Tonight’s battle with Butterfree revealed two shortcomings of Lucario.

One is to lift the control, and the other is to attack from a distance.

Lucario is positioned as a melee material attack. The rhythm and continuity in melee combat are very important, so it is very taboo to be controlled by opponent.

In the future, if you want to be on your own, it is necessary to learn how to release Ability Lucario. Of course, he already has options for removing Ability Liang Ren.

That is the Ability “Refresh”, because it is a common type of move, it can be directly learned by Lucario using the system.

In addition, Pidgeot can also use this ability. In the process of learning, Pidgeot can also Coach Lucario.

In addition, Lucario’s second ability shortcoming is the long-range attack ability.

Having an innate talent with a value of over 100, plus Lucario’s Dual Blade Flow, only one move Aura Sphere is far from enough.

Of course, as a Fighting Type special attack Ability, Aura Sphere is almost exclusive to Lucario. With the later excavation and development of Aura, Liang Ren is confident that Aura Sphere will be used.

Fighting Type is another special attack Ability Focus Blast, but there is not much need for learning, but Lucario is Fighting + Steel type Pokémon.

Steel Type Special Attack Ability “Raster Cannon” is a must to learn, and “Swift, Dragon Pulse” can also be understood with the improvement of Lucario Level.

However, Liang Ren, who owns the system, naturally does not have to wait for Lucario to realize it himself. Using TM is undoubtedly a better choice.

“Private class students have a TM resource quota every month. Please ask Sabrina Teacher to apply for it to see if you can get the quota for this semester in advance.”

Campus Forest On the avenue, Liang Ren, who was running at night, secretly calculated.

Although Lucario Ability has a lot of skills in the pool that have not yet been mentioned, he still decided to let it master these skills and make up for the shortcomings.


The autumn night sky is clear and clear, with an arc of the moon hanging high in the clouds, surrounded by stars, like Tail Glow insects flying in the wilderness.

Pidgeot spread its wings flat and let the night breeze support it, and listened to music quietly while wearing headphones bought by Slowpoke and Cloyster, without disturbing the young couples who were cuddling on their backs while watching the moon.

At the end of the night run, Liang Ren, who was returning to the bedroom, called Sabrina and talked about the advancement of the TM quota.

Sabrina was also very decisive there, and she agreed without thinking about it. She still has this privilege as a student under her.

“Finish.” Hang up, Liang Ren very pleased in one’s mind.

I went back to the bedroom and took a shower. After chatting with Daisuke, Kida, and Demushan for a while, Liang Ren went back to the room Rest.

“Slowpoke, use Yawn.” Liang Ren yawned while holding Slowpoke into the bed.


Slowpoke opened his mouth and hit a big Yawn.

Pidgeot in the room squatting in the carpet nest, Lucario in the bed next to Liang Ren, Snivy in the flower pot on the windowsill, and Cloyster in the baby ball all fell asleep deeply.

The moon is bright, the wind is light, Leafage covers the windows, and the crickets in the garden behind the apartment are called zhengzheng.

There is no word for a night, until dawn shines through the half-covered window into the room, and shines on the face of the teenager who is resting on the bed.


Washing, going out for morning exercises, eating breakfast, the students took a few books to the teaching building to prepare for class.

Liang Ren On his side, he moved towards the school “Ability Hall”.

“Good morning, Qiurong Teacher.”

Walking into the Ability Hall, Liang Ren greeted the thin woman with a small mole on her brow at the registration office.

She is the teacher in charge of the Ability Hall, named Qiu Rong. As a privileged class student who can come to receive TM once a month, she is no stranger to her.

“Good morning, classmate Liang Ren.” The thin woman lifts the head and saw Liang Ren with a very happy smile on her face.

“Qiurong Teacher, I want to receive all the TM quota for this semester in advance. I have already applied to the class teacher.”

Liang Ren handed over the student ID, and then Explained the purpose.

“Since you have already applied, there is no problem on my side.”

The thin woman checked the remarks of the student ID, see the school logistics office has done it After approval, she didn’t say much.

“I don’t know when this semester will be off, but according to the time of previous years, this semester should be more than 4 months.”

“So Liang Ren You can get four TMs here.”

“Only on the first floor.” The thin woman pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and added.


Liang Ren nodded, and then walked towards the TM shelf in the hall with Slowpoke, Snivy, and Lucario three Pokémon.

The Ability Lucario wants to learn, Liang Ren made a decision last night.

“Refresh, raster cannon, Swift”

Dragon Pulse can not be learned because of the inconsistent Attributes. It still depends on whether Lucario can comprehended by himself as the level increases in the future.

“But you can receive four TMs. Lucario only used three. Which Pokémon is left to learn another Ability?”

Zhang TM picked it up, Liang Ren touched his chin and felt a little troubled.

“Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, Lucario, Snivy–“

“Well, don’t learn a trick for Snivy anymore.” Seeing Snivy crouching on his shoulders , Liang Ren thought suddenly.

Wait for the city Stadium to be promoted to a professional three-star, and the bounty Hunter’s Guild to raise the rank to the gold level Bounty Hunter, he will ask for leave and travel.

Snivy now only has “Vine Whip, Petrochemical Gong, Bubble’s aria” in the Ability pool, so I have to say a little bit.

I spend most of my time in the field when I go out to practice. It is not convenient to help Snivy learn new Ability.

“In this case, let Snivy learn a new ability for Snivy now.”

Liang Ren made up his mind and took out the notebook that helped Pokémon do the training plan from the system backpack.

Building the Ability structure for Pokémon is also a major part of the training task. Snivy has planned what Ability Liang Ren will learn in the future.


“This is the Ability.” After flipping through the notebook, Liang Ren soon had a goal in his mind.

Walking to the shelf where the general assistant Ability was placed, Liang Ren’s eyes swept row by row.

“Found it.” Liang Ren walked to the shelf and reached out to take out a CD box labeled “Attract”.



“Snivy, I have to learn a new Ability.”

Register at the front desk of the Ability Hall , Liang Ren held TM “Attract” to Snivy and said.

“si si ~” Snivy nodded excitedly when he heard Liang Ren’s words.

As a Pokémon who was once abandoned by two trainers because of his inability to learn Ability.

In Snivy’s opinion, there is nothing more happier than learning a new Ability. If there is, it must be evolution.

Liang Ren, who has applied for TM, brought a few Pokémon to the training hall.

After applying for an independent training field, before starting training, Liang Ren used the system to help Lucario and Snivy learn the new Ability.

“How about~ Snivy, do you feel that you have become more confident and attractive?”

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