Pidgeot to the Red Maple Forest Gym in the East City to take a look.

A while ago, the plane he was flying had an accident. Kiyo and the senior brothers and senior sisters of Fighting Gym often called him.

Originally, I was going to the Gym yesterday afternoon, but the CAAC’s participation in the commendation conference was delayed.

“hu hu…”

In late autumn, the green maple forest outside Fighting Gym has been unconsciously dyed red by the autumn wind, and I ride Pidgeot from high above the sky.

Red Maple Forest, Red Maple Forest…

The antique building of Fighting Gym is surrounded by a sea of ​​red trees. The wind blows through, and the red leaves fall in a whirlpool. .

With such poetic and aestheticism, Liang Ren killed him and didn’t believe that Kiyo would be the one who chose to build the Gym in the Red Maple Forest.

“Beep Diao~”


Pidgeot carried Liang Ren down from the sky, and Liang Ren pushed the door into the front yard where the Fighting Gym common disciple exercised.

Because it is noon, the dísciple who exercised has already left, not at all people in the front yard until he walked into the back yard.

Liang Ren saw a young man with a strong figure doing maintenance for some wooden equipment under the shade of a tree.

“Si Senior Brother Shui~”

Seeing this young man, Liang Ren showed a close smile on his face and greeted him on the initiative.

Sishui was busy with the work at hand, because he was too concentrated and didn’t notice him until he heard Liang Ren calling him.

The youth lifts the head, his expression was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of surprises: “Little Junior Brother——”

Sabaya put down his equipment, senior and junior The brothers gave a hug.

“Where is Master Kiyo?” Liang Ren asked.

He heard from Rei Abe saying that Kiyo went to Alola Melemele Island some time ago and talked with Island Kahuna Hala, and he just came back recently.

“I just used lunch, drinking tea in the hall?” Surabaya glanced with interest and asked Lucario on his side.

Just at the door of Gym, he left Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, and Snivy outside, and at the moment he also took Lucario a Pokémon with him.

“The master was still talking about you just now. We were terrified by an accident in your plane. You brat don’t know what bad luck has happened this year. There have been several incidents.”


Sabaya said as he led Liang Ren towards the back room, his words were full of concern.

“Worries the sir and the Senior Brothers, but I am fine this time, mainly because a few Pokémons have suffered some injuries.”


< p>while speaking, Liang Ren came to the hall and Kiyo was sitting on the mat in a training suit and drinking tea.

“Liang Ren is here.” Kiyo greeted with a smile hehe.

“Master~” Liang Ren and Lucario chanted a dísciple to Kiyo.

“The body has become stronger again. It seems that you did not slack off Fighting skills training during the summer vacation.

“Little Riolu has also evolved into Lucario——

“Not bad…”

I looked up and down, and the middle-aged man with strong face and strong features patted his shoulders, nodded with satisfaction.

“It’s all the master, you teach well.” Liang Ren grinned.

“You brat, don’t shoot my flattery.”

“Next year’s P1world Fighting Championship is scheduled to be held at the beginning of Miki.

“Since you plan to participate, in Before this, at least Lucario’s battle strength had to be matured. “When it comes to business, Kiyo is also serious.

“Don’t worry~Master, at next year’s P1world Fighting Championship, Lucario will surely surprise everyone. “

“ao 嗷——”

Feeling the pride of Liang Ren, Lucario next to him also promised Kiyo with a spirited spirit.

“Yes. What you want is such an imposing manner. “Kiyo smiled and complimented.

“This new semester challenge in your school, what time does this afternoon start, I want to see how much Lucario has improved during this time. “

Kiyo looked back at the old-fashioned wall clock on the wall, and then turned to ask Liang Ren.

“Of course there is time. The afternoon challenge will not start until two o’clock. “When I heard that Kiyo was going to test his and Lucario’s cultivation, Liang Ren did not refuse.

“Surabaya, you and Liang Ren will play a game, and the two sides will stop at the end. “Kiyo serves Head Disciple Surabaya instructed by the side.

“It’s ~ Master. “The Surabaya side also nodded and agreed.

Amburi was scared by Kiyo at home. She usually stays in school most of the time. When the other common disciple leaves at noon, the whole Gym appears very quiet.

Gym is in Lin Tao hua hua, the red maple in the yard, which has been in the vintage, is also shaking its branches to respond.

In the middle of the yard is a battlefield, Liang Ren takes Lucario and stands on the court. , Surabaya also threw a baby ball.

“Hitmonchan, come out. “What Surabaya released was a Pokémon wearing a red glove, brown shoulder armor, and ash-gray battle skirt.

“shua shua…”

He was majestic when he played. moved towards Two punches in the air, this heroic Pokémon is Hitmonchan, also known as the ghost of boxing.

“Lucario, I’m going to go. “

“ao 嗷——” Lucario is also ready to fight.

There is no referee and no referee in this informal match. See Surabaya and Hitmonchan for him and Lucario Hooked the hook.

Liang Ren was also not polite: “Aura Sphere. “

“ao 嗷——”

Lucario put his palm on his waist, a blue and white head was formed in the blink of an eye, and then fiercely hit Hitmonchan.

“Fire Punch. “Normally the stable and kind First Senior Brother Surabaya, facing the attacks of Liang Ren and Lucario, the voice is also full of strong fighting intent.


Hitmonchan two The fist slammed lightly, and the bright red glove was instantly wrapped in flames.

The fist of Hitmonchan, the ghost of boxing, cannot be ignored. At this moment, it is even more terrifying to bless Fire Punch.

“Bang~hong long!! “

Swing his arm like a soft-handled hammer, the flame hammer head hit the Aura Sphere, but the Aura Sphere exploded, and the burst of power shocked Hitmonchan to almost turn over.

“Good guy, the formidable power of Aura Sphere is so big. Surabaya opened his mouth and said in surprise.

“Senior Brother, don’t worry. “

“xiu ~”

Surabaya came back to his senses, and just saw another Aura Sphere hitting Hitmonchan.

“Hitmonchan, don’t be hard Then, Spark rushed over in a flash. Surabaya shouted.


Hitmonchan nodded, the crisis broke out in a dangerous and dangerous dodge Aura Sphere.

Then moved towards Lucario rushed over.

“Continue Aura Sphere. “

In the face of opponent without special attack methods, we must learn how to attack the enemy.


But Hitmonchan, as the First Senior Brother, Surabaya carefully The trained Pokémon is not a good match.

Lucario’s Aura Sphere is dodged by the opponent again, and Hitmonchan has rushed in front of Lucario.

“Hitmonchan, use Bullet Punch. “I can finally fight back, Surabaya loudly shouted.

“Lucario, Mach Punch. “Liang Ren clicked the corner of his mouth and chose to use a quick fist against a quick fist.

“peng peng peng peng……”

Two Pokémons face each other, and four fists are already fast Fighting in the air several times at the speed.

The two sides quickly reached a stalemate. No matter how to seek a breakthrough, how to force Liang Ren and Lucario on the Surabaya side, they all rely on Fighting skills to parry.


Hitmonchan changed Bullet Punch to Fire Punch, and Fire Punch works better for Lucario.

However, switching from fast punch to slow punch is intentional on Liang Ren’s side Under forced pressure, Hitmonchan revealed a small weak spot.

This Liang Ren at first knew that there would be an opportunity, and then took the initiative to create an opportunity, he was waiting for this moment.

< p>“Extrreme Speed! ! “Liang Ren yelled to Lucario.


During the fight, Lucario suddenly violent, and Extrreme Speed ​​directly knocked Hitmonchan out.


“Hitmonchan, hold yourself steady. Surabaya hurriedly shouted.

“Chaya~” The long-term Fighting training was not in vain. Hitmonchan in midair made a backflip and landed steadily.

“Since I have taken the distance again , Then~” Liang Ren ticked the corner of his mouth: “Lucario, use Aura Sphere. “

“ao 嗷——”



Aura Sphere long-range strike, Hitmonchan spent a lot of effort Lucario was only close, but his Fighting skills couldn’t overtake Lucario.

Once a weak spot was exposed in the fight, Lucario’s Extrreme Speed ​​greeted it. After pulling away, the Aura Sphere started again. Long-range bombardment.

After cycling several times…

“If you don’t fight, you can’t fight, I can’t fight you brat. “Seeing that he couldn’t take him for a long time, even though Surabaya was unwilling, he finally called the game to halt and admit defeat.

“hehe ~ Senior Brother, use you let me win”

With a depressed face in Surabaya, Liang Ren said with a smile hehe.

Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym has a very good atmosphere. Knowing that Surabaya will not be angry with him, Liang Ren rarely appears too humble.


“Liang Ren Junior Brother deserves to be a genius. Whether it’s Fighting technique cultivation base or Pokémon’s breeding, you are better than my Senior Brother. “

Looking at the Little Junior Brother in front of me.

As the Kiyo Head Disciple, Red Maple Forest Fighting Gym, the dísciple First Senior Brother of Surabaya, I can’t help but sigh.

“Whether you and Lucario are fighting skills, cultivation base or strength, you have indeed improved the Extrreme Speed.

“If you brat defeated the organizer Snubbull Gym’s Cole Ni in the P1 Fighting tournament next year, I don’t know what the old ghost of Snubbull would look like.

“haha ……” Kiyo said that he laughed.

“Solo Gym Leader Cole Ni, Lucario has mastered Mega evolution and is very powerful. “

“If the trail can reach the opponent’s height next year, maybe I can also prepare to challenge Gym to collect Badge to participate in Alliance Conference. “

Hearing Kiyo’s expectations, Liang Ren also said with a smile.

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