

After lunch at noon, Daisuke, Kida, Abe Rei, Casey and they went to the city Stadium together.

On Liang Ren’s side, as yesterday, he took a few Pokémon to Hunter’s Guild.

“Let’s see what interesting tasks can be done today.”

When I came to Hunter’s Guild, Liang Ren entered the task hall and found a self-service computer that no one used.

“Looking for the lost dog…task reward: 2000 Alliance coins.”

“The caretaker of the orchard…task reward: 1000 Alliance coins.”

“The lunch that father forgot to bring in the morning at the deep mountain dam construction site… Task reward: 500 Alliance coins.”



Level D The task is the lowest difficulty rating, because there is no lower rating, so the content of the D-level task is also all kinds of strange things.

Due to the consideration of the task Integral Points, Liang Ren also directly started the conditional screening and excluded all D-level tasks.

The C-Rank mission is a little more reliable, and there are higher quality requirements for the trainers who receive the mission.

Soon, Liang Ren discovered a task that interests him more.

“Pichu’s Battle Sparring”

“Requirements: The task recipient must have a professional strength of one star or more, in addition to Pokémon with a strength of about level 10.

“Task duration: One afternoon

“Task address: Donghushan Park

“Task reward: 2wAlliance coins”


“Pichu’s sparring, Pokémon at level 10? It seems that the opponent is breeding a new Pokémon.”

Seeing the description of the task, Liang Ren has roughly understood the opponent’s purpose.

“Snivy’s strength is just enough, and it also lacks a partner for training.” Thinking of this, Liang Ren has already made a decision.

Because the difficulty of the task is not very high, and the reward for the task is not low, Liang Ren rushed to the handling hall for fear of being preempted by others.

Fortunately, this quest was just released soon, plus the one-star professional level and Pokémon’s strength limitations, fortunately no one rushed to grab the quest with him.

“Please help me to register for the number ××× “Pichu’s Battle Sparring” mission. “

Come to the front desk.

Liang Ren hurriedly handed over the identity card, the city Stadium’s record card and Snivy’s baby ball, and said to the female staff behind the counter.


“Ok, please wait. “I did two consecutive 5-star feedback tasks yesterday afternoon, and the teller had an impression of Liang Ren.

After checking the personal information on the record card and Snivy’s strength level.

“The performance star and Pokémon Level meet the mission requirements, I will handle it for you now. “

Said that the female staff began to operate proficiently on the computer.

“Well, Mr. Liang Ren, the task has been successfully received, and the task will be locked during this period. On, others will not be able to receive it. “

“In addition, I wish you success in your mission. “The female staff member handed back the two identity crystal cards and Snivy Poké Ball very politely.

“Okay, thank you~”

Liang Ren took the three pets and left Hunter’s Guild, and then hurried to the mission location: Donghushan Park.


Saffron City Dongcheng suburbs, yes A mountain that is not too high is called Dongshan, and there is a lake on Dongshan that is not too big, called Donghu.

The Saffron City authorities combined the two into one and became an East Lake that is “not from the dust” Mountain Park.

Donghushan Park has six points of mountains and four points of water, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the shore is winding. Visitors can swim in the mountains to escape the summer heat and enjoy flowers and boating.

And Saffron City people really like this downtown oasis not far from the city but temporarily away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

At this moment, it is on the square at the foot of the west gate of Donghushan Park.

< p>A girl in a dress with a big red bow in Lake Green’s hair is bored sitting on a bench under the ginkgo tree, swinging her legs.

“Why haven’t you come yet, Hunter’s Guild” People over there are so slow. “

Lyn, who was notified that the task had been received, took advantage of Father’s meeting in the afternoon, and the servants of the family ran out secretly.

I thought the trainer who received the task had already When it’s there, she didn’t expect that she was waiting for him.


“At a young age, I still don’t know what love is, but you are so sweet. Laugh to defeat, you blinked your big eyes…”

The girl who was swaying her calf boredly and hearing the phone ringing hurriedly took out a pink phone from her small Yellow satchel.

” Hello-are you there yet? “

Seeing that Hunter’s Guild sent her the bounty just now, and received her mission trainer’s number. The lovely girl asked with a sweet voice but a little irritating tone.

“I have reached the west gate, tell me where you are now, I will come to you. “

Liang Ren didn’t expect the employer to arrive before her. Although he did not miss the time, he felt the unhappy in the girl’s tone. Liang Ren asked politely.


“You come in from the west gate, and I am sitting under the most beautiful ginkgo tree in Xiaobazi in the park. “


“Okay~ I’ll go over immediately. “

After hanging up, Liang Ren took Slowpoke, Lucario and Snivy and walked towards the park.

Although at first speculated that the employer should be a girl from the task content, And it shouldn’t be too old for the other party.

But after hearing the other party’s sweet and lovely childish voice on the phone just now, Liang Ren found that the employer’s age was younger than he had anticipated.

What Liang Ren didn’t know was that when he lamented that the other party was young, the girl was also surprised at his age.

“I thought it was an uncle, didn’t expect it to be a little brother . “The girl on the bench under the ginkgo tree got up happily.

Take a Small Mirror out of her small satchel and take a photo. The little emotion that was born from waiting just disappears instantly.

“And the voice sounds good, I don’t know if the little brother is handsome or not. “The girl tidyed up her hair and smiled foolishly.


“Slowpoke, use Psychic to help me find the most beautiful in the small dam Ginkgo tree “

Entering from the west gate, Liang Ren touched Slowpoke’s little head and said.

“Ya Duo——(´◔‸◔`) the most beautiful ginkgo tree, What the hell do you require? “

Slowpoke in her arms can’t help but roll the eyes and spit.

“The employer said she was waiting for me under the most beautiful ginkgo tree in the small dam. The other party described it as I have any solution. “

Liang Ren grabbed Slowpoke’s ears, and raised his eyes to look at the small dam all around the trees.

“Ya Do~|ω・)وLiang Ren Look at the ginkgo tree with crooked neck how about it? I think it is the most beautiful ginkgo tree in this dam, which is very suitable for hanging southeast branches. “

“Stop it, let employers wait too long, be careful not to get 5-star praise for the task. “

Liang Ren rubbed Slowpoke’s brain, and then brought three Pokémon to the center of the dam.

Since there is no employer, let the employer take a look I saw him.

Liang Ren’s thoughts were very clear. Just as he stopped at the center of Bazi, the sweet girly voice on the phone rang from behind.

“Hey~little brother. “

Liang Ren turned around and just saw a cute girl in a dress with a big red bow in her blue hair leaping towards him.

“You Okay, I’m the trainer who received the quest from Hunter’s Guild for the bounty. May I ask if you are the one who released the Pichu sparring…”

“I am me, little brother, you are so handsome. “

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