
“Mumu Liang Ren sent Lucario, and Zongfu player Scyther was on the field, and both sides were full of imposing manner.”

” What will this game be like? Let us look forward to it.”


Riding a flying saucer magnet all around the arena Fei’s commentator was doing his duty in a high-pitched voice, and the atmosphere in the venue was also heated up.

At this time, the referee also raised a banner and shouted: “The game begins.”

“Lucario, Metal Sound.”

“Scyther, Vacuum Wave.”

Scyther Level is not low. In this case, Liang Ren dare not release water like in the new semester challenge.


The trainers on both sides issued instructions together, and the two Pokémon on the field also acted almost simultaneously.

Scyther’s wings vibrated on the back, galloping like a jungle hunter, swinging with two knives in his hands, threw away one after another sharp blade glow.


Lucario is also very agile, both feet on the ground, the whole is also flexible on the field to move.

At this time, a huge, bright blue blade glow threw away from Scyther’s knife arm and cut it straight towards Lucario.

Lucario twisted, slowing down and stopping the body slipperyly behind his feet, and a whip leg fiercely hit the side of the blade glow.


As a Fighting Type, apart from Aura Sphere and Focus Blast, Vacuum Wave is the only special attack in ordinary Ability. Formidable power is not much better than speed. fast.

Lucario was able to react and intercept in time, and Vacuum Wave naturally could not harm Lucario.

However, seeing Vacuum Wave kicked and exploded by Lucario, the straw hat youth on the opposite side showed too much surprise.

Without stopping the attack, the command was issued again, “Scyther, Spark flashed.”

“Metal Sound.” The rhythm was disrupted, and Liang Ren also issued an order to Lucario again. Action instructions.


Lucario raised his head and screamed, and Scyther, who was rushing towards him wielding double knives, was reflected on the dark iris.

“zi zi ——”

Lucario kicked on the ground with his legs, and while leaping back suddenly, in midair, it filed two steel nails on the back of his hands.

Scyther, who rushed over, landed where Lucario was just standing, and was about to jump up again and hit Lucario.

A burst of sour tooth noise instantly enveloped Scyther, and the action of preparing to pounce suddenly became stiff.

“Now, use Extrreme Speed!!!” Liang Ren elbows and seizes the opportunity to counterattack decisively.


in midair, Lucario’s backflip body was instantly wrapped in blue and white flames.

Holding a Jump Kick action, under the effect of Extrreme Speed’s Ability, Scyther just slowed down from Metal Sound and raised its head…

“Bang~”< /p>


Extrreme Speed ​​+ Jump Kick, Scyther was kicked violently, and he slid back on the ground for a long time before stopping.

Fight against Liang Ren, who has entered the rhythm of his side, and has no plans to slow down the offensive at all.

The chase command blurted out: “Aura Sphere!!!”

“ao 嗷——”

The flames of Lucario who kicked the opponent on the ground were scattered, and his brain Aura’s perception body hanging from behind flicked.

There is a thick fighting intent in his dark red eyes.

The palms are instinctively held on the right side of the waist, and a blue and white Aura Sphere with the big head is condensed in the blink of an eye.

The young man with a straw hat on the opposite side did not sit and wait for death, and immediately gave Scyther instructions to deal with it when he saw the situation was wrong.

“Scyther, use Slash.”


As soon as the command sounded, the trajectory of Aura Sphere in Lucario’s hand was erratic and had broken through the air moved towards Scyther Called.


As a rare fighter in Bug Type, Scyther’s combat literacy in the crisis at this moment is also stimulated.

It was lying on the ground without wasting time to get up and kicked with its claws. It turned out that Mimic just did Lucario’s action.

Jumped back and pulled away from Aura Sphere. Scyther, who had more room for manipulation, danced with two swords and slashed fiercely on the Aura Sphere with a dazzling blade glow.

However, Lucario’s Aura Sphere is not so easy to pick up. Scyther wants Slash Aura Sphere even more delusional.


A huge explosion sounded, and Scyther, who was in the center of the explosion, screamed in pain, and his body was directly thrown away.

“Scyther…” The straw hat youth moved towards the field and shouted.

“Lucario, Aura Sphere pursues.” Liang Ren continued to launch a strong attack.

“xiu ~”

Under the cover of the explosion smoke, Lucario rushed towards Scyther while Stockpile shot out an Aura Sphere.

“Scyther, use the whirlwind knife.” The straw hat youth ordered quickly.

Liang Ren also not to be outdone, moved towards the smoke and shouted: “Extrreme Speed!!!”

At this moment, Scyther’s eyes were sharp and sharp, the more this The more expensive it is fighting intent.

“xiū xiū xiū 咻~”


Two knives dance, one after another azure’s wind blade splits the air, fiercely The ground blasted the opened Aura Sphere.

Scyther’s sword arm was covered by the blast, and the young man with a straw hat on the sidelines also bowed slightly, covering his head with one hand to prevent Whirlwind from getting out of the straw hat.

“ao ——”

But at this moment, a silhouette of blue white light flames rushed out from the explosion smoke.



Scyther couldn’t dodge, and was directly knocked out.


The young man with straw hat removed his arm in front of him and watched Scyther, who was knocked out, could not help cry out in surprise.

“Don’t give the opponent a chance to fight back, catch up and use Thunder Punch.” Liang Ren’s courageous voice once again sounded from the venue.


The fierce battle caused blood to flow up and down all over the body. Lucario feels better than ever.

The excitement makes it more agile, reacts more quickly, and punches more powerfully.


With both legs kicking on the ground, he rushed forward without stopping, his clenched fists were wrapped in violent thunder and lightning.

“Scyther, use Substitute.” The straw hat youth shouted.


tone barely fell, Lucario thunderbolt’s twined fist has fiercely hit Scyther.

However, to Liang Ren’s surprise, Scyther’s body shattered into a cloud of smoke with a bang.

“It’s Substitute!!” Liang Ren raised his brow.

Sure enough, the silhouette of Scyther gasping for breath appeared three meters away from Lucario.

“Keep on pursuing, Thunder Punch.” Liang Ren’s heart slammed, unbelievingly, he once again commanded Lucario to launch an offensive.


Lucario touched the ground with both feet, waving Thunder Punch, and hitting Scyther’s cheek with his backhand.

“Scyther, use Facade.”



Continuously stick to Lucario’s Extrreme Speed When he hit head-on, he was blown away by the explosion of Aura Sphere.

Scyther’s state has reached the freezing point, and a move called Substitute made the few physical strengths instantly bottom out.

Facing the more fights the more brave is Lucario, Scyther’s knife arm just stood in front of him, Lucario’s Thunder Punch has been printed on Scyther’s cheek.

Spark shot all around, Scyther let out a mournful scream.

Electric Type’s Thunder Punch has overwhelming damage to the Scyther with Flying Attribute. What can be done with such an attack when the physical strength is bottoming out?

The off-site photographer gave a close-up shot, and Scyther had fallen on the field and lost the combat capability.

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