“Pidgeot, Cloyster, Snivy, come out and breathe.”

Leaving Fatong Avenue, Liang Ren thought for a while and released a few Pokémon.

Looking at Pidgeot’s three puzzled expressions, Liang Ren didn’t explain anything. He took some special products brought to him by his classmates from the system backpack and gave him a few pets.

“Bai, are you going for a ride with Pidgeot, or with us.” Liang Ren asked, taking a look at Cloyster at the entrance of the fatong tree.

“Titicaca~ I will go for a ride with Bird Brother, the baby ball is a bit boring for a long time.”

In Mauville City, I exchanged a spa for Cloyster The modified Dive Ball with SPA function, Cloyster stayed in the baby ball all day at the beginning.

However, the Pokémon under Liang Ren are used to stocking them. The spa is attractive, but it is still impossible to stay in the baby ball.

“Ah Duo~Liang Ren, I want to go too.” In his arms, Slowpoke turned his head to Charm.

“Okay, remember to join me in the bounty Hunter’s Guild.” Liang Ren nodded said.

“Beep Eagle–“

Slowpoke Confusion supported Cloyster on Pidgeot’s back.

A gust of wind blew up at the entrance of the street, and Pidgeot flapped its wings soaring, and in a blink of an eye it was gone.

“Let’s go, too.” Liang Ren retracted his gaze, and at the same time stretched an arm to Snivy on Ground.

“si si ~”

Seeing Liang Ren’s movements, Snivy hesitated for a moment, and finally mustered up the courage to crawl along Liang Ren’s arm onto his shoulder.

The previous two trainers have never been so intimacy with him, and he is now trying to adapt to Liang Ren’s care and attention to him.

“Let’s go~”

Liang Ren likes to bring Pokémon outside, so that Pokémon can see more things and open up wisdom.

Ash’s Pikachu breed is very good. With the deep bond of one person and one pet, they often perform amazing operations in battle.

But Pikachu also has a problem, that is, if the trainer does not clearly give a certain order, Pikachu does not know how to act.

Liang Ren doesn’t like this kind of Pokémon that is’only order is from’. He breed Pokémon focuses on tapping Pokémon’s ability to think and judge independently.

Pokémon battle requires the trainer and Pokémon to cooperate with each other. In the battle, both the trainer and Pokémon have blind spots in vision and thinking.

The trainer conducts command from the perspective of the overall situation outside the field, and Pokémon on the field must also have its own ability to think and judge in micro-details.

Only by developing and mobilizing the power of both parties, the resulting power is by no means as simple as 1+1=2.

Of course, in the final analysis, Liang Ren opponent’s Pokémon indulges like this, or for implementing the breeding concept that allows Pokémon to be unique.

“Hunter’s Guild is here. Passengers who have got off the bus, please bring your own luggage items and get off the bus from the right door one by one. The next stop…”

Sunshine handsome boy, A Snivy without arms and legs was crossed on his shoulder, and a very rare Lucario was followed by him.

This lineup is so eye-catching no matter where you go.

Watching so many eyes, Snivy looked a little embarrassed. Liang Ren pretended not to notice this and chose to let it adapt slowly.

“Let’s go.” Liang Ren greeted him, and took two Pokémon out of the station.

With fewer people around, Snivy couldn’t help but sighed slightly in relief on his shoulders, and got used to living humblely by hiding in a dark corner.

For the sunshine, for being paid attention to by too many people, even the trainer Liang Ren’s concern for it makes it very uncomfortable.

But it knows in its heart that it has to adapt to all of this. The past has been disappeared, and now that it follows the new trainer, it will welcome a new life.

This is what it longs for until now deep in one’s heart, and it is also what the old frog expects, so it can’t show its timidity——

Get out of the subway station and take Sky Pidgeot. With Slowpoke, Cloyster landed.

Liang Ren walked into the lobby of Hunter’s Guild and went to the counter to register for the task completion.

“Okay, I have already done the registration for you. Since the completion is good, the employer has given a 5-star feedback.”

“We are here on a basic task Integral On Points, I have added 5 additional tasks, Integral Points, and I hope you will continue to work hard.”

The teller returned the identity card to Liang Ren and said with a warm smile on his face.

“Ok, thank you.” Liang Ren was also very happy to receive a 5-star praise.

It was still a long time in the afternoon. Liang Ren did not leave like this. After completing the task and registering, he went to the task hall next to him to find a task to do.


At 5:40 pm, after completing the second task and handing over, the task Integral Points on Liang Ren’s account already has 12 points.

Yes, the two tasks Liang Ren did in the afternoon both received 5 stars from his employer.

“Following this trend, wait for the city Stadium to get ten consecutive victories and be promoted to a professional three-star trainer.”

“Bounty Hunter’s Guild is also the mission Integral Points. It’s almost 100. When the time comes, you will be promoted to the gold-level Bounty Hunter when you pass the assessment.”

Take a few Pokémons and find a restaurant to solve the dinner, and then go to the Pokémon Center for a recovery. Rear.

Liang Ren secretly calculated in his heart, while rushing towards the city Stadium with a few Pokémon.

In the first two days of the new semester challenge, in addition to 88 innate talent red coins, the effect of helping Lucario level up was remarkable. Now it has been upgraded from Level 27 to Level 34.

Level 34 is not low, but it is not enough to be seen in the circle of urban Stadium professional trainers.

In order to ensure that the star-up plan and subsequent travel arrangements will not be disrupted, Liang Ren is temporarily not planning to let Lucario appear in the qualifying match.

So before the start of qualifying tonight, Liang Ren came first to bring Lucario to play two games in the branch.

“Good evening Mr. Liang Ren, what can I do for you?”

Bring a few Pokémon to the Stadium player hall in Saffron City. The female staff at the counter saw familiarity The face also greeted Liang Ren enthusiastically.

“First report a 2v2 on the branch field, and arrange a qualifying match for me in the evening.”

Looking at the female staff’s warm smile, Liang Ren also He smiled, and then handed the identity crystal card to the other party.

“Okay, please wait a moment.”

The female staff took the identity card handed by Liang Ren with both hands, and skillfully operated on the computer in front of them.

“Okay, Mr. Liang Ren, I have already done it for you.” The female staff member lifts the head, her cheeks flushing.

“The 2v2 game will be held at the No. 1 branch, starting 10 minutes later, and the evening qualifying will be at the No. 1 main venue.”

“Ok, thank you~”


Liang Ren took the identity crystal card handed back by the female staff, and after politely thanked him, then took Pokémon to the branch waiting hall.

“Snivy, I will bring you around when I fight later. Pay attention to how Lucario fights.”

“At the same time, adjust to the atmosphere of Stadium.” Liang Ren added another sentence.

I just reported 2v2. In addition to Lucario, the other Pokémon Liang Ren reported Snivy.

Of course, for a while, both battles were played by Lucario, but Snivy can stand with Liang Ren to watch the game.

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