In fact, not every ordinary class student comes to participate in the new semester challenge.

On the battlefield where the 13 combat students of the first-grade privileged class were located, the ordinary class students did not all challenge each other.

The first day of the new semester challenge was still very lively. On the 2nd day, there were a lot fewer students in the ordinary class.

Parents of students who came to watch the battle, as well as citizens watching the excitement, were not as crowded as the first day.

On the 3rd day, only some Teachers from the ordinary classes of the school are still sitting on the outside battlefield.

There are almost no people who will challenge off the court, only Liang Ren who is in order to help Lucario level up and explode the innate talent red coin.

He endured the surging stomach acid,’Zhang Luo yelled’ and took the initiative to flip through the roster of grade students with his mobile phone, and let the students who hadn’t played against him come on the court to exchange ideas with him.

On the 3rd day of the challenge, the only battlefield in the gymnasium is Liang Ren. There are still students in Loze and Danger Land to challenge.

In order to demonstrate the value of fighting against him, in order to get the Pokémon coins in the hands of the remaining students.

Liang Ren from “Guardian” → “Competition and Exchange”, once again lowered his status, Role Play played a “private sparring” role.

Play against the remaining students who are not confident about themselves, as the head student of the grade and the city Stadium professional trainer.

In the battle, Coaching opponent is a real battle skill. What are the shortcomings of his Pokémon training? What should I do next?

What is the personality of the opponent’s trainer, which Pokémons are recommended, and how to cultivate bonds with Pokémon.

The battle is no longer a battle, and the challenge is completely transformed.

In this case, however, the number of students who are willing to play against him has increased.

The two lives are humans, as soul transmigrators, and have been in the Celadon City Library since the age of four.

Liang Ren’s knowledge can only be described as horror.

After receiving the initial Pokémon in one year, I can have the current strength really because of the knowledge in my mind.

Liang Ren successfully turned the battlefield into a private lecture hall. The entire battlefield was surrounded by students on three and three floors.

Students who have been defeated by Liang Ren before, and the remaining students who have not yet played against are senior students.

Even the Teacher who is responsible for the scoring of each tournament in this challenge, and the ordinary class teacher who accompanies his students to participate in the challenge in the spectator stand.

Finally, he joined the audience outside the battlefield by Liang Ren.

Standing on the field, Liang Ren tapped a student’s name with his mobile phone, and that person walked into the field excitedly from the crowd.

In the early stage of the challenge, he needs to act, pretending that he is not too strong. Didn’t expect at the end of the challenge to have the opportunity to show his strength to the fullest.

After seeing Liang Ren’s true strength, the students who had played against him before, muttered in his heart that the head student of the grade did not have much strength.

One by one was too ashamed to look up. It turned out that the opponent in the previous battle didn’t use all their strength.

In the final stage of the challenge, Liang Ren demonstrated his strong strength and profound knowledge to the teachers and students of the school.

Although Liang Ren is to spend the red coins of innate talent, his modest attitude and tireless guidance has made him constantly improve his image in the mind of students.

For other people’s views on him, Liang Ren doesn’t really value him too much.

In this new semester challenge, Liang Ren is the only one among all the privileged class students who has achieved a match with the ordinary class students of the whole grade and won all the results.

This Contest record has made the whole school’s three-year students talk about it, and it has also made the school’s teachers talk about it.

From the New Student Enrollment last semester, the name “Mu Mu Liang Ren” seems to be a topical issue.

Pidegeotto of the initial Pokémon Level 22, the only freshman who defeated the examiner——

The freshmen also followed the Teacher to learn the opponent head Pokémon for basic training.

Liang Ren, in the first week of school, at the main venue of Saffron City Stadium, relying on a heterochromatic Shellder to defeat opponent Steelix, he became a professional one-star trainer——

Students who enrolled in the same period are still in school obediently, so he directly takes a one-month vacation to go out for practice.

Obviously no one is in school, but because he has been consistently ranked first in the theoretical class list of grade students and first in the diligence list for a long time, he is still talking about the growth period of the whole school teacher——

Behind the Cinnabar C20 Sea Territory, the rare earthquake exploded in several decades, accompanied by the eruption of the seabed Volcano cluster.

Through the Sea Territory, after relying on his own strength to escape from the dead, he came up with a huge news that everyone knows——

Saffron City Psychic celebrates the victory and the flower festival Individual performance at the literary evening, Pokemon ring air competition final champion——

Summer vacation Lilycove City Contest Conference, Mauville City Mega Invitational, rescue H9536 flight in distress, and even this new semester challenge——


Liang Ren pays attention to the return in his work, and has a low-key and pragmatic personality, but he always inadvertently becomes the person who attracts the most attention.

A lot of things were done unconsciously and deviated from Liang Ren’s plan. The only thing that made him feel gratified.

Encountered a lot of trouble and got involved in a lot of dangers, but the rewards he got every time were unexpectedly rich.

He has cheat, he has a wide range of knowledge, and he comes from an ordinary commoner family. He works harder than others…

But in fact, he has the strength that he is now. “Income” accounts for a very small part.

Most are actually’windfall income and risk return’.

However, Liang Ren didn’t get too entangled in this. No matter how dangerous or troublesome it is, it only needs to be transformed into huge profits in the end.

He is a very pragmatic person who values ​​practical interests.


In the activity classroom on the fourth floor of the teaching building, the notice of the change of the privileged class personnel at the end of the new semester challenge came down.

This time, in Liang Ren’s first-grade privilege class, 5 theoretical students have kept their positions, and 4 of the 13 combat students have been replaced.

Liang Ren played against them on the first day of the challenge.

They are the general leader and deputy squad leader, the fourth squad leader, and the sixth squad leader Aze who first challenged him.

In the class meeting, Sabrina talked about the privileged class to the four new students, and then made a comment on the performance of the classmates in the challenge.

“…I don’t ask you to lift the challenger Pokémon’s limit like your class leader Liang Ren did, but if you apply to increase 1v1 to 2v2 and 3v3, don’t you have the courage?”

< p>“In this class, apart from the monitor, only Sakata Kim, Honmiya Daisuke, Demusho, and Abe Rei did this. Are the others too embarrassed.”

“… …”

Get used to Sabrina’s harshness, everyone in the class was not at all reacting too much, but the four newly joined people sat upright with some fear.


“Well, let me talk about the learning tasks for this semester:

⒈Theoretical students are not divided into Attributes, and all Primary Ranks are completed. Theoretical courses. Combat students have completed the Primary Rank courses under Pokémon Attribute.

⒉Combat students have achieved five consecutive victories in the city Stadium, and theoretical students have won three consecutive victories.

⒊Whether theoretical students or combat students, everyone needs to have a week of field training experience this semester.

“The above three learning tasks are mandatory requirements for the final assessment. If any one of them is not completed, they will be eliminated directly. For ordinary classes, the number of places in the class will be permanently reduced. “

Sabrina glanced at the students below, and her expressions became serious.


“…”< /p>

Sabrina and Ayan left after speaking about the learning tasks for the new semester, and the whole classroom suddenly became noisy.

Liang Ren stepped onto the stage and spoke a few words during this time.< /p>

“Well, everyone, don’t complain.

“Last semester, Sabrina Teacher said that when the final exam for combat students was to win three consecutive victories in Stadium and one victory in theory, everyone shouted that it was too difficult, but in the end it was all completed. “

“I believe everyone can complete the learning tasks for this semester. You must have confidence in yourself.”

“Although it is regrettable that the challenge is over, the four in the class The classmates withdrew, but four new classmates joined our group.”

“Then at the end of the class meeting, I also welcome Aze again…Four classmates to join our privileged class.”

“The classmates next to me brought four new classmates to join the class. My contact information is also available in the group. If you have anything, you can contact me at any time.”

” So today’s class meeting ends here.”

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