“It’s me, little brother, you’re so handsome.”

The girl stood on tiptoe, tilted her head and said to Liang Ren with her small hands behind her.

“Uh~Thank you, you are also very cute.” Originally, I was worried that the employer would be angry if the employer waited too long. Now he saw the girl like this and he was sighed in relief.

“Really?” Liang Ren answered politely, but it made the girl in front of her look very happy.

“Hmm~ Let’s find a cooler place to start training.” Liang Ren nodded, proposed to the girl.

“Oh oh~ training, I sneaked out this afternoon to help Pichu do training.”

The cute girl’s nerves are a bit big. According to Liang Ren, she said this Just reacted.

Going up from the foot of the mountain is a broad-leaved forest. In this late autumn season, the leaves have begun to fall, and the forest is covered with thick leaves.

“little brother, what is your name, I think you are so familiar~”

Slowpoke used Psychic perception to find a flat woodland suitable for training, and follow him The girl behind him kept turning her head and peeking at him.

“My name is Mumu Liang Ren, how about you?” Liang Ren replied casually.

I took a look at the open woodland that Slowpoke found. The terrain is flat and the forest is not very dense. Liang Ren nodded with satisfaction.

“Mu Mu Liang Ren!! little brother, are you Mu Mu Liang Ren who rescued the plane in distress by strength of oneself before? Oh my god~”

The speaker is unintentional, listen On purpose, Liang Ren said his name, and the lovely girl beside him exclaimed.

“If you didn’t know the second person named Mumu Liang Ren, then you should be me.” Seeing her reaction so intense, Liang Ren couldn’t help but feel funny.

“But with strength of oneself saving the plane in distress, I can’t do such a thing.” Liang Ren shook the head, “Lugia saved me and the other passengers.”

< p>“It’s not—”The cute girl shook the head “My father was invited to the Civil Aviation Administration’s commendation conference before, and he told me the details~”

“When the plane was in distress, if not Liang Ren big brother, come forward, the plane crashed long before Lugia arrived…”

This lovely girl put up a white finger, raised her head and said clearly and logically, this can’t help. Let Liang Ren feel a little curious about her identity.

“You know a lot, you said that your father was also invited to the Commendation Conference, then your father is—”

The two stopped in the open woods, This nervous girl seemed to have completely forgotten about helping Pichu train and was excitedly talking about Liang Ren’s heroic deeds of saving the flight.

Looking at the girl with her head held up and proud, Liang Ren felt a bit sorry when she was praised in front of her.

“My father is the mayor of Saffron City.” When the girl spoke, two lovely pears appeared on her cheeks.

“It turns out that Mr. Okada Forrest is your father.”

Seeing that the other party knows many things that ordinary citizens don’t know, Liang Ren probably guessed that this girl’s background is not simple. didn’t expect to be the daughter of the mayor of Saffron City.


The girl smiled happily when she heard Liang Ren know her father.

“By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Lyn.” The cute girl suddenly thought of something and hurriedly added.

“Uh~good, Lyn.”

“My task this afternoon is to serve as a sparring partner for your Pichu. What are your plans for how to train you next.”

Looking for a good training venue, Liang Ren didn’t forget what was going on, holding Slowpoke and turned around looking towards the mayor’s wife and asked.

“This~or let’s play against it.”

Lyn usually sneaks out to find a trainer to fight against her, plus it is to pay for a mission to ask the trainer, She Eldest Miss has a lot of temper.

But looking at the sunny and handsome boy in front of her, Lyn was unexpectedly well-behaved. When Liang Ren asked her how to train, she was also asking for Liang Ren’s opinion.

“Um… in a battle, a battle will not take too long. After the battle, Pokémon may be damaged.

“When the time comes, you need to go to the Pokémon center. Rehabilitation is a long time delay, and the effect of exercise is not very obvious. “

Hearing the girl’s arrangement, Liang Ren told the truth that he was not very satisfied.

Under normal circumstances, he would take two tasks in the afternoon.

The reason why I chose to spend an afternoon to do this sparring task this time is mainly thinking that doing sparring for the opponent can also train Snivy.

If it is just a battle, the Pokémon of both parties are not very strong. .

I haven’t mastered a few moves in the Ability pool. This kind of battle doesn’t even use tactics, and the training effect is not as good as letting Snivy pump the top for half an hour.

“Then Liang Ren big brother do you have any good suggestions? “

Lyn fluttered and blinked a pair of clear brown eyes, with a looking thoughtful expression on her face.

She used to train Pichu like this and received a mission. The trainer who came over heard her arrangement and never had any objections.

But after listening to Liang Ren’s words, she realized that Pichu’s strength really didn’t seem to have improved.

Juvenile is known as the most talented student in Saffron Middle School for a hundred years, and there are rumors on the Internet that he already has the strength of an elite professional three-star.

Lyn also seriously asked Liang Ren if he had any good suggestions.

“There are several hours in the afternoon, so how about we train for Pokémon first and then set aside some time for the game? “

Liang Ren tentatively asked the girl in front of him. After all, it was the task released by the other party, and he was receiving the task to do sparring for the other party.

“Okay, there is Liang. Ren big brother, coaching me, my Pichu will definitely improve very quickly. “

After hearing Liang Ren’s arrangement, Lyn seemed very happy.

However, at this moment, the mayor’s mansion learned that his unearthly daughter disengaged the servant and slipped out again, After the meeting, Gangda Forrest hurried home in a hurry.

When his wife passed away from a dystocia, he had only one daughter, who usually guarded her like a heart.

“Send someone out to find it. “Mayor’s Mansion, Gangda Forrest is not as stable as usual.


The guards who were called into the courtyard hurriedly dispersed to find someone.

“The Alliance search team surrounded and suppressed, and the remnant of Team Rocket has now reached the stage of the last Struggle.

“If this group of lunatics kidnap Lyn and then force us to hand over Giovanni’s children, when the time comes…”

Team Rocket has been entrenched in Kanto Johto for many years, accompanied by The Team Rocket BOSS Giovanni disappeared suddenly.

Mt. Silver Alliance and Indigo Alliance joined hands to carry out large-scale encirclement and suppression of Team Rocket.

Seeing that the cancer of Team Rocket is about to be eradicated, if something goes wrong at this last critical moment…

But if Team Rocket kidnap Lyn and let her hand over Giovanni Boy, what should he do? He dared not consider this question.

“Lyn, you must not have an accident.” Mayor Fuzhong Okada Forrest murmured as he paced back and forth.

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