“Scyther can’t fight. Lucario of the blue side won the game.”

Seeing that Scyther had completely passed out, the off-court referee also raised the red flag in his hand to announce the result.


“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……木木Liang Ren ……”< /p>

The battle was unexpectedly wonderful. After the referee announced the result of the game, the audience suddenly burst into cheers.

However, Liang Ren’s focus is not at all off-site audiences at the moment.

Ding, experience +330

Ding, pick up attack Attribute value +1

Ding, pick up speed Attribute value +1

——— ———

“Sure enough, innate talent red coins can’t be exploded so easily.” Seeing the two white Attribute coins sputtered by Scyther within the body, Liang Ren felt a little bit Crisna in his heart.

“Thanks for your hard work~ Scyther, come back first.” The young straw hat man on the other side took Scyther back, raised his head and looked towards Liang Ren, his eyes became more solemn.

“As the rumors say, you are really strong, whether it is Pokémon’s strength or your level as a trainer.”

“Thank you, you and your Scyther It’s also very strong. Substitute was amazing in the battle just now.” Liang Ren also smiled and praised the opponent.

For Liang Ren’s praise, the straw hat youth on the opposite side was silent.

The Pokémon Levels of both sides are similar. However, Liang Ren’s Lucario is much stronger than his Scyther in the battle strength that broke out in the battle just now.

And as a trainer, Liang Ren’s combat instinct is the most terrifying he has ever seen. Not one drop of water can leak out when defending and strong wind and swift rain Normal when attacking is difficult. Parry.

Moreover, Scyther is the strongest Pokémon in his hand, while Lucario is only a member of the opposing team’s second echelon.


The straw hat youth took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions, because there was still a battle to fight.

“My second Pokémon is this guy.” The straw hat boy took out a baby ball and threw it out, “Come out, Butterfree.”

Seeing that there is no replacement of Pokémon on Liang Ren, After Lucario was the one who played, the straw hat boy thought over and over again and finally released a Butterfree.

“Butterfree? This battle is a bit difficult to fight.” Seeing the Pokémon sent on the opposite side, Liang Ren secretly frowned.

In the later stages of strength development, Pokémon such as Butterfree has no room to play.

But it is undeniable that it is very difficult to learn Confusion and Butterfree in the early stage.

Lucario has not yet learned how to unlock Ability, and the only remote move is Aura Sphere, and Butterfree has the advantage of Flying.

“Lucario, be prepared to be beaten in the early stages of this battle.”

Looking at the body opposite, the body is dark blue and purple, and the back is a pair of black veined wings hu hu flapping. For the butterfly Pokémon, Liang Ren gave Lucario a shot in advance.

“ao ao~ ”

Lucario nodded, so far it has not at all experience fighting against Pokémon like Butterfree.

But he admires Liang Ren very much. If Liang Ren said so, then this seemingly weak Pokémon must be difficult to entangle.


“Lucario plays Butterfree, some are not very good.”

“Indeed, although I have mastered Aura Sphere, Lucario basically You still have to get close before you can hit the damage.”

“Butterfree controls a lot of Ability and can fly. I don’t know how Mumu Liang Ren will break the game in this game.”

” ……”


After Zongfu dispatched Butterfree, the audience outside the stadium and the players in the waiting hall also discussed spiritedly.

But the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, although the audience discusses spiritedly, but there is no one who blindly believes that Butterfree will win.

At this moment, the audience has more hearts, and they are still looking forward to seeing how Liang Ren will resolve this disadvantage.

“This guy won’t lose so easily. He must have a plan to comeback.” In the player hall, the expressionless Sakata Jinxin is very confident.

At this time, the referee raised the flag again and ordered: “The game begins.”

“Butterfree, Gust + sleep fan.”

Received With the referee’s signal, Liang Ren, who was seeking stability, chose to release the first hand right. Sure enough, the opposite straw hat youth came up with a fierce offensive.


The wings of Butterfree flapped, and the Spit Up grey and green sleeping powder in the hole under the wings melted into the wind.

A strong green wind hit, Liang Ren suddenly felt very troublesome, once inhaled sleeping powder and hypnotized, this battle is probably not necessary.

“Lucario, hold your breath and rush over with Extrreme Speed.” Although it was a late shot, Liang Ren’s command was only one second behind the straw hat youth.


The shining blue and white flames came out, and Lucario followed Liang Ren’s instructions, kicking on the ground and rushing towards the gray green wind.

“Butterfree, take off soon.” The straw hat youth didn’t expect Liang Ren to be so decisive and hurriedly gave instructions to Butterfree.


Seeing Lucario rushing towards him wrapped in flames, Butterfree hurriedly stopped the attack and flapped his wings desperately.

Butterfree controls a lot of Ability. To a certain extent it is easy to hit Lucario, but its delicate body can’t stand a few punches.

So no matter what, it is very important to keep a safe distance from the other person and not get close.

“Jump up, Aura Sphere.” Liang Ren’s order came from the other side of the battlefield.

“ao~ ”

Lucario rushed over and jumped forward, taking in the palm of a condom and an Aura Sphere moved towards Butterfree and smashed it past.

Liang Ren’s plan is very simple. Before being controlled by the opponent’s Powder Ability, he uses a series of fast breaks to disrupt the opponent’s rhythm.

Once Butterfree reveals a weak spot and uses the Ability, Liang Ren will be fully confident to reverse the disadvantage in this game.

But obviously the straw hat youth named Chongfu on the opposite side is not so easy to deal with.

Lucario leaped up. Aura Sphere has not left his hand yet. He has already given an order to Butterfree: “dodge, use Hurricane.”


Butterfree breeds very well. Although the speed is not as fast as the previous Scyther, the dodge ability is even more outstanding.

Aura Sphere struck, Butterfree flexibly turned around, letting Aura Sphere empty.

A pair of wings flapped gracefully behind his back, and a turbulent air stream patted Lucario’s face fiercely.

“ao~ ”

Lucario screamed, as if he was in a torrent, being swept down by a big wave towards the battlefield.


The body smashed heavily on the field, a donkey roll took off some strength, and then got up from the ground, Lucario has become embarrassed.

The straw hat boy did not give up this great opportunity to attack, and the instructions were quickly issued again: “Butterfree, continue to use Lie Hurricane.”


Butterfree lifted into the air to widen the safety distance, flapping wings hu hu on his back, and another burst of violent turbulent air currents shot towards Lucario.

Although he was mentally prepared to be beaten, in order to force Butterfree’s Ability, Liang Ren tried his best to put pressure on the opponent.

“Lucario, retreat quickly and run around the battlefield.”

“ao ao~”

Flying Type restrains Fighting Type, although Lucario’s Steel Type has high resistance, but Hurricane’s damage is still not weak.

Scratched by Hurricane, Lucario was thrown away directly.

Fortunately, the long-term Fighting technique cultivation made Lucario very vigorous and took advantage of an somersault to stabilize the center of gravity.

Then ran out quickly along the wind. The further the distance, the damage of Lie Hurricane was continuously weakened.

“ao ao~”

According to Liang Ren’s instructions, Lucario began to sprint along the outer circle of the battlefield.

This flexible and vigorous, successfully passed the pressure Liang Ren expected to the other party.

“In this case.” The straw hat youth eyebrow raised, he almost yelled to Butterfree without thinking: “Use Confusion.”

But on the battlefield, I heard the straw hat youth said. Liang Ren eyes shined in command, this is the opportunity he waited for.


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