
In midair on the other side of the battlefield, Butterfree butterfly wings flapped, and a pair of red crystal-like compound eyes released bright blue light.


The invisible Psychic chain shuttled through the air, and Lucario, who was running flexibly along the battlefield, suddenly stiffened.

The straw hat youth did not let go of this excellent attacking opportunity, raised his hand and ordered loudly: “Butterfree, Gust + sleep fan.”

The opposite side wanted to give Lucario to Lucario. Hypnosis, but at the moment Liang Ren is not at all embarrassed at the beginning.

Seeing Lucario being thrown into the air by Butterfree with Confusion, Liang Ren’s drooping mouth and face line suddenly rose.

“Lucario, use Copycat.” Liang Ren shouted.

“ao ao~ ”

Gust + sleep powder has not been displayed yet, Liang Ren card is on the right time, Butterfree just used Confusion just now became Lucario Mimic’s goal.

In midair, Slowpoke’s eyes also showed blue yingying Psychic rays of light. Butterfree, who was performing combo techniques, was flapping its wings instantly, like an Insect specimen.

“Butterfree…” The straw hat youth was surprised. He didn’t expect Liang Ren to have such a hand.

“Pull over and use Thunder Punch.” Liang Ren’s calm tone suddenly became high-pitched, and he was beaten for a long time. He was waiting for this opportunity.

“ao ao~”

Lucario landed on an somersault, and used the Confusion copied from Fighting Ability “Copycat” to pull Butterfree’s delicate body closer.

“chi chi ~”

The steel fist is squeezed tightly, and the violent lightning entangled on the fist, like a series of Flood Dragons imprisoned by iron chains, angry roar sends out spark thunder sound.

Feeling the strong dangerous aura from Lucario’s fist, Butterfree, who was dragged by Confusion, issued a Growl of’mile mile’ lose one’s head out of fear.



The straw hat youth was scared and sweating, but let it shout and encourage, Butterfree still did not Can dodge Lucario’s fist.

Thunder Punch hit the joints of Butterfree’s wings, and the electric Ember lashed out. Lucario’s entire back became numb after a brief period of severe pain.

“Resolve it and use Ice Punch.” Liang Ren issued the command again.

Just now Lucario attacked Butterfree’s wings. It hasn’t lost the combat capability at this moment, but Lucario’s attack strikes again.


A solid battlefield Ground, which was cracked by Lucario’s explosive step.

Lightning’s dazzling fist is now stained with white frost, and I look intently with a feeling of densely packed diamonds.

However, this gorgeous Chinese is carrying the cold murderous intention of Winter Normal, and Butterfree, who has been unable to fly for a long time on the ground, has despair on his face.

“Butterfree, use protection.”


The protection has not been displayed yet, Lucario’s urgent Ice Punch has hit Butterfree’s body .


Butterfree let out a mournful wailing, Lucario leaped back and stood firmly, and then saw that Butterfree had lost the combat capability.

The referee also announced the result of the game at this time: “Butterfree can’t fight, this game is won by Lucario of the blue side.”


“Lucario ……Lucario ……”

“Wooden Liang Ren ……Wooden Liang Ren……”

As a Fighting melee Pokémon, Lucario is not good at dealing with Butterfree with multiple controls and flying.

In the early stage of this game, Lucario did not take advantage of it. Didn’t expect Liang Ren to use Butterfree’s Ability Confusion to successfully reverse the disadvantage.

Confusion controlled strongly, and then the two combos of “Thunder Punch and Ice Punch” with outstanding effects, strongly knocked out the powerful Butterfree in the early stage.

Ding, experience +310

Ding, found special attack Attribute value +1

Ding, found special defense Attribute value +1

——— ———

“Are there none?” Seeing the two white Attribute coins sputtered from Butterfree’s body, Liang Ren said inwardly.

“Butterfree~Thanks for your hard work. You performed well in this game. Come back first.”

On the other side of the battlefield, the straw hat youth named Chongfu will lose the combat capability Butterfree takes back the baby ball.

It can be seen that he lost two consecutive games, which made him feel very frustrated.

However, it is difficult to determine the outcome of the professional game. After encountering an expert and losing, this is also impossible.

Zhongfu didn’t get too entangled. He raised his head and looked at the boy who was one head shorter than himself, and sighed sincerely: “You are really strong.”

I heard the straw hat youth If so, Liang Ren, who is absorbing experience in Coaching Snivy, could not help but lift the head.

A kind smile replied on his face: “Thank you, you are also very strong. I am very happy to be able to fight with you.”


… …

Stayed on the battlefield for a while, Liang Ren took Lucario and Snivy to exit on the lifting platform.

“Sure enough, I knew you would not lose.” Back to the player hall, Sakata Jin exclaimed.

“The two worms Pokémon on the opposite side were well trained, and Lucario and I took a lot of effort to win.”

Liang Ren shook the head, not at all because Contempt for winning the opponent.

If you can mix in the professional circle of trainers, everyone has something worth learning. It has nothing to do with strength.



At the end of the game, Sakata Kim left, Liang Ren took Lucario to do it. restore.

The qualifying match went smoothly in the evening, with Cloyster on the field, the terrifying defensive power and output ability, which directly defeated the opponent’s fighting will.

Before being promoted to professional three stars, if there is no accident during the period, there will be nine games to play.

After the game, Liang Ren didn’t stay in the city Stadium any more, and he took Pokémon back to school.

On the first day of school, after a full day of class, the excitement at the beginning of school was diminished.

Passing by the campus avenue, all the students I saw sighed, as if it was not just the beginning of school, but the school has been in a long time.

“Hey~ I really envy the students of the privileged class. You can take the class if you want.”

“Don’t dream, the privileged class is not easy, otherwise that many exams in a semester can be saved. Is it your own quota?”

“The ghost hates me, you can’t comfort me.”




Looking at the complaints of the students in the ordinary class around, Liang Ren couldn’t help taking out his mobile phone and glanced at the punch cards of everyone in the class.

On the first day of school, no one was idle. After Liang Ren returned to school, he changed his clothes and took a few Pokémon out for a night run.

Pidgeot is flying in the sky with Slowpoke and Cloyster, while Lucario and Snivy are running with Liang Ren in Ground.

Train in the morning, go to the Hunter’s Guild in the afternoon to do two tasks, and go to the City Stadium to play the game in the evening.

A busy and fulfilling day, especially Snivy, is full of feelings.

Lucario and Snivy quietly followed Liang Ren behind, quietly recalling the training and fighting during the day.

On the boulevard of the campus, beautiful female students walked leisurely together, admiring the quiet beauty of the autumn night.

Liang Ren in sportswear took Pokémon and ran across the avenue. Many girls who recognized him secretly took pictures with their mobile phones with bright eyes.

Liang Ren is listening to Bianzuilun’s new song “Mojito” while wearing headphones, thinking about things in his heart.


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