The battle between Lucario and Hitmonchan ended, Liang Ren was also asked to play with Senior Brother Surabaya.

His sensory organs were strengthened during the awakening of the Psychic innate talent.

The strength is slightly inferior to Senior Brother Surabaya, but the use of Fighting skills and the control of opportunities in the battle Liang Ren has completely surpassed the opponent.

False Swipe, but Kiyo knows that in this contest between the senior and junior brothers, it was the Senior Brother of Surabaya who lost——


I haven’t stayed on Gym for too long, after all, I have to participate in the challenge in the afternoon.

“Master, Senior Brother, let’s go back to school first.” At the gym door, Liang Ren turned over and landed on Pidgeot’s back and greeted the two below.

“Okay, come on for the challenge~”



Pidgeot flaps its wings and calls to the ground With a sound, the fallen leaves rolled up and flew into the air.

Pidgeot is very fast. It takes 20 minutes by bus to fly back to Saffron Middle School in less than five minutes.

“Nurse Joy, Lucario will take care of you.”

Pidgeot landed in the Pokémon Center on campus, Liang Ren handed Lucario to Joy to help him recover.

“Ok, give it to me without worry.” Joy responded with a smile.

In the morning challenge, the class leaders and deputy squad leaders of the six ordinary classes have all played against him.

Although the remaining students also have’expert’, they can handle it even if they want to come to Lucario.

Yes, he is going to send Lucario to play this afternoon.

This time I applied for the lifting of the quantity restriction, and the acting is weak, but not only for the innate talent red coin, but also to help Lucario level up.

After all, it has been less than a year since I got Pokémon, and the average power level of Pokémon in the combatants of the privileged class is only about 27.

This is exactly the level of Lucario now. In addition, Lucario, who has systematically learned Fighting, has more battle strength than his own Level.

This new semester challenge is simply a great opportunity to help Lucario level up.


While Lucario was recovering, Liang Ren sat on the sofa near the window in the Pokémon Center Hall and clicked on the list of grade students on his phone.

A total of 20 students challenged him in the morning, all of them are class committees and top students of each grade. The strength and quantity of Pokémon in their hands are not comparable to ordinary students.

Strike out the names of these people, and most of the remaining students will become Lucario upgrade experience packs.


After doing this little thing on the phone, Liang Ren looked up at the plain and elegant campus outside.

This season, the ginkgo trees planted on both sides of the campus road have become yellow-orange.

At the moment, many girls are wearing traditional kimonos and carrying handbags, standing under the ginkgo tree and taking pictures. This leisurely look can be seen as a theoretical student.

In the new semester challenge, theoretical students do not need to fight on the battlefield, they only need to take a theoretical exam.

After waiting for a while, Lucario, who had just been discussing some consumption with Hitmonchan on Gym, also recovered completely.

Liang Ren didn’t go back to the dormitory either. He read the news from the off-duty group and walked towards the gym. After all, it was almost two o’clock.


“Well, everyone, the challenge this afternoon is going on now, students who want to challenge please register outside the corresponding battlefield.”


“Students who do not challenge, please also observe the order of watching…”

Not long after coming to the gym, the challenge officially began. Liang Ren still has a long line outside the stadium. Challenge Liezi.

“Hello, Liang Ren, I am Aqiang from Class 4. I sent two Pokemon to challenge.”

After the teacher of the broadcast school announced that the challenge will continue.

The white-shirted teenager at the front of the queue outside Liang Ren walked onto the field and said politely to Liang Ren.

“Okay, classmate Aqiang, the first Pokémon guy on my side: Come out, Lucario!!!”

Like the morning, face the challenger Liang Ren. Choose to release Pokémon first, so that the opponent can prepare in advance.

However, this time, seeing that Liang Ren sent Lucario, the white and compassionate boy on the other side was a little bit troubled.

“Then it is you on my side, Thunder Pokemon.” The boy hesitated and released a Pokémon that has no Attribute restraint relationship with Lucario.

“Thunder Pokemon?” Looking at the Pokémon opposite, Liang Ren muttered with golden yellow fur and white and golden yellow spikes on his neck and body.

Most of the students at Saffron Middle School are from very rich family backgrounds. Liang Ren really understands this.

Today’s challenge has seen too many rare Pokemon.

“The game begins.” The referee did not give Liang Ren a chance to continue to be stunned, and shouted decisively to announce the start of the game.

“Thunder Pokemon, use Agility.” Liang Ren released the first hand right, and the opposite boy without the slightest hesitation gave instructions to Thunder Pokemon.


Received the instructions, Pokemon, the thunder on the field, also ran quickly, waiting for the opportunity to attack Lucario.

“It’s really fast, but it’s useless to me.” Liang Ren laughed, always very confident.

“Lucario, use Metal Sound.”

“ao 嗷——”

Lucario was not confused by the speed of Thunder Pokemon on the field.

As it grows within the body, Aura is constantly getting stronger. Close your eyes and perceive abilities like Double Team and Ghost invisibility. There is no way to confuse it.

“zi zi…”

Filing the steel nails on the back of his hand, a sharp noise instantly disrupted Lei Pokemon’s pace, and his whole body exploded and stopped running.

Liang Ren had already anticipated this result, so as soon as Lei Pokemon stopped, he issued an offensive instruction to Lucario: “Aura Sphere!!!”

“ao ao~ ”

Lucario screamed, and an Aura Sphere slammed into Thunder Pokemon.

Lucario Level is only Level 27. After no longer deliberately releasing the water, the boy on the opposite side also felt Liang Ren’s powerful suppressing power in the battle.


“Thunder Pokemon…” A Qiang exclaimed.

“While using Metal Sound, rush over.” Liang Ren moved towards Lucario ordered loudly on the field.

“zi zi ……”

Pokemon, the thunder bombed by Aura Sphere, shook his head and just got up from the ground.

A harsh metal noise hit, Lei Pokemon stiffened and was punished to stand on the spot again.

Lucario has almost rushed in front of him, and the boy named Aqiang panicked: “Thunder Pokemon, use one hundred thousand Volt Tackle.”

“I accept your Thunderbolt. Thunder Punch!!!” Liang Ren snapped his fingers and quickly issued instructions to Lucario.



Two bursts of lightning sounded at the same time, thundering the electricity accumulated in the Pokemon hair Launch like Pin Missile.

Spark struck, Lucario, who had rushed in front of Thunder Pokemon, waved his fist, and Thunderbolt’s electricity was used by it, forcibly tied to his fist.


Golden’s fist fisted on Lei Jiao and roared, Lucario did not be polite with Lei Pokemon, and fisted directly at the door, and blasted it out. .

“Lucario, Aura Sphere!!!” Liang Ren chased after victory with exceptional firepower.

“Thunder Pokemon, use Thunderbolt.” The opposite boy yelled.


Aura Sphere struck, and Thunder Pokemon struck a lightning bolt.

Detonated by the violent thunderbolt, Aura Sphere exploded a large energy mushroom cloud on the court, which caused the audience to exclaim again and again.

However, when he was blown by the explosive air wave and raised his hand to cover his eyes, Lucario rushed directly into the air wave towards Thunder Pokemon.

“Extrreme Speed!!!” This is an instruction given to Lucario by Liang Ren.


The thunder Pokemon that was lifted into the air by the explosive air wave hasn’t stabilized the center of his body, and a silhouette wrapped in blue and white flames has rushed over.

The delicate body seemed to be hit by a heavy cargo truck, and then…

Nothing, then, the explosion smoke dissipated is Thunder Pokemon has fallen to the ground and lost combat capability.

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