“Hello, I want to claim the quest numbered ×××”Skitty Captive by Ghost”. “

Remember the task number. Liang Ren took two Pokémon to the main lobby counter to register for the task.

“Okay, it has been successfully processed for you. “The teller returned the identity card with a sweet smile on his face.

“The difficulty rating of this task is C-Rank, which is in line with your current Bounty Hunter Level, so please work hard to complete this Mission, strive to get 5-star praise from employers. “

“Ok, thank you. “

Liang Ren took the identity crystal card handed back by the girl, nodded smiled and thanked the other party.

Now he is a silver-level Bounty Hunter, the task he corresponds to Registered as C-Rank, he can also accept the D-level tasks corresponding to the bronze Bounty Hunter.

However, the D-level tasks do not count the employer’s positive feedback.

Meaning even if D The level task was completed very well. The employer gave a 5-star feedback. He can only get 1 basic Integral Points for doing this task.

The task that Liang Ren just received is in line with silver Level Bounty Hunter’s C-Rank mission, if the mission is completed to the satisfaction of the employer, 5 stars will be given.

Then this mission Liang Ren can get 5 more on the basis of 1 mission Integral Points Extra task Integral Points.

Of course, for employer feedback from Hunter’s Guild, only 5-star praise will add extra task Integral Points. Feedback below 5 stars will not be added.

As a service platform, this can be considered a small means by the association to motivate Bounty Hunters to improve service quality.

“No. 25, Fatong Avenue, Dongcheng District? “

Bringing two Pokémons out of Hunter’s Guild, Liang Ren recalled the employer’s home address.

He also needs to get some information from the employer for this task. There is too little effective information given.

“Pidgeot, go to Dongcheng. “Open the mobile phone map navigation, Liang Ren sitting firmly on the back of Pidgeot said.

“Beep carving–“

Bounty Hunter’s Guild on the high steps outside the magnificent building, Pidgeot kicked his legs, flapped his wings and carried Liang Ren towards Dongcheng.

Saffron City was busy in the afternoon. Looking down from the sky, the traffic continued to flow.

Several Murkrow picked up two panel circles from the garbage dump in the laneway, chasing each other and flew to the sky.

Small green parks, dark alleyways, and exposed rooftops.

< p>Wild Pokémon living in the city, in groups, fills the vacancies in the hidden corners of this prosperous metropolis.

Liang Ren rides Pidgeot from high above the sky, many of them can’t be seen. The scenery is clearly in sight.

Pidgeot flies elegantly, and the silhouette of Shenjun is projected on the glass exterior walls of office buildings.

Sit cross-legged on Pidgeot’s back Liang Ren, with a mobile phone in his hand, shows Pidgeot the way.

In less than five minutes, one person and three pets arrived at the address marked in the mission.

Saffron City, East City, one The streets full of plane trees, I picked a place with few people to land.

After taking Pidgeot back the baby ball, Liang Ren took Slowpoke and Lucario along the street looking for house number 25.

< p>Fatong Avenue belongs to the residential area of ​​the middle and outer layers of the city. The environment is very nice and quiet. Most of the people seen along the way are elderly people.

The building is not very high, Kalos is all. The architectural style of Elysee Tianyuan Street in Region Lumiose City is beautiful and elegant.

Liang Ren looked at the order of the house numbers and went back and found the employer’s home near the entrance of the street.

“ding dong ~ding dong ~”

Outside the black-painted iron fence, Liang Ren rang the doorbell on the table and quickly heard the response.

“Who is that? “

“Hello, I’m the trainer from Hunter’s Guild, I took the task to learn about Skitty. “

Hearing an Old Lady’s voice from the doorbell horn, Liang Ren also politely explained his intention.

“It turned out that it was the trainer who helped rescue Miaojiang. Come in quickly. “

Hearing that Liang Ren was the trainer from Hunter’s Guild, the other party became excited.

The black painted iron fence opened automatically, and Liang Ren took two Pokémons away. After entering, the one who greeted him at the door was a servant girl.

“Mr. Trainer, please come in~”

I saw that Liang Ren was just a teenager in his clothes. The servant woman in the dark tutu looked at him curiously.


For the other person’s gaze, Liang Ren not at all cared, nodded followed him. Go in.

This small building of Kalos classic style is very spacious, although the decoration is not very Contest, it is very elegant.

Led in by the servant, there is a living room An Old Lady with silver hair and a beige sweater was sitting in a wheelchair and looking out the window with a gloomy expression.

On the Fatong tree outside the window, a few Pidgey jumped around and played with their companions. It adds a bit of vitality to the fall of the leaves.

“Young Lady, this gentleman is a hunter for the Hunter’s Guild, who is here to learn about the situation of the cat sauce. “

The servant woman in a tutu gown to the window, turned her wheelchair to face Liang Ren’s side, and explained respectfully.

“Mao Jiang, Can you help me find my cat sauce? “

The gloomy Old Lady in the wheelchair heard the servant woman’s words, and her expression looked towards Liang Ren suddenly became excited.

“Of course, I will do my best to help you Get Skitty back. “Liang Ren said with a faint smile.

“I still need to get some information from you. “Liang Ren added.

“Okay, please sit down. “Old Lady’s mood calmed down a bit. “May, make a cup of tea for the guests.” “

“Ok, right now. “The servant woman who helped push the wheelchair replied complied, and she left after fixing the wheelchair.

“Please sit down, you are welcome, my child is not with me, old fogey, he also left me last year, here usually Me and Amei are two people…”

Please sit down with Liang Ren. This silver-haired Old Lady babbled a few words before turning the topic back to Skitty.

“The cat sauce is the Present that old fogey personally went to Hoenn to accept and give me a few years ago. “

Old Lady sighed: “Two days ago, I took Mao Jiang to visit old fogey in the eastern suburbs cemetery. When I returned, I stayed in an old house in the suburbs for one night. “

“didn’t expect the old house has not been inhabited for a long time, there is already Wild Ghost Pokémon in it, and Miaojiang was taken away by them. “

While telling the story of the incident, Old Lady kept looking at Slowpoke in Liang Ren’s arms.

Her meow sauce, she usually likes to lie lazily on her. In her arms, enjoy her caress.

“Meow sauce is the Present given to me by old fogey. It is the only thing left to me after the death of old fogey. I can lose anything but I can’t live without it. . “

When Old Lady spoke, her wrinkled hands were tightly clasped together, pain, loneliness, loneliness…

All kinds of emotions were intertwined and revealed on her face, making Liang Ren I can’t help but sigh on topics like life, life, and life.

People have very few things to rely on in their twilight years, and people seem very passive.

Many The feeling of powerlessness when dealing with things at the time will make proud people lose their pride, and strong people become weak.


“…”< /p>

After understanding the details of the mission, Liang Ren drank the black tea brought by the servant’s wife, and sat down to chat with the Old Lady for a while.

The tea cup bottomed out, Liang Ren took out one A paper map asked Old Lady to circle the location of the old house in the suburbs.

Then took a key from Old Lady and left.

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