Old Lady’s old house in the suburbs is located in a forest called the Green Phoebe on the eastern outskirts of Saffron City.

The Green Phoebe Forest is right next to the Red Aspen Forest where Shinichi Kida went to conquer Exeggcute.

Riding on Pidgeot, Saffron City is getting farther and farther behind him, and all he can see is the colorful autumn forest.

Single-species forests like Red Maple Forest, Green Phoebe Forest, and Red Pine Forest are distributed in an endless sea of 鈥嬧€媐orests.

However, most of the forests below are mixed forests, with tall trees: green phoebe, green bark, black chrysanthemum, yellow tung, red lint, and a lot of low shrubs.

Looking down from the sky, it is colorful and colorful, and it looks very beautiful.

“Pidgeot, it鈥檚 almost here, let鈥檚 land below.”

Looking at the colorful autumn forests turning into patches of emerald green, Liang Ren patted Pidgeot鈥檚 neck It landed.

“Beep Eagle鈥斺€?#8221;

Pidgeot let out a clear cry, spreading its wings flat and moved towards Qiulin below and swooped down.

Landing in a forest clearing, in a dense forest with tall vegetation, Liang Ren, who just looked at the scenery from a bird’s eye view, felt that he had become extremely small at this moment.

All around are tall and green phoebe trees, the azure-white trunk is glowing with a thin layer of silver light, while the luxuriant branches and leaves are rippling with emerald green.

Sunlight sifted through the dense branches and leaves, reflecting the green phoenix leaves crystal clear.

In the tall and dense tree canopy, you can hear the tweeting of many birds Pok茅mon Growl, but you can’t see the silhouette of these Little Brats.

In the bushes growing below, there are also many Wild Pok茅mon rustling around.

Feeling the strong breath of Pidgeot, the bird Pok茅mon in the canopy instantly quieted down.

Some disturbed Rattata in the bushes had a Berry dangling in their mouths and fled into the distance with a panic.

“Pidgeot, thanks for your hard work, come back first.”

Liang Ren took Pidgeot back into the treasure, and then took Slowpoke and Lucario towards the deep forest.

Under Slowpoke’s Psychic perception, Liang Ren soon found a winding brick stone forest road in the leafy forest.

After walking along the forest road for seven or eight minutes, Liang Ren found a villa in the forest like a small manor

“It should be here.” Climbing the old house of Mountain Tiger, Liang Ren said.

“Slowpoke, Lucario, watch out, watch out for Ghost Pok茅mon’s sneak attack in this old house.”

Liang Ren pushed aside the iron fence and followed a green moss trail. Walked towards the old house.

鈥渒a-cha 锝炩€?/p>

The brass key was inserted into the keyhole and twisted, and the crisp machine sound was extremely loud. I don鈥檛 know if the Ghost Pok茅mon in the house noticed it. To the arrival of his entire group.

However, with Slowpoke鈥檚 Psychic perception and Lucario鈥檚 Aura, the Ghost in this house has nowhere to hide, nor can it make waves.

“Squeak~” Liang Ren boldly pushed the door in.

On the wall between the two sloping upward stairs in the innermost part of the living room, a framed portrait of an old man looked at them peacefully.

“This should be Old Lady’s deceased husband, right.” Liang Ren glanced at the portrait and thought by referring to the other person’s description when chatting with Old Lady.


Liang Ren tone barely fell, the door behind him slammed shut, and the loud sound shocked Liang Ren.

But in a blink of an eye, a smile appeared on Liang Ren鈥檚 face: “Has Ghost noticed that I came in?”

“Dai Da, Xiao Lu, you use Psychic and Aura respectively, Find out the Ghost in this old house.”

Slowpoke’s Psychic and Lucario’s Aura are very effective in finding things. This is why Liang Ren chose to take this task without much consideration.

“Ya Duo鈥斅?*麓陹砢*)鄱禄”

“ao 鍡封€斺€?銉烩棥銉?”

Hear Liang At Ren’s orders, the two Pok茅mon also displayed their abilities.

Psychic shrouded the entire old house like a big net, and Slowpoke began a careful search.

Lucario also lowers his head slightly and closes his eyes, and the four Aura perception bodies that look like Black long ears relax.

A force like a warm wind, moved towards all directions diverged, scanning this old house like a radar.

“peng peng peng peng……”

The Ghost in this old house is indeed bold. Seeing that there is no sound in the living room downstairs, Ghost deliberately is in the room upstairs Make a strange sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

“It turned out to be upstairs.” Liang Ren slightly smiled, without any fear on his face, and walked upstairs with two Pok茅mon.

“How about, did you find the Ghost and Skitty?”

Go upstairs from the stairs next to the portrait of the dead old man, Liang Ren speaks in a gentle tone towards Slowpoke Asked Lucario.

“Ya duo鈥斺€?#8221;

“ao 鍡封€斺€?#8221;

Two Pok茅mon nodded.

The other Ghost Pok茅mon took the initiative to make a noise and revealing position. If they can’t find each other, then they are too bad.

“Ya Duo鈥斺€擫iang Ren, besides the Skitty in the mission, there is indeed a Pok茅mon in this old house.”

“But it鈥檚 not Ghost Type Pok茅mon, And Skitty doesn’t seem to be taken away…”

After listening to Slowpoke’s explanation, Liang Ren, who was upstairs, couldn’t help but stop.

“Let’s go, go and take a look.” Liang Ren said and continued to walk upstairs.


Walking upstairs, there is still a strange sound of peng peng in the room behind the corner of the aisle.

With Slowpoke and Lucario personal protection, Liang Ren also looked fearless and boldly walked towards the room where the sound came from.

“Step on…”

In the quiet passage, Liang Ren’s footsteps are very clear.

However, when he noticed that Liang Ren approached actively, the strange noise in the distant room suddenly stopped.


Walking to the door of the room where the strange noise is heard, Liang Ren just put his hand on the doorknob and noticed the room Slowpoke, which fluctuated in energy, raised his palm and pushed.

The majestic Psychic turns into an invisible chain through the door, binding the’Ghost’ that had taken Skitty to a solid.

“Yaduo-get it done.”

Slowpoke raised his head and winked at Liang Ren said with a smile.

Seeing that Slowpoke had already subdued the opponent, Liang Ren did not hesitate, and twisted his hand on the doorknob.


The door was opened, there was a light in the room, and one person and two pets could see the situation in this room clearly.

This is a big room with many toys, small wooden horses, slides, seesaws, balls…

Skitty, who needs to be rescued during Liang Ren鈥檚 mission, is standing in front of the room at the moment. In the center, a paw stiffened in midair, and in front of her was a funny cat stick.

The opposite of it is the’Ghost’ who took it away. At this moment, it has been imprisoned in place by Slowpoke using Confusion.

“Why did you pretend to be a Ghost to scare that Old Lady, why did you kidnap Skitty?”

Looking at the Pok茅mon in front of me, two questions came from Liang Ren like a gun Spit it out.


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