“si si ~”

Past experience has caused Snivy to have a low self-esteem.

When Liang Ren suddenly asked him if he felt more attractive, Snivy twisted and didn’t know how to answer.

“You must have confidence in yourself, otherwise you will not be able to display the true formidable power of the Unique Ability of “Attract”. “

Seeing Snivy like this, Liang Ren’s words are filled with a little worry.

“si si ~”

Listen to Liang Ren saying this, Snivy The head hangs lower. Obviously it has also found its own problem.

However, Liang Ren also knows that this matter is not anxious. The formation of personality is the result of a long time, and it does not happen overnight. It can be done.

“Come slowly. “Liang Ren crouched down and touched Snivy’s head, softly comforted.

“In the Thorns Col, you activated two Hereditary Ability. “The lines on Liang Ren’s face became very soft. “You have a very strong Bloodline Strength.” “

Snivy lifts the head when he hears this, maroon’s melancholy snake eyes and Liang Ren maroon’s clear eyes look at each other.

Snivy spoils his trainer’s eyes, look What I got was an extremely powerful confidence. His eyes were so firm, bright and energetic.

“Don’t let your past experience constrain yourself. Believe me, your innate talent is no worse than others, even better than others. The Pokémon you admire are much better. “

“si si ~”

Since following the boy in front of him, the boy has said this several times, but before the death of the old frog shrouded its heart like a haze.

Now the old frog has also returned to Kanto, the hometown of his heart, and has been buried in the earth for peace, sleeping in a beautiful suburban cemetery.

The reason why Liang Ren started working for Snivy Training is also because I found that it has gradually gotten out of the pain and started to actively integrate into the new life now.

If you want to become stronger and become as strong as Liang Ren expected, Snivy must first change It is its inferiority complex and cowardly character.

Under the opponent of Pokémon, Liang Ren can express his emotions straightforwardly.

Therefore, Liang Ren has his strictness in training and daily life. However, it is more often an encouraging attitude towards Pokémon.

Looking at the confident and firm gaze of his trainer, a seed called self-confidence is silently in Snivy’s heart. .

I believe that as the strength becomes stronger, the day when this seed sprouts and grows into a towering tree will not be too far away.

“From today, no matter what difficulties you encounter, You must face it bravely with your head high and actively seek solutions. “

Seeing that Snivy’s eyes are already bright, Liang Ren also strikes while the iron is hot, smiling and helping Snivy lifts the head.

“si si ~”

Snivy nodded, it is still not confident in its innate talent, and its sense of inferiority is not at all reduced too much.

However, it believes in its trainer, what Liang Ren said must be correct. .

“That’s right. “Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction, “Well, let’s start training now.” “

“Beep Eagle——”

“Ya Duo——”


“…… “


Whether it is to help Snivy learn a new Ability, or to take this opportunity to teach it to be confident, it is a small episode.

Soon Liang Ren started the morning training with a few Pokémon.

One minute on the Stadium, ten years of work off the field.

Strong strength is not obtained for no reason. If you want to be more outstanding than others, you have to endure loneliness and endure boring training.

The once impetuous heart has already calmed down during the days of studying in the Celadon City Library.

< p>In the daily process of getting along, Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster learned this from him.

Gradually this step by step, the attitude of hard work has become his (them) The unique atmosphere of this big family.

Infection, influence, inheritance, Liang Ren, the trainer, leads by example, and Pidgeot, seniors who act as role models.

Whether it’s Lucario or a newcomer Snivy, who is in the big family soon, has quickly entered the state.

“The training mission is the same as yesterday. “Go to the remote locker room and change into sportswear, Liang Ren said:

“Pidgeot and Cloyster are training for strength confrontation, and Slowpoke is practicing Calm Mind in the battle center. “

“Lucario, after you have warmed up, you squat stance first, and then perform sandbag training. “

“As for Snivy, you still used Vine Whip spinning top training yesterday. “Liang Ren took out the wooden top the size of an instant noodle bowl from the system warehouse and handed it to Snivy.


“ao 嗷——”




After Liang Ren arranged the arrangement, a few Pokémon also moved quickly.

“si si ~ “

Snivy also nodded in reply to complied, stretched out Vine Whip to take over the wooden top, and started training on the empty field aside.

Pidgeot, Slowpoke, Cloyster, they are now Has not yet reached the 50-level quasi Elite bottleneck pass.

But in fact, their three strengths have entered the bottleneck period.

Now he is hitting the professional three stars in the city Stadium, and the opponent are all professional At two-star level, there is no way to play against them to put pressure on Pidgeot.

Even if you are promoted to professional three-star, the strength of opponent will not be better than the opponent encountered in the previous Mauville Megatournament.

But limited to the number of Pokémon, it is almost the limit to rush to the professional three stars.

Before Lucario and Snivy have fully grown up, Liang Ren’s not at all has the idea of ​​hitting higher ranks. .

At this stage, Saffron City Stadium can be used to exercise Lucario, but Pidgeot, Slowpoke, and Cloyster have to look for more pressure if they want to break through.

Like the previous H9536 flight distress Rushing into the cloud of strong air currents, whether it is Pidgeot, Slowpoke or Cloyster under the mighty force of nature.

At that time, the three pets received strong pressure stimulation, so afterwards the strength of the three Pokémons all had different degrees breakthrough.

Therefore, if Pidgeot wants to bring it up a level, take time off to travel and experience pressure from nature. This is definitely a good solution.

” I originally planned to study at school in the first half of the semester, and leave for the second half of the semester. Now it seems that the time has to be advanced. “

In the training hall, Liang Ren is doing training while planning secretly in his heart.

Although he has made up his mind, Pidgeot’s training can’t be left behind. A little progress is a little bit.

Because of the new semester challenge a few days ago, the three favorite innate talents have been enhanced to varying degrees.

Persisting in daily training will help Pokémon’s body Adapt to the changes brought about by this innate talent.

Of course, whether it is training, Stadium rushing, Bounty Hunter’s Guild promotion, it is just a short-term small goal.

During this time when the trainers and the three main forces are repairing and precipitation, it is a good opportunity for Lucario and Snivy to quickly improve their strength.



Vine Whip suffered some injuries during training yesterday. After treatment and recovery from one day, one night, Snivy can clearly feel the strength of Vine Whip has increased after spinning top training today.

Let it be inspired and full of enthusiasm for training.

For Lucario, it is Mach Punch that he learned from the Breloom of the fast punch Afei when he was in Mauville City.

After Liang Ren’s targeted intensive training, now his proficiency has finally been raised from intermediate rank to Top Rank, and his strength has also improved a lot.

Although training is boring, but fortunately everything is moving in a good direction. Development.


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