——Donghushan Park——

In the woods, at the request of Liang Ren, Lyn released Pichu.


Pichu is a light yellow little electric mouse Pokémon, with a palm-size body, and the electric pocket powder Doduo on the cheek is very cute.

As the initial form of Pikachu, Pichu has the potential to become a world-class cute creature.

Released from the pink Heal Ball, this cute Little Brat looked up at Liang Ren with sullen eyes.

“Lyn, what moves did you Pichu master?”

Looking at this lovely Pichu, Liang Ren raised his mouth, smiled back at Little Brat, and at the same time, at Lyn Asked.

“Pichu is now at Level 13, and the abilities he mastered include Thunder Shock, Tail Whip, Play Nice, Sweet Kiss and Nuzzle.” Lyn replied.

“The Ability pool is quite satisfactory. Except Tail Whip, the other four abilities of the five abilities are not low in practicability. You can usually train more.”

Before evolving into Pikachu , Pichu itself is actually not at all too strong battle strength, even if it is well cultivated.

However, training is not impossible at this stage. The training of Ability proficiency has the value of improvement no matter what stage of evolution.

“Then what should I do?” Lyn’s thirteenth birthday was shortly after, and Pichu was only accepted a week ago. He is really a novice on how to train Lyn.

“Ability training is actually very simple. As the number of uses increases, proficiency will naturally increase.”

“Of course, although this is said, Ability proficiency increases. The efficiency is inseparable from reasonable training.”

“Because of the limited time this afternoon, I will coach you to train on Pichu’s “Thunder Shock”. “

Faced with this girl who didn’t have any ideas, the sparring became coaching unconsciously.

However, Liang Ren, who used to go out as a tutor and part-time job, was not unfamiliar with this. I’m about to finalize the training for this afternoon.


Lyn is full of vitality holding Pichu and answering complied.

I thought it was an uncle. In the battle, didn’t expect to be coached by the little brother himself for training. Lyn very pleased in one’s mind is very happy.

“Pidgeot, you take Cloyster to East Lake for training, and then you go to Air forge spirit refinement bird. “

“Stupid, you go to the sea of ​​clouds to practice Calm Mind technique;

“Xiaolu, you run in the forest ahead to practice Extrreme Speed;

“Snivy You still use the spinning top to exercise the strength of Vine Whip. “

Before Coaching Lyn trains Pichu, Liang Ren arranges his own Pokémon first.

“Beep Eagle——”





Liang Ren gave orders, and several Pokémons acted separately, not at all, because they said they had already trained in the morning and continued to train in the afternoon, and they complained.

The qualities of the Pokémons under Liang Ren let Lyn on the side was very impressed.

Liang Ren didn’t care about Lyn’s surprise and took out a sports stopwatch from his pocket.

Then he said to the person who was still in a daze. : “Well, let’s start training here. “

“Oh oh~” After Lyn answered complied, she continued to look at him with her vaguely curious eyes.

“There is about three meters away from the tallow tree on the opposite side. This distance is fairly difficult for Pichu. “

“You put Pichu on the ground, and then command it to use Thunder Shock to attack the trunk of the tallow tree on the opposite side. I will help to time it. “

For the girls in front of him, Liang Ren was completely at a loss for feedback, and Liang Ren was not impatient. Most of the novices are actually like this.

He went to a class battle last semester. The student’s practice class is known as a student of Heaven’s Chosen Child’s Saffron Middle School.

The Teacher asked Pokémon to carry out the most basic Performance training. However, many people still don’t know how to start.< /p>

Heaven’s Chosen Child of Saffron Middle School was at a loss, even more how, this cute girl in front of me.

“Oh oh yes, Pichu ~ Use Thunder Shock on that tree Unique Ability. “

Fortunately, Lyn is not a real Xiaobai. After Liang Ren pointed out what to do, she expertly commanded Pichu to come.

“Pichu~”< /p>

On the ground, Pichu, who received the instruction, covered his chest and narrowed his neck, holding his two small hands against his chin and squinting his eyes, making an effort.

The electrical pockets on the cheeks began to appear. The electric Ember chi chi flickered, and Liang Ren watched it after pressing the stopwatch.

Pichu is small, but it can actually release a Thunder Shock enough to paralyze adults.

However, at this stage of Pichu, the electric bag is not fully developed, and there is not much electric energy stored in the electric bag, and the control over its own electric energy is not very strong.

Liang Ren is thinking here, Pichu has already hit a Thunder Shock at the opposite black tallow tree: “Shit~”

Pichu’s Thunder Shock is very weak, only the little finger is thick, but the speed is fast, and the head is not low.

The current blasted out, leaving a shallow trace of electric focus on the trunk of the opposite black tallow tree.

“The accuracy is good, but the stockpile time is a bit long and the formidable power is a bit small. “

Seeing the girl turned to look at him, Liang Ren glanced at the reading on the stopwatch and said.


” Continuously use Thunder Shock to consciously shorten the stockpile time each time you use Ability, and at the same time increase the power output. “

As a vocational trainer who has been breed for quasi-Elite-level battle strength, it is not too easy for Liang Ren to conduct Pokémon training for a coaching beginner.

“Okay— —”

Liang Ren thinks about what to do each step for her, and Lyn gradually has confidence in her tone.




In Donghushan Park, Lyn enthusiastically helped Pichu with training under Liang Ren’s Coaching.

In order not to be disturbed, she turned on the Flying mode on her phone, but she still doesn’t know The father at home sent people to look for her everywhere.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to the people in the mayor’s mansion who are looking for her, there is also a team of people who are trying their best to search for her.

At this moment, in the basement of a game hall in the center of Saffron City, a group of well-trained and capable men and women are having a meeting.

Team Rocket has been entrenched in Kanto Johto for many years, as the metropolis of Kanto Region Saffron City, there are naturally many Team Rocket strongholds.

Currently, most of the strongholds have been removed by Alliance, but there are still some strongholds. As activities become more hidden, Alliance here is difficult to search. It has also become very high.

This small game hall in the city center in front of you is an underground stronghold of Team Rocket.

“Report to General Proton, we have mastered The whereabouts of Forrest’s daughter Lyn.

“She released a mission to help Pokémon in the Hunter’s Guild at noon, and now she is at the mission location in Donghushan Park.”



“General Proton has an order, at all costs, catch this kid.”


The Team in this underground stronghold After receiving the instructions, the remnants of Rocket began to take action after they changed into casual clothes.

While looking for people in the mayor’s house.

Four vans have driven out of the underground garage of the game hall, and their destination is Donghushan Park.

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