“Thunder Pokemon can’t fight. Lucario will win this game.” The referee announced.

However, Liang Ren didn’t listen to what he said. He eagerly looked at Thunder Pokemon, who had lost the combat capability.

Ding, experience +260

ding, pick up special attack Attribute value +1

ding, pick up speed innate talent value +1

——— —————

“Yes, a good start.”

Afternoon Challenge First Stage, opponent’s Pokémon contributed an innate talent red coin to him, which made Liang Ren feel happy excellent.

“ao 嗷”

At this time, Lucario also called to Liang Ren on the field.

“Um~ the breath has become stronger, could it be…”


Level :28

Attribute :Fighting , Steel

Character: loyalty, justice

Features: Mental Force, (unyielding heart)

Physical strength: 78【C】Blue

< p>Attack: 128[B] Purple

Defense: 75[C]

Special Attack: 115[B] Purple

Special Defense: 75[C]




“Top Rank”: feint, Force Palm, Piao Piao Quan, Alloy Claw, Spark Flash, Counter, Work Up

“intermediate rank”: Extrreme Speed, Iron Defense, Endure, Aura Sphere, Mach Punch

“Low level” :Detect, Crushed Rock, Copycat, Final Gambit, Calm Mind, Metal Sound, Power-Up Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Reversal


Call out Looking at Lucario’s Attribute panel, it turns out that its Level has risen from 27 to Level 28.

“According to the current situation, Lucario Level will probably reach more than 30 in 3 days.” Liang Ren felt happy when he thought of this.

“Challenger, do you want to continue to challenge?”

Others don’t know what happened to Liang Ren. The referee looked at the other side and took Lei Pokemon back silently. Asked the boy.

“I will continue to challenge.” Liang Ren’s record in the morning was a complete victory, and the boy never thought that he could easily defeat the opponent.

Not only him, most people off the court know that he is not the opponent of this handsome boy on the court, but this does not affect them from launching a challenge.

Even if they lose, take Pokémon to the Pokémon Center for treatment. They can also challenge other privileged class students.

However, there are not many opportunities to challenge Mumu Liang Ren. Nowadays, no one in the school knows that he is a madman who asks for leave. For 2/3 of a semester, he asks for leave to practice outside.

“Since you want to continue to challenge, please release the second Pokémon who only needs to play.” The referee reminded.

“My second Pokémon is it: Come out, fire Pokemon!!” The boy named Ah Qiang threw a Poké Ball loudly shouted.


“Fire Pokemon? This guy won’t be the Eevee series controller, but then this guy is really rich at home.”

Looking at the fiery-red fur on the court, with a bunch of fluff on the forehead, a circle of fluff on the neck, and the fluffy tail of the fire Pokemon, Liang Ren secretly complained.

“The game begins.” The referee did not delay. After seeing both sides were ready, he decisively announced the start of the game.

“Fire Pokemon, use Fire Spin on Lucario.” Fire Element restrained Steel Type, and the teenager named Aqiang rekindled his desire for victory.

But Liang Ren is destined to not let him do what he wants.

“Aura Sphere!!!” Liang Ren glanced at the fluffy Pokémon opposite, and commanded Lucario to launch an offensive.

“ao ——”

Fire Spin is like a flat funnel. Lucario hardly needs to aim, and directly smashes Aura Sphere towards the center of Fire Spin.

There is a fire Pokemon that is releasing Ability.


“Sizzle!!” Fire Pokemon exclaimed.

Fire Spin hasn’t burned the opponent yet, but didn’t expect himself to be hit by the opponent’s attack first.

The young man named A Qiang on the other side was also taken aback, but he didn’t even react for a while.

He is still imagining that the fire Pokemon use “Fire Spin” is a large-scale attack on Unique Ability, and Lucario on the opposite side should be burned to fleeing hard to fight.

He simply didn’t expect the other party to resolve his offensive so easily.

Has the fight against Attributes become so easy these years?

Liang Ren was able to guess how the opposite boy thought, and he slightly sighed: “It’s not that the difficulty of fighting against the Attribute is reduced, but your weak spot is too big.

” With the ability of Fire Spin, you use the speed advantage of Fire Pokemon to allow him to move flexibly. “

Of course Liang Ren Liang Ren will not say this in front of the other person, and he is not obligated to coach the other person. After all, he is just a person who is not good at doing it.

Liang Ren can’t help it. Let Lucario use Extrreme Speed ​​to follow up and then KO the opponent with a set of fluttering punches, slightly slowing down the attack rhythm.

“Lucario, run and use Metal Sound. “Liang Ren finally ordered.

“ao 嗷——”

Although the combat literacy of the opposite young man is not as good as the top classmates in the morning, it is not bad.

Seeing that Lucario had rushed towards the fire Pokemon, he quickly figured out a way to deal with it: “Fire Pokemon, use smoke. “

The fire Pokemon that was blown up by Aura Sphere and rolled on the ground several times before it stopped.


I heard the trainer After the instruction, Spit Up a black smoke in the direction Lucario was rushing towards.

Lucario, who has Aura perception, can naturally see the location of the fire Pokemon in the smoke, but Liang Ren can’t express it. Too strong.

Sighed in my heart, I changed the command again: “Lucario, jump up and use Aura Sphere. “

In the smoke, Lucario, who heard Liang Ren’s instructions, did not suspect him. He squatted on the ground and his leg muscles strengthened, and his body whizzed through the smoke and jumped into the air.

Seeing this A scene of the fire Pokemon trainer, flashes through a bright light in his eyes, he found the weak spot of the other party.

The teenager became excited: “Fire Pokemon, use Flamethrower. “



After the fire Pokemon in the smoke returns to complied, a red pillar of fire will emerge from the smoke in the next second Boom out.

“I found your place. “Liang Ren pretended to be very happy. “Lucario, Aura Sphere launches.” “


The pillar of fire struck, in midair mobilized all the muscles and forcibly turned around, dodge dangerously and dangerously.

At the same time, in the hand Aura Sphere threw away like a discus. After drawing a beautiful arc in the air, it smashed into the smoke where the pillar of fire just hit.


“Sizzle! ! “

There was a scream of fire Pokemon from the explosion. The students who watched the field knew that Lucario’s Aura Sphere had hit the fire Pokemon.

If it was a normal Pokémon, I fell into the smoke and blocked my sight, jumped high to in midair, tricked the opponent to expose the position, and then counterattacked.

People will definitely think that this’show has exploded’. At this moment, the onlookers on the scene are also admired by the students.< /p>

But for Liang Ren, it was extremely embarrassing, but the play had to go on like this, all for the innate talent red coin.


Liang Ren After showing that wave, Lucario jumped into the air to deceive opponent Ability, and waited for the opponent to reveal the position before hitting back.

Fire Pokemon loses the combat capability, and the game ends.

Defeating opponent in twos or twos, and finally having to act more and more times as the level of opponent decreases.

This process is difficult, for the precious innate talent red coin Liang Ren sometimes I also want to encourage opponent.

Even on the 2nd day of the challenge, Liang Ren noticed that fewer people lined up to challenge him, so he suspiciously gave a speech on the spot “Alumni and Classmates Friendly Discussion”.


The “challenge” is replaced by “comparison”, and the general class of the whole year is warmly invited to come and exchange experience with him.

The number of challenges has increased sharply, and the name Mumu Liang Ren has become very admired and respected among first-year boys.

Innate talent red coins continue to increase, and the Lucario Level, which is being taken care of, has also increased at an alarming rate.

These three days are the three most worrying days Liang Ren has spent these years.

Fortunately, he has survived. The new semester challenge will end in Perfection on the evening of September 4.

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