
Xatu, who was bound by the Confusion chain, made a painful sound.

Yes, apart from Skitty in the room, there is only this Xatu, not at all Ghost Pokémon.

However, compared with the Xatu in Liu Qing’s hands, the Xatu in front of him is far less powerful.


I originally wanted to make a weird noise to scare people away, but I didn’t think that instead of scaring them away, they would Attracted over.

Finally, I wanted to use Teleport to take Skitty to escape, and didn’t expect the young man in front of him to have such a powerful Pokémon.

One of the basic attacks of Psychic Type, Ability Confusion, actually imprisoned him at once.


See Liang Ren’s harsh words and stern looks, Xatu hurriedly shook his head to defend.

“Stupid~” Liang Ren glanced at Slowpoke.

“Yadu-it said it was the Pokémon of the owner of this house. It did not take Skitty away, but just wanted Skitty to accompany him here.”

People of different races Liang Ren doesn’t know if Pokémon has a language barrier.

However, as a Psychic Type Pokémon, it is not difficult to understand Xatu. Slowpoke directly translates the original words of Xatu to Liang Ren.

“The Pokémon, the owner of this old house, is the old man who has passed away?”

Although it was a question, Liang Ren actually had an answer in his mind.

“Beep…Beep~” Xatu nodded.

“Although I did not hear Old Lady mentioning you, since your trainer has passed away, what is the reason for what you are doing now?”

After his death, his subordinate Pokémon either continued to live with his (her) family, or regained freedom and left.

Old Lady’s wife has passed away, Xatu did not choose to leave or live with Old Lady.

On the contrary, when the Old Lady came to worship the old man, she pretended to be a Ghost and scared the other party away and also took Skitty away.


Seeing Liang Ren’s questioning again, Xatu lowered his head with a frustrated expression.

It doesn’t explain anything anymore, which makes Liang Ren feel a little strange.

“Skitty was taken away by you, Old Lady was frightened and worried that her mental state was not very good.”

“I came here today and was commissioned by Old Lady to rescue Skitty. , But since it’s not Ghost Pokémon.”

“There may be something hidden behind these things you do, but this answer is waiting for you to tell me after seeing Old Lady.”


“Now you have to come with me.” Liang Ren said as he looked at the frustrated Xatu before him.

Hearing what Liang Ren said, Xatu showed a touch of Struggle in his expression, and finally seemed to have made some determination: “Beep~”

“Damn, let go of it.” See you Xatu nodded and agreed, and Liang Ren gestured towards Slowpoke.


With a wave of Slowpoke’s little paw, the invisible chain that was entangled with Xatu was released instantly.

Seeing that Xatu had no plans to escape, Liang Ren picked up Skitty in the room and turned and walked outside.


Take Xatu and Skitty back to the Old Lady’s house on Fatong Avenue.

Seeing Liang Ren rescued Skitty, Old Lady’s gloomy face suddenly became bright as if the sun was thrown away by the clouds.

But when he saw Xatu half of his body hiding behind Liang Ren, Old Lady was even more surprised than he thought: “Xatu!!!”

“Not at the old house All what Ghost Pokémon, it was the Skitty that Xatu took away…” Liang Ren told Old Lady what happened.

“It turns out that the Pokemon in the old house is you.” The Old Lady’s smile after retrieving Skitty was slowly put away.

“Beep Buzz…”

Seeing the expression of Old Lady, Xatu, who was hiding behind Liang Ren, stood up emotionally, and the eyes explained tearfully.

“Stupid~” Liang Ren glanced at Slowpoke in his arms.

But before Slowpoke can help translate, Old Lady has already spoken.

“A month before old fogey passed away, you suddenly left. At that time, old fogey and I wondered what happened to you.”

Old Lady sighed, with a grim expression Slowly ease.

“old fogey missed you until the last moment he died, but he already understood the answer at the time, and he told me why you suddenly left without saying goodbye.”

In the living room, the Old Lady in a wheelchair hugged Skitty, hung her head and sighed.

Xatu was emotionally excited. At some point, the birds’ eyes were filled with tears. Liang Ren stood by and said nothing.

“You have the ability to pass Psychic Future Sight. Old fogey said that the reason you leave without saying goodbye is because you saw his death.”

“You are I chose to escape because I couldn’t accept this fact.” Tears also appeared in the eyes of Old Lady.

Don’t say that Xatu can’t accept this fact. As the Old Lady who has lived together for most of her life, can it not accept the sudden death of her wife?

“Xatu, old fogey and I don’t at all blame you for leaving suddenly—”

lifts the head, Old Lady, like Xatu, has fallen down twice on her old cheeks Tears.


In the words of Old Lady, like a key to Xatu’s emotional gate, depressed emotions burst out like a bank.

People in Pokémon world, whether he is a Pokémon trainer or not, must have a Pokémon on hand, as if this life is complete.

Family affection, friendship, and the profound bond between Pokémon and the trainer in this lifetime cannot be solved by the death of one party.

This is the truth that one thought is immortal and Qianqianchengjie said.


“Xatu, you can stay here in the future, stay with me this old woman.”

“Every holiday, We went all the way to the cemetery and watched the old fogey.” Old Lady extended a hand to Xatu and said.


Xatu was already crying a little at this moment, Liang Ren stood quietly holding Slowpoke to the side, and did not destroy the atmosphere in front of him.

Standing aside for a few minutes, Old Lady wiped her tears, and Xatu was already standing beside Old Lady like a guard.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Trainer, who patronized Xatu to talk to Xatu and made you wait so long.”

Old Lady must be a pretty lady when she was young, even if she In the old age, speech and behavior still give people a kind of polite and elegant.

“You don’t have to worry about it, but now that the matter is over, then I will leave.” Liang Ren waved his hand to let Old Lady not apologize.

“Thank you very much for helping me find Skitty and also finding old fogey’s best friend during his lifetime. Thank you very much!”

< p>When we first met, although Old Lady didn’t despise her because of the age of the boy in front of her, she was still not sure whether she could get Skitty back.

However, in the end, the boy didn’t help her find Skitty, and brought Xatu over to resolve her wish.

Old Lady said thank you twice sincerely, Liang Ren also felt the other’s heart.

“This is what I should do.” Liang Ren replied with a smile.

This not-so-difficult task brought him a story that moved him.

He has more thoughts about life, life, and life, and he is also examining his friendship with Pidgeot, Slowpoke…their.

Bounty missions and service provision. On this platform where all prices are clearly marked, Liang Ren has discovered something that can warm people’s hearts.

What this task brings is far more than the value marked by the task reward.


The servant, Old Lady, and Xatu personally sent Liang Ren to the door, and only returned after seeing him leave.

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